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40 298 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From dunnhq.com

The case for camelCasing private methods

2 2

Ever thought about why the default C# convention differentiates between private and public fields: privates being _camelCasedand publics...

#csharp #dotnet #software #unpopularopinion

19h ago


From altervista.org

Docling - Docling

2 2

Docling parses documents and exports them to the desired format with ease and speed.

#ibm #web #ds4sd #genai #catlink #docling #software #opensource #softwarewebgenai

19h ago


From defensemirror.com

Rheinmetall, Auterion Collaborate to Develop Unified Drone Operating Systems

2 2

Partnership addresses training and interoperability challenges seen in Ukraine and aims to set a military standard

#uav #drone #software #standard #training #unmanned #UkraineWar #interoperability

1h ago


From golem.de

Gesetz für EU-weite Produkthaftung ist in Kraft getreten: So geht es weiter

5 5

Hersteller von Hard- und Software haften EU-weit für Fehler in ihren Produkten. Das ist ein Novum.

#hard #cloud #gesetz #haftung #hardware #hersteller #opensource #eu #software #produkthaftung

6h ago


From guteit.info

gute IT

1 1

Enkel*innen-taugliche IT in Norddeutschland für alle. Hardware, Software, Social Media, Methoden - aber in gut. Beratung und hands-on Support

#it #netz #linux #mundig #neuhier #software #nachhaltig #opensource #datensparsam #veranwortungsvoll

8h ago


From 3zi.ru

Russia (@Russia@3zi.ru)

3 9

403 поста, 0 подписки, 126 подписчиков · Группа для русскоязычных пользователей

#спг #фсб #firefox #internet #software #иран #катар #сирия #дагестан #политика

on Feb 2


From hardcoded.net

Tumble Forth

1 1


on Nov 7, 2023

Showing first 20 out of 48