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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From wired.com

Proton Is Launching Encrypted Documents to Take On Google Docs

9 9

Proton is adding an end-to-end encrypted documents editor to its privacy tools, boosting its competition with Google’s suite of productivity apps.

#cloud #press #google #encrypted #privatenotes #googledocs #security #encryption #proton #privacy

20h ago

From wired.com

Hurricane Beryl Isn’t a Freak Storm—It’s the Exact Nightmare Meteorologists Predicted

9 12

A hot ocean provides the energy hurricanes need to grow—and can limit the cooling that happens in their wake, making it likelier that the storms that follow will be powerful ones.

#science #weather #氣象學 #hackernews #hurricanes #ycombinator #海洋溫度 #自然災害 #climate_change #extreme_weather

on Wed, 12AM

From wired.com

Supreme Court Rules That US Government Can Continue Talking to Social Media Companies

4 4

The SCOTUS ruling overturns an earlier injunction that prevented platforms from communicating with the government for more than a year.

#jawboning #murthyvmissouri #contentmoderation

on Jun 26

From wired.com

The Hunt for the Most Efficient Heat Pump in the World

3 9

A new generation of engineers has realized they can push heat pumps to the limit, but just how much heat you can extract depends on your setup.


on Tue, 12PM

From wired.com

The UK’s NHS Going Digital Would Be Equivalent to Hiring Thousands of New Doctors

3 3

More than 30 million Brits have the NHS app. This represents an opportunity to transform the health service, which shadow health secretary Wes Streeting calls “an analog system in a digital age.”

#press #science

22h ago

From wired.com

The Tech Crash Course That Trains US Diplomats to Spot Threats

3 11

From Russian election interference to Chinese industrial dominance, the US State Department is training diplomats in cybersecurity, privacy, telecommunications, and other technology issues to advance US policy abroad.

#us #privacy #Politics #cybersecurity

on Tue, 12PM

From wired.com

Google Search Ranks AI Spam Above Original Reporting in News Results

3 13

Google adjusted its policies to target AI spam earlier this year, but plagiarizing content still comes up higher in search results months later—and SEO experts aren’t sure why.

#AI #google

on Tue, 8PM

From wired.com

How to Get a Real ID License Before the Deadline

3 3

A new type of driver’s license will be required to board flights in the United States next year. Here’s how to update your license to the new Real ID standard before it’s too late.

#id #press #realid

19h ago

From wired.com

AI Is Rewriting Meme History

2 2

TikTok’s latest trend involves videos of people traveling back in time to interrupt the viral memes of yore. The results are uncanny.


19h ago

From wired.com

UK’s Labour Is Winning the Meme War, but Young Voters Think It’s All Incredibly Embarrassing

2 2

“Although conversation provoking, it reads as infantilizing,” says one young voter about the meme campaigns waged by the Labour and Conservative parties in the UK. “They’re trivializing a very serious event.”


15h ago

From wired.com

Inside a16z’s Boot Camp for Crypto Startups

2 2

Andreessen Horowitz is betting the house on crypto. (Yes, really.) This spring, the VC firm schooled a new batch of founders that it hopes can prove the technology is good for more than scams and speculation.


21h ago

From wired.com

Everything You Need to Know About USB Ports and Speeds

2 2

USB-C was supposed to make everything simple. Instead, it’s more complicated than ever. So let's clear up the confusion.


18h ago

From wired.com

Google prioriza el spam generado por IA frente a contenidos originales en los resultados de búsqueda

2 2

Google ajustó sus políticas para combatir el spam de IA a principios de este año, pero el contenido plagiado sigue apareciendo en los primeros puestos de los resultados de búsqueda meses después. Los expertos en SEO no están seguros del porqué.

#google #ciencia #noticia #negocios #tecnologia #culturadigital #interesgeneral

on Wed, 7AM

From wired.com

The Microsoft Team Racing to Catch Bugs Before They Happen

1 1

What's it like to be responsible for a billion people's digital security? Just ask the company's Morse researchers.


9h ago

From wired.com

Britain’s Brewing Battle Over Data Centers

1 3

The Labour Party, which is leading in UK election polls, has proposed making it easier for companies to build new server farms—risking a new type of conflict in communities across the country.

on Wed, 3AM

From proton.me

Introducing Docs in Proton Drive – collaborative document editing that’s actually private | Proton

34 34

Create docs and collaborate in real time on documents knowing they are end-to-end encrypted.

#e2e #docs #cloud #gdrive #google #writers #degoogle #technews #encrypted #degoogling

19h ago

(Showing 20 out of 50.)