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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).
Correlated tags: #healthtechnology #healthcaretech #healthtech #doctor #hospital


From digitalhealth.net

UKHSA using AI to identify sources of food poisoning

2 2

The UK Health Security Agency is exploring how AI could be used to analyse online restaurant reviews and identify sources of food poisoning.

#doctor #hospital #medicine #medgadget #counseling #depression #healthcare #healthtech #psychiatry #psychology

3h ago


From digitalhealth.net

NHS organisations urged to join digital efforts on genomics

2 2

Industry partners and NHS organisations have been urged to partner on efforts to build a national unified genomics record.

#doctor #hospital #medicine #medgadget #counseling #depression #healthcare #healthtech #psychiatry #psychology

5h ago


From digitalhealth.net

Patients being harmed owing to repeated mistakes in reading scans

2 2

Repeated failings in the way scans are read are leading to avoidable deaths, England’s health ombudsman has warned.

#doctor #hospital #medicine #medgadget #counseling #depression #healthcare #healthtech #psychiatry #psychology

8h ago

Showing first 3 out of 7