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From nationalpsychologist.com

The National Psychologist | online newspaper for psychologist

10 51

The National Psychologist is an online news and information source designed for practicing psychologists and mental health workers wanting to keep up with their profession. Topics include legal and legislative issues, ethics, risk management, cyberspace for psychologists, book reviews, and more....

#apa #military #division19 #militarypsych #militaryhealth #militarycounseling #militarypsychology #deploymentpsychology #uniformservicesuniversity #counseling

on Oct 27


From psypost.org

Study exposes the dark side of benevolent sexism in India

2 2

Hostile sexism increases tolerance for all forms of violence against women in India, while benevolent sexism reduces tolerance for public harassment but increases acceptance of intimate partner violence, according to a recent study.

#counseling #depression #healthcare #psychiatry #psychology #socialwork #mentalhealth #psychotherapy #psychotherapist

16h ago


From psypost.org

Muscle dysmorphia linked to use of social media photo filters

2 2

Frequent use of photo filters is linked to increased muscle dysmorphia symptoms, particularly among boys and young men.

#counseling #depression #healthcare #psychiatry #psychology #socialwork #mentalhealth #psychotherapy #psychotherapist

18h ago


From psypost.org

Men's reluctance to talk about porn use tied to lower sexual satisfaction

2 2

A study reveals men avoid discussing pornography use more than other sensitive topics, which is linked to lower sexual satisfaction. Women showed no similar pattern, highlighting significant gender differences in communication and relationship dynamics.

#counseling #depression #healthcare #psychiatry #psychology #socialwork #mentalhealth #psychotherapy #psychotherapist

11h ago


From psypost.org

Psychedelic compound reduces cluster headache frequency by 50% in new study

2 2

Psilocybin significantly reduced the frequency and severity of cluster headaches, with participants experiencing approximately a 50% decrease in weekly attacks and improvements in pain severity and medication use.

#counseling #depression #healthcare #psychiatry #psychology #socialwork #mentalhealth #psychotherapy #psychotherapist

8h ago


From psypost.org

YouTubers can fulfill emotional needs better than casual friends, study suggests

2 2

New research suggests that parasocial relationships with YouTube creators are more effective at fulfilling emotional needs than casual in-person friendships but are still less effective than close personal relationships.

#counseling #depression #healthcare #psychiatry #psychology #socialwork #mentalhealth #psychotherapy #psychotherapist

6h ago


From psypost.org

We judge political violence differently based on victim's party affiliation, study shows

2 2

New research has found that partisan bias influences the judgment of political violence, leading to harsher penalties when the victim shares the observer's political affiliation.

#counseling #depression #healthcare #psychiatry #psychology #socialwork #mentalhealth #psychotherapy #psychotherapist

10h ago


From psypost.org

Scientists shed light on molecular switch that protects brain against Parkinson's disease

2 2

Scientists have discovered how a key enzyme, PINK1, is switched on by interacting with specific parts of cell machinery, which helps protect brain cells from Parkinson's disease.

#counseling #depression #healthcare #psychiatry #psychology #socialwork #mentalhealth #psychotherapy #psychotherapist

13h ago


From psypost.org

Stimulant and non-stimulant ADHD medications equally effective in enhancing cognitive functions

2 2

A meta-analysis reveals that long-term use of ADHD medications methylphenidate and atomoxetine enhances attention, inhibition, and working memory, suggesting both drugs are equally effective in improving cognitive functions in ADHD patients.

#counseling #depression #healthcare #psychiatry #psychology #socialwork #mentalhealth #psychotherapy #psychotherapist

20h ago


From psypost.org

Fireworks can torment veterans with PTSD – here’s how to celebrate with respect for those who served

2 2

For many combat veterans and trauma survivors, the Fourth of July's fireworks are a distressing ordeal, triggering symptoms of PTSD and anxiety.

#counseling #depression #healthcare #psychiatry #psychology #socialwork #mentalhealth #psychotherapy #psychotherapist

17h ago


From youtube.com

CHM Seminar: A mathematical description of decision making processes...– Anxo Sánchez

1 1

A mathematical description of decision making processes involving norms and its experimental validationSpeaker: Anxo Sánchez, Charles III University of Madri...


3h ago


From berufebilder.de

Aktien Börse & Finanzen: Trader-Kompetenzen für Möchtegern-Investoren | Best of HR - Mehr Geld Erfolg Gut Leben

1 1

Wer an der Börse erfolgreich sein will, sollte Trader-Kompetenzen haben. Doch wie eignet man sie sich am besten an? So funktioniert Finanzcoaching Seit ein paar Jahren trainieren und coachen wir immer wieder Menschen, die an der Börse Geld verdienen wollen. Diese Trader haben ...

#finance #success #strategy #innovation #psychology #businessideas #stefansillmann

18h ago


From bigfive-test.com

Dive into the Mind: Exploring Paul Bloom’s Free Yale Course on Introduction to Psychology

1 1

Discover the fascinating insights into the human mind with Paul Bloom's free online Yale course, "Introduction to Psychology," covering topics from mental illness to the roots of happiness.

#yale #freecourse #psychology

14h ago


From publicnewsservice.org

988 mental health crisis line celebrates 2nd anniversary

1 1

The country's new 988 mental health response system turns two years old this month and a new report praised California's implementation while calling for more investment. The report from the nonprofit mental health advocacy organization Inseparable showed California needs a total of about 400...

#counseling #healthcare #psychiatry #psychology #socialwork #mentalhealth #psychotherapy #psychotherapist

18h ago

Showing first 20 out of 27