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49 325 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From kitze.io

The saddest "Just Ship It" story ever

12 12

This is a story of how it took me way too long to ship a product, and I ended up paying for a competitor product instead.

#Bot #News #kitze #webdev #效率 #激勵 #開發 #ycombinator #初創公司 #hackernewsbot

12h ago


From 512kb.club

512KB Club

1 1

The 512KB Club is an exclusive list of web pages weighing less than 512 kilobytes.


on Mar 8


From hallofshame.design

Dark Patterns Hall of Shame

1 1

Protect your online privacy and rights by learning about dark patterns and unethical designs. Stay informed and avoid manipulation in the digital world.

#ux #webdev #darkpatters #unethicaldesign

22h ago


From design-foundations.com

Extract the color palette and typography of any website

1 1

Get inspiration from other websites design foundations and extract their color palette and typographies.

#brand #Design #webdev #website #business #frontend #launches #uidesign #webdesign #designtheme

2h ago


From github.com

GitHub - sm32d/quizmaster: An app to create Quiz and share with others.

1 1

An app to create Quiz and share with others. Contribute to sm32d/quizmaster development by creating an account on GitHub.

#web #react #Design #golang #nextjs #webdev #quizapp #indiedev #developer #codereview

23h ago


From github.com

GitHub - unusualcodeorg/gomicro: gomicro is a Go microservices architecture using goserve micro framework. The blogging platform example is built using Kong API gateway, NATS, Mongo, Redis, and Docker. It implements authentication, authorization, and apikey protection.

1 1

gomicro is a Go microservices architecture using goserve micro framework. The blogging platform example is built using Kong API gateway, NATS, Mongo, Redis, and Docker. It implements authentication...

#golang #webdev #programming

8h ago


From matduggan.com

A Eulogy for DevOps

1 39

The DevOps movement has died out. What went wrong?

#agile #devop #webdev #backend #analyses #frontend #waterfall #kubernetes #development #engineering

15h ago


From youtube.com

Episode 145 - The Shadow DOM is an anti-pattern

1 1

In today’s episode, I talk about why I think the Shadow DOM is a solution in search of a problem.In today’s episode, I talk about why I think the Shadow DOM ...

#webdev #codenewbie #100daysofcode #frontenddeveloper

22h ago


From gomakethings.com

Vivaldi is quite good

1 1

Last year, I wrote about how all web browsers kind of suck. Every single one has turned into an AI-and-ad-driven piece of garbage. Amazing garbage that does incredible things. But still garbage. In my article, I wrote… Vivaldi is alright, I guess, but made some weird UI updates just for the...

#webdev #codenewbie #100daysofcode #frontenddeveloper

23h ago


From mobileatom.net

K.I.S.S. - Why I moved my main site from Drupal to Grav CMS | Mobile Atom Code

1 2

Specializing in content management and production for small organizations, Mobile Atom Code works with you to simplify the creation and maintenance of your online content.

#cms #php #drupal #webdev #gravcms

on Mon, 9PM


From manning.com

API Security in Action

1 1

This comprehensive guide gives you the skills to build strong, safe APIs you can confidently expose to the world. It teaches you how to create secure APIs for any situation.

#webdev #security #programming

on Nov 7


From web.dev

How to use container queries now  |  Blog  |  web.dev

3 8

A step-by-step guide showing how to use container queries with cross-browser fallbacks.

#css #webdev #containerqueries

on Tue, 9AM


From coryd.dev

Building out a books page

1 1

I had a ton of fun reading about how Melanie put together her reading page that I thought I'd write up a quick post on how I built mine.

#books #webdev #development

15h ago


From discu.eu

HTMX Toaster Component - discu.eu

1 1

Discussions and related articles for «HTMX Toaster Component»

#htmx #webdev #javascript #programming

2h ago

Showing first 20 out of 45