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68 560 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From pganalyze.com

A practical introduction to Constraint Programming using CP-SAT and Python

12 12

We discuss constraint programming, an approach to solve discrete optimization problems, and illustrate how it works with a scheduling code example implemented in Python with the CP-SAT solver.

#Bot #News #python #簡介文 #programming #hackernewsbot #hackernews #ycombinator

12h ago


From kitze.io

The saddest "Just Ship It" story ever

9 9

This is a story of how it took me way too long to ship a product, and I ended up paying for a competitor product instead.

#Bot #News #效率 #激勵 #開發 #ycombinator #初創公司 #hackernewsbot #hackernews

3h ago


From sublimemerge.com

Sublime Merge - Git client from the makers of Sublime Text

7 7

Blaze through your commits with Sublime Merge - available on Mac, Windows and Linux

#hackernews #ycombinator #軟體開發

on Mar 10


From elevenlabs.io

Free Voice Isolator and Background Noise Remover | ElevenLabs

11 11

Remove unwanted background noise and achieve studio quality audio for any film, podcast, or interview

#Bot #News #ycombinator #hackernewsbot #語音處理技術 #hackernews

10h ago


From github.io

Beating NumPy’s matrix multiplication in 150 lines of C code

8 9

TL;DR The code from the tutorial is available at matmul.c. This blog post is the result of my attempt to implement high-performance matrix multiplication on CPU while keeping the code simple, portable and scalable. The implementation follows the BLIS design, works for arbitrary matrix sizes,...

#hackernews #ycombinator #效能優化 #高性能計算

on Tue, 3PM


From firezone.dev

sans-IO: The secret to effective Rust for network services

9 9

sans-IO: The secret to effective Rust for network services

#Bot #News #rust #rustlang #ycombinator #hackernewsbot #hackernews

2h ago


From arno.org

On the origins of DS_store

14 14

If you are a Mac user, or if you have transferred files from Mac to Windows, you’re probably familiar with .DS_Store files. But where does this name come from?

#Bot #mac #mbw #News #ycombinator #檔案管理 #hackernewsbot #hackernews

14h ago


From youtube.com

FreeBSD at 30 Years: Its Secrets to Success By: Marshall Kirk McKusick

4 4

In 2023 the FreeBSD Project celebrated its thirtieth year of providing a complete system distribution. This talk tries to understand what it is that has made...

#bsd #free #unix #Video #upload #sharing #video_phone #ycombinator #camera_phone #freebsd

21h ago


From youtube.com


3 3

Early Access on Patreon | http://historiacivilis.com/patreonEarly Access on YouTube | http://historiacivilis.com/membersDonate | http://historiacivilis.com/d...

#history #tick_tock #hackernews #ycombinator #history_of_work #medieval_europe #historia_civilis #history_of_labor #history_of_clocks #history_of_labour

on Feb 2


From bbc.com

'Almost whole island homeless' in Hurricane Beryl's wake

15 21

Union Island, which lies off St Vincent and the Grenadines, has been devastated by the powerful hurricane.

#bbc #News #beryl #ycombinator #actonclimate #climatechange #globalwarming #hurricaneberyl #stvincentandthegrenadines #press

on Wed, 2AM


From bbc.com

A Bugatti, a first lady and the fake stories aimed at Americans - BBC News

32 40

A former US police officer runs an AI-powered network of misleading news sites turning its sights towards November.

#AI #us #kim #Trump #olena #press #bugatti #disinfo #fascist #russian

5h ago

Showing first 20 out of 67