The National Psychologist | online newspaper for psychologist
38 196
The National Psychologist is an online news and information source designed for practicing psychologists and mental health workers wanting to keep up with their profession. Topics include legal and legislative issues, ethics, risk management, cyberspace for psychologists, book reviews, and more....
#jpm2025 #burncare #farapulse #watchmanflx #mixedreality #AtrialFibrillation #flu #China #axena #COVID19
on Oct 27, 2023
BioWorld MedTech: The Daily Medical Technology News Source
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Daily news and analysis of the medical technology industry. In-depth coverage of business, financing, regulation, science, innovation, device approvals, clinical trials and more.
#jpm2025 #burncare #farapulse #watchmanflx #mixedreality #AtrialFibrillation #flu #China #axena #COVID19
on Jul 15
Need-to-Know News, Insights, & Intelligence for Business Leaders | JD Supra
6 14
JD Supra is a daily source of legal intelligence on all topics business and personal, distributing news, commentary & analysis from leading lawyers & law firms...
#baa #HIPAA #doctors #privacy #hospital #security #healthcare #psychiatry #socialwork #telehealth
on May 14
No more (b)leak house: New incontinence therapies see light
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At least half of women experience urinary incontinence at some point in their lives but few discuss the condition with their physicians. In part, that’s because most women believe few effective treatments exist for urinary leakage – and until recently, they were right. Several advances in 2024,...
#axena #doctor #medtech #hospital #medicine #medgadget #healthcare #healthtech #incontinence #healthcaretech
22h ago
Incheon team mints new diagnostic test tailored to ‘twindemics’
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Researchers have developed a novel point of care (POC) diagnostic that can test for multiple respiratory viral infections simultaneously, including for the flu and COVID-19. The POC diagnostic tool leverages a novel, non-enzymatic signal amplification method, according to study lead Eunjung Kim,...
#flu #doctor #COVID19 #medtech #hospital #medicine #influenza #medgadget #diagnostic #healthcare
23h ago
China deepens drug, device reforms, aims to be global powerhouse
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China is deepening its regulatory reforms of drugs and devices to foster a globally competitive innovation ecosystem to transform China from a major pharmaceutical manufacturer into a global pharmaceutical powerhouse.
#China #doctor #medtech #hospital #medicine #medgadget #healthcare #healthtech #healthcaretech #healthtechnology
22h ago
Dechert Cyber Bits - Issue 68 | JD Supra
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DOJ Final Rule: New US Restrictions on Nearly All Foreign Access to Personal Data - The National Security Division of the United States...
#baa #HIPAA #doctors #privacy #hospital #security #healthcare #psychiatry #socialwork #telehealth
7h ago
Movers and Shakers news roundup
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Our latest Movers and Shakers roundup includes John Quinn, chief information officer (CIO) at NHS England, announcing his departure.
#doctor #hospital #medicine #medgadget #counseling #depression #healthcare #healthtech #psychiatry #psychology
14h ago
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As Cyberattacks targeting the health care sector have continued to intensify over the past year, including ransomware attacks that have resulted in...
#baa #HIPAA #doctors #privacy #hospital #security #healthcare #psychiatry #socialwork #telehealth
19h ago
Introducing Bradley’s Series on HHS’s Proposed HIPAA Security Rule Updates | JD Supra
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Bradley is launching a multipart blog series on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) proposed changes to strengthen cybersecurity...
#baa #HIPAA #doctors #privacy #hospital #security #healthcare #psychiatry #socialwork #telehealth
22h ago