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Correlated tags: #ecology #pollution


From youtube.com

Okanagan fruit farmers switch crops to try to salvage their season

1 1

Orchardists in Kelowna, B.C., are planting hardier crops to try to mitigate their losses and adjust to the extreme weather events that have hit farms in B.C....

#Canada #climate #ecology #Environment #agriculture #climatechange #climatecrisis #climatejustice #endfossilfuels #massextinction

13h ago


From youtube.com

Science, Not Scaremongering: St. Vincent & Grenadines PM on Hurricane Beryl & Climate Crisis

2 2

Support our work: https://democracynow.org/donate/sm-desc-ytAs the earliest Category 5 storm ever observed in the Atlantic carves a path of destruction throu...

#climate #ecology #caribbean #Environment #climatechange #climatecrisis #climatejustice #endfossilfuels #massextinction #climateemergency

14h ago


From ft.com

Climate change is pushing up food prices — and worrying central banks

7 9

Shifting weather patterns are reducing crop yields and squeezing supplies, creating what could become a permanent source of inflation

#Food #banks #ecology #pollution #foodprices #Environment #climatecrisis #intelliretail #mediterranean #massextinction

on Wed, 4AM


From phys.org

Climate change is driving tree species towards colder and wetter regions, study shows

2 2

Climate change is likely to drive tree species towards colder and wetter regions of their geographical distribution, a new study has shown.

#climate #ecology #pollution #Environment #massextinction #climatecollapse #BiodiversityCrisis

13h ago


From phys.org

Study highlights tension between Canada's climate and housing goals

3 3

Canada cannot simultaneously meet its targets for emission reductions and new housing unless there's a drastic change in construction practices, according to research from the University of Toronto's Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering.

#vsn #News #Canada #climate #ecology #pollution #Environment #leftistnews #massextinction

8h ago


From cnn.com

What’s at stake for the climate if Trump wins? ‘A catastrophic outcome’ | CNN

1 1

While Biden’s legacy will be cemented as the most pro-climate president, Trump would work to unravel the progress, focusing instead on America’s fossil fuel “energy dominance.”

#us #USA #climate #ecology #pollution #Environment #massextinction

19h ago


From theguardian.com

‘It’s nonsensical’: how Trump is making climate the latest culture war

13 13

The ex-president is ranting about low water pressure and attacking mundane rules and technologies – and Republicans in Congress are now following his lead

#us #USA #press #murica #climate #ecology #pollution #uspolitics #Environment #klimakollaps

20h ago


From aussiedlerbote.de

Hospitals demand higher investment in heat protection

1 1

Mainz (lrs) - In view of the increasing heat in summer, the Rhineland-Palatinate Hospital Association (KGRP) is calling for a climate protection fund and a

#Health #Germany #climate #ecology #mayence #pollution #Environment #massextinction

14h ago


From phys.org

Rising risks of climate disasters mean some communities will need to move—Australians need to plan for relocation

2 2

Many Australians live in areas increasingly exposed to climate change and associated extreme weather such as floods, fires, coastal erosion, cyclones and extreme heat. If we wait for disasters to happen, hundreds of thousands of people could be forced to flee.

#climate #ecology #Australia #pollution #Environment #climatechange #massextinction

11h ago


From latina.fr

Chili : des immeubles de luxe risquent de s’effondrer à cause du climat

1 1

Les autorités ont procédé à des évacuations. Les conséquences du réchauffement climatique menacent la ville de Valparaiso (Chili) dont certaines barres d’immeubles en front de mer menacent de s’effondrer.

#chili #climate #ecology #pollution #Environment #massextinction

19h ago


From grist.org

These TV shows are leaving emissions on the cutting room floor

1 1

As climate themes become more common onscreen, the entertainment industry is also grappling with how to decarbonize.

#movies #climate #ecology #pollution #Environment #massextinction

15h ago

Showing first 20 out of 44