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111 1377
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From nationalpsychologist.com

The National Psychologist | online newspaper for psychologist

33 206

The National Psychologist is an online news and information source designed for practicing psychologists and mental health workers wanting to keep up with their profession. Topics include legal and legislative issues, ethics, risk management, cyberspace for psychologists, book reviews, and more....

#RNA #apa #pfa #tavr #tmtt #ttvr #aging #topaz #stroke #emvision

on Oct 27

From bioworld.com

BioWorld MedTech: The Daily Medical Technology News Source

10 50

Daily news and analysis of the medical technology industry. In-depth coverage of business, financing, regulation, science, innovation, device approvals, clinical trials and more.

#RNA #pfa #tavr #tmtt #ttvr #aging #topaz #stroke #emvision #epilepsy

on Jul 15

From psypost.org

Online trolls enjoy trolling, but not being trolled

2 2

Individuals who enjoy dark humor often have higher levels of Dark Tetrad traits and are more prone to online trolling, particularly those with pronounced sadism, who enjoy trolling others but dislike being trolled themselves.

#counseling #depression #healthcare #psychiatry #psychology #socialwork #mentalhealth #psychotherapy #psychotherapist

7h ago

From digitalhealth.net

Government announces £100m for quantum research hubs

2 2

The government has announced £100m funding for five research hubs that will develop quantum technologies for healthcare and cybersecurity.

#doctor #hospital #medicine #medgadget #counseling #depression #healthcare #healthtech #psychiatry #psychology

9h ago

From bioworld.com

Newmanbrain’s near-infrared spectroscopy diagnoses ADHD

2 2

In just the second PCT filing published in the name of Newmanbrain SL, co-founders Carlos Belmonte and Joaquin Ibañez seek specific protection for the use of Newmanbrain’s functional near infrared spectroscopy system, Theia, in the diagnosis of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

#doctor #medtech #hospital #medicine #medgadget #healthcare #healthtech #newmanbrain #healthcaretech #healthtechnology

21h ago

(Showing 20 out of 60.)