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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).
Correlated tags: #webbeacons #healthitsecurity #datanalytics #healthcaresecurity #patientrecords #netneutrality #telehealth #HIPAA #datasecurity


From healthcareinfosecurity.com

Accounting Firm Notifying 217,000 of Health Data Hack

2 2

A certified public accounting firm that provides services to labor unions, non-profits and other organizations for employee benefit plans is notifying nearly

#cpa #hipaa #cookies #doctors #doxxing #hacking #privacy #hospital #security #healthcare

10h ago


From healthcareinfosecurity.com

Insurer Notifying 335,500 Customers, Agents, Others of Hack

2 4

A Texas-based insurance firm is notifying more than 335,500 people of a December hack involving their sensitive personal and health information. The breach affects

#hipaa #cookies #doctors #doxxing #hacking #privacy #hospital #security #healthcare #itsecurity

18h ago


From consortiumnews.com

USAID Funded Ukraine Group That Smears Americans

1 1

The Trump administration has lambasted the foreign aid agency for absurd foreign expenditures, but Wyatt Reed says it has omitted what is perhaps its most scandalous operation. By Wyatt Reed The Grayzone The U.S. government funded a Ukrainian military intelligence firm that smeared U.S. Vi

#u #molfar #russia #doxxing #ukraine #elonmusk #politics #vicenews #aaronmate #wyattreed

18h ago

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