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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From backendtea.com

What is PHP's declare(strict_types=1); and why you should use it | BackEndTea

3 3

declare(strict_types=1) makes your code more strict, but what does it actually do?

#programming #php

8h ago


From lordmatt.co.uk

Matt's Simple Array Editor

1 1

A single page all about Matthew David Brown aka Lord Matt. Featuring links to things Matt writes and where he socialises online.

#css #php

5h ago


From github.com

GitHub - adegans/Goosle at 1.2

1 1

A Meta Search engine with privacy and ease of use in mind - GitHub - adegans/Goosle at 1.2

#php #goosle #selfhosted #searchengine

on Jan 2


From github.com

GitHub - phasync/phasync: Micro framework for ultra high performance PHP websites with non-blocking IO.

1 1

Micro framework for ultra high performance PHP websites with non-blocking IO. - phasync/phasync

#php #programming

15h ago


From github.com

GitHub - ezyang/htmlpurifier: Standards compliant HTML filter written in PHP

1 1

Standards compliant HTML filter written in PHP. Contribute to ezyang/htmlpurifier development by creating an account on GitHub.


on Wed, 5PM


From lefred.be

PHP and MySQL 9

1 1

As you can read in my previous post related to MySQL 9 and authentication, the old mysql_native_password plugin has been removed. In that post, I showed an example using PHP 7.2, the default versio…

#php #mysql

3h ago


From decompwlj.com

Decomposition into weight × level + jump of A089189 in 3D - three.js webGL - Rémi Eismann

1 1

Decomposition into weight × level + jump of A089189 in 3D. Made with three.js webGL. Rémi Eismann

#3d #php #oeis #graph #maths #webgl #primes #numbers #threejs #cubefree

12h ago


From decompwlj.com

Decomposition into weight × level + jump of A089189 - 2D graph - first 500 terms - Rémi Eismann

1 1

Decomposition into weight × level + jump of A089189 with 2D graph and first 500 terms. Rémi Eismann

#3d #php #oeis #graph #maths #webgl #primes #numbers #threejs #cubefree

11h ago


From mobileatom.net

K.I.S.S. - Why I moved my main site from Drupal to Grav CMS | Mobile Atom Code

1 2

Specializing in content management and production for small organizations, Mobile Atom Code works with you to simplify the creation and maintenance of your online content.

#cms #php #drupal #webdev #gravcms

on Mon, 9PM


From honeybadger.io

A Guide to PHP Attributes

1 3

Learn about what PHP attributes are and how to use them. We'll also look at how to create your own PHP attributes.


on Wed, 1PM


From discu.eu

GitHub - phasync/phasync: Micro framework for ultra high performance PHP websites with non-blocking IO. - discu.eu

1 1

Discussions and related articles for «GitHub - phasync/phasync: Micro framework for ultra high performance PHP websites with non-blocking IO.»

#php #programming

15h ago


From qiita.com

開発環境を改善するためにチームに提案して実践したこと - Qiita

1 1

導入何について話すのか開発環境を改善して、効率化することでアプリケーション開発に注力するため行った(行っている)取り組みについてお話します。本記事はQmonus Value Streamの投稿…

#aws #cdk #php #qiita #typescript #開発環境

4h ago


From discu.eu

What is PHP's declare(strict_types=1); and why you should use it | BackEndTea - discu.eu

1 1

Discussions and related articles for «What is PHP's declare(strict_types=1); and why you should use it | BackEndTea»

#php #programming

2h ago


From msamgan.com

Laravel v11.14.0 Released: Improvements server log and support in Stringable class for Markdown extensions - msamgan.com

1 1

Discover Laravel v11.14.0 with enhanced server log improvements and expanded Markdown extension support in the Stringable class. Explore the latest updates for your Laravel projects.

#php #webdev #laravel #release #programming

9h ago


From discu.eu

Laravel v11.14.0 Released: Improvements server log and support in Stringable class for Markdown extensions - msamgan.com - discu.eu

1 1

Discussions and related articles for «Laravel v11.14.0 Released: Improvements server log and support in Stringable class for Markdown extensions - msamgan.com»

#php #webdev #laravel #release #programming

8h ago

Showing first 19 out of 19