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From github.io

Properly Testing Concurrent Data Structures

23 23

There's a fascinating Rust library, loom, which can be used to thoroughly test lock-free data structures. I always wanted to learn how it works. I still do! But recently I accidentally implemented a small toy which, I think, contains some of the loom's ideas, and it seems worthwhile to write...

#Bot #News #測試方法 #軟體開發 #hackernewsbot #並發程式設計 #hackernews #ycombinator

20h ago

From github.com

tao-te-ching/Ursula K Le Guin.md at master · nrrb/tao-te-ching

20 20

Some English interpretations of Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching. - nrrb/tao-te-ching

#文學 #ycombinator #Bot #News #hackernewsbot #hackernews

on Fri, 11PM

From radioside.com

RadioSide Internet Radio Receiver

17 17

An internet radio app that looks and works like a classic radio, using universal radio addressing system created by RadioSide.

#接收器 #收音機 #hackernews #ycombinator #internet_radio #網路收音機

on Mar 1

From benhoyt.com

How to implement a hash table (in C)

15 15

An explanation of how to implement a simple hash table data structure, with code and examples in the C programming language.

#hackernews #ycombinator #技術文章

20h ago

From theguardian.com

Meet Mercy and Anita – the African workers driving the AI revolution, for just over a dollar an hour

14 14

Social media content and AI training data are processed in outsource centres in the global south, where long hours, low pay and exposure to disturbing material are the norm

#AI #press #Nairobi #hackernews #SocialMedia #globalsouth #ycombinator #人工智能

7h ago

From nicholashairs.com

Summary of Major Changes Between Python Versions

14 14

A quick reference for the major changes introduced with each new version of Python.

#Bot #News #ycombinator #hackernewsbot #digitalnomadtech #python #hackernews

on Feb 2

From socket.dev

Unverified npm Account Takeover Vulnerability For Sale on Dark Web Forum - Socket

13 13

A threat actor on BreachForums is selling an unverified npm vulnerability for account takeover, but npm has not officially confirmed the existence of this security concern.

#javascript #ycombinator #安全漏洞販售

19h ago

From robindoherty.com

Why privacy is important, and having "nothing to hide" is irrelevant

12 12

The governments of Australia, Germany, the UK and the US are destroying your privacy. Some people don’t see the problem…

#Bot #News #privacy #隱私權 #ycombinator #個人自由 #數位監控 #hackernewsbot #hackernews

4h ago

From techcrunch.com

Tokens are a big reason today's generative AI falls short | TechCrunch

12 12

Tokenization, the process by which many generative AI models make sense of data, is flawed in key ways.

#llm #press #token #代幣化 #ycombinator #tokenization #人工智慧 #生成式模型

6h ago

From how.wtf

AWS SigV4 requests with curl

12 12

How to make AWS Signature V4 requests with curl

#aws #linux #hackernews #ycombinator

16h ago

From thenewstack.io

DevOps Isn't Dead, but It's Not in Great Health Either

12 15

The Continuous Delivery Foundation reports that DevOps initiatives seem to be stalling out. 

#ycombinator #軟體開發 #devops

on Tue, 6PM

From mozilla.org

1863246 - Copy and Paste context menu are disabled in some case

12 12

NEW (nobody) in Core - DOM: Navigation. Last updated 2023-11-25.

#Bot #News #firefox #ycombinator #文字編輯 #hackernewsbot #hackernews

on Nov 26

From kivy.org

Kivy: Cross-platform Python Framework for NUI

11 11

Open source Python framework for rapid development of applications that make use of innovative user interfaces, such as multi-touch apps.

#hackernews #programming #ycombinator #技術資訊 #python

7h ago

From agfundernews.com

Mineral winds down: ‘We will no longer be an Alphabet company; but our technology will live on...'

11 11

Alphabet is winding down operations at ag intelligence startup Mineral, just over a year after it emerged from stealth

#Bot #News #科技 #農業 #ycombinator #人工智慧 #hackernewsbot #hackernews

15h ago

From akingump.com

The SEC Wins ‘Shadow Insider Trading’ Trial

11 11

On Friday, April 5, 2024, a San Francisco jury found the defendant liable in SEC v. Panuwat, the closely watched litigated enforcement action brought by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) relating to so-called “shadow trading.” The jury reached its verdict following an eight-day...

#akin #akingump #law_firm #akin_gump #paralegal #aiken_gump #hackernews #ycombinator #akin_gump_dc #金融法律

15h ago

From folger.edu

Better than a Pound of Sorrow: Antidotes for Melancholy in Early Modern England | Folger Shakespeare Library

11 11

Folger Shakespeare Library is the world's largest Shakespeare collection, the ultimate resource for exploring Shakespeare and his world. Shakespeare belongs to you. His world is vast. Come explore. Join us online, on the road, or in Washington, DC.

#文化 #文學 #歷史 #hackernews #ycombinator

21h ago

From flet.dev

The fastest way to build Flutter apps in Python | Flet

11 11

Build internal web apps quickly in the language you already know.

#hackernews #ycombinator #跨平臺應用開發

on Oct 8

From theseedsofscience.pub

Against the Burden of Knowledge

10 10

Why the most intuitive explanation for ideas getting harder to find is wrong

#hackernews #ycombinator #科學與知識負擔

4h ago

From youtube.com

Code a DOOM-like game engine from scratch in C [PART I]

10 10

This is part I of the DOOM-like game engine from scratch tutorial.It introduces the basics of 2.5D (Pseudo-3D) graphics rendering and movement mechanics. Als...

#2_5d #FROM #doom #game #doom_2 #engine #wolf3d #doom_ii #scratch #game_dev

22h ago

From businessinsider.com

Now we know how much it costs to make a $2,800 Dior bag

10 12

In recent months, Italian authorities raided Dior subcontractor workshops where people were working around the clock, they said.

#hackernews #ycombinator

on Thu, 12AM

From nytimes.com

Montana Has More Cows Than People. Why Are Locals Eating Beef From Brazil?

10 11

Cole Mannix, of Old Salt Co-op, is trying to change local appetites and upend an industry controlled by multibillion-dollar meatpackers.

#hackernews #ycombinator #當地肉品市場

on Jun 24

From newyorker.com

When the C.I.A. Turned Writers Into Operatives

10 10

A new show about the Cold War, “Not All Propaganda Is Art,” reveals the dark, sometimes comic ironies of trying to control the world through culture.

#c_i_a #作家 #播客 #writers #cold_war #podcasts #中情局 #hackernews #ycombinator #文化冷戰

on May 21

From npmjs.com


9 9

A web framework for imperative JSX. Latest version: 0.0.5, last published: 19 hours ago. Start using @matry/dom in your project by running `npm i @matry/dom`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using @matry/dom.

#jsx #webdev #ui工程 #hackernews #javascript #programming #ycombinator #網頁框架

10h ago

From github.com

GitHub - sachin-source/top-github-repositories-which-everyone-should-look: This repository contains a list of important and useful github repos which a developer, coder, a student should never miss to look at.

8 8

This repository contains a list of important and useful github repos which a developer, coder, a student should never miss to look at. - sachin-source/top-github-repositories-which-everyone-should-...

#hackernews #ycombinator #資源推薦

1h ago

From creativechair.org

Creative Chair - Explore the World's most creative minds...

8 8

Creative Chair is a large and ever-growing collection of exclusive interviews with some of the World’s most creative people.

#創意 #藝術 #設計 #hackernews #ycombinator

5h ago

From ynetnews.com

High-Tech salaries in Israel take nosedive in April

8 8

Sector sees average salaries falling from record high in March, overall number of salaried positions decreases slightly compared to previous month and year

#hackernews #ycombinator #經濟新聞

6h ago

From constantrenewal.com

The Steel Man Technique: How To Argue Better And Be More Persuasive

8 8

The steel man is the opposite of the straw man. It's being charitable, and building up the best possible form of the argument for the other side.

#hackernews #ycombinator #辯論技巧

6h ago

From youtube.com

The A.I. Bubble is Bursting with Ed Zitron

8 23

Big tech is betting tens of billions of dollars on AI being the next big thing, but what if it isn't? ChatGPT burns obscene amounts of cash daily with little...

#hackernews #ycombinator #adam_conover #人工智慧 #科技投資 #adam_ruins_everything

15h ago

From globalvoices.org

War on citizens: How the junta’s VPN ban is strangling communication in Myanmar

8 8

"People should not underestimate what the regime is doing. Yet at the same time, they should not succumb to unwarranted fear. The regime can’t control everything."

#vpn #media #緬甸 #Myanmar #privacy #Politics #vpn封鎖 #軍政府 #censorship #SocialMedia

on Fri, 11PM

From github.com

GitHub - danielmiessler/fabric: fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. It provides a modular framework for solving specific problems using a crowdsourced set of AI prompts that can be used anywhere.

8 8

fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. It provides a modular framework for solving specific problems using a crowdsourced set of AI prompts that can be used anywhere. - ...

#hackernews #ycombinator #技術與人工智慧

on Mar 14

From substack.com

Emergency rooms are not okay

8 8

It has now reached a crisis point. It is killing people.

#ycombinator #健康管理

on Feb 8

From mssv.net

A Thousand Primers, Not Just One

7 7

If gamification isn’t specific to its subject, it won’t be effective.

#ycombinator #教育遊戲化

6h ago

From vox.com

Who are meal replacements like Soylent for? Me, for one.

7 7

Huel — a competitor to Soylent — is my breakfast and lunch. This is what I get out of it.

#hackernews #ycombinator #代餐營養 #環保飲食

14h ago

From 1password.com

1Password and 2FA: Is it wrong to store passwords and one-time codes together? | 1Password

7 7

Many sites support two-factor authentication (2FA). Learn why it’s safe to store your one-time codes in 1Password, and the differences between 2FA and 2SV.

#ycombinator #密碼管理 #資訊安全

17h ago

From meduza.io

120,000 dead and counting A new estimate from Meduza and Mediazona shows the rate of Russian military deaths in Ukraine is only growing — Meduza

7 11

In the latest update to their list of confirmed Russian military deaths, Mediazona and BBC News Russian reported that at least 56,585 Russian soldiers have died fighting in Ukraine as of June 21. However, this list only includes soldiers whose deaths could be individually corroborated through...

#Russia #ukraine #ycombinator

on Fri, 5PM

From github.com

GitHub - wolandark/bash-dungeon: An educational dungeon crawler in the shell

6 6

An educational dungeon crawler in the shell. Contribute to wolandark/bash-dungeon development by creating an account on GitHub.

#hackernews #ycombinator #教育性地牢遊戲

5h ago

From github.com

motor-os/CHANGELOG.md at main · moturus/motor-os

5 5

A simple, fast, and secure operating system for the cloud. - moturus/motor-os


1h ago

From marvinh.dev

Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - Isolated Declarations

5 5

TypeScript's new isolated declaration feature is a game changer for sharing code among developers. It significantly simplifies the process of packaging your code for consumption whilst reducing the time to create type definition files from minutes, sometimes even hours, down to less than a second.

#hackernews #ycombinator #javascript開發

1h ago

From christitus.com

The Ultimate Windows Utility

5 5

Having Fun with Technology

#hackernews #ycombinator

2h ago

From eamag.me

Evaluating a Decade of Hacker News Predictions: An Open-Source Approach

5 5

What See the result here. You can see 2804 predictions HN users made, evaluated by LLM with categories, filters and search. Try typing “Linux” in a search bar! Source code is on GitHub Why I stumbled upon a 2010 thread of predictions for the upcoming decade and had fun reading through it.

#hackernews #ycombinator #技術預測 #數據分析 #開源技術

5h ago

From dji.com

DJI Revolutionizes Electric Mountain Bike Performance with Launch of Avinox Drive System at Eurobike 2024 - DJI

5 8

July 3, 2024 – DJI, the global leader in civilian drones and innovative camera technology, today unveiled the Avinox Drive System, a groundbreaking e-bike drive system poised to redefine the electric mountain bike (eMTB) experience. The Avinox system, making its debut at Eurobike 2024, is...

#hackernews #ycombinator

on Fri, 10PM

From appleinsider.com

Eddy Cue on Apple's service innovations and teamwork

4 4

In a new interview Eddy Cue has spilled the beans on what his daily use hardware is, what Apple execs actually do, and like the most.

#rim #imac #ios9 #ipad #Apple #Nokia #adobe #ibook #intel #ios_9

6h ago

From danielmangum.com

Wireframes are Cheap, Engineering Should Be Too

4 4

I have spent the majority of my career in engineering roles at startups. Both at companies I have worked at, and in the general startup ecosystem, I have frequently heard some variation of the refrain “engineers are expensive, but wireframes are cheap”. While I align with the underlying...

#blog #personal #developer #hackernews #ycombinator

on Jun 25

From nytimes.com

Investors Pour $27.1 Billion Into A.I. Start-Ups, Defying a Downturn

3 8

Funding for A.I. firms made up nearly half the $56 billion in U.S. start-up financing from April to June, according to PitchBook.

#hackernews #ycombinator

on Wed, 5AM

From ycombinator.com

Senior Software Engineer (Full-Stack) at Charge Robotics | Y Combinator

2 2

Charge Robotics is developing the world’s first fully-automated factory for building solar farms. As a Senior Software Engineer at Charge Robotics, your work will directly deploy gigawatts of clean power generation. If you’re interested in leveraging your software development skills to have...

#hackernews #ycombinator

1h ago