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72 262 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From europa.eu

Press corner

22 48

Highlights, press releases and speeches

#eu #USA #ads #web #Europe #market #online #instagram #payorokay #regulation

9h ago


From theguardian.com

Meta breaches digital law by charging for ad-free social networks, EU says

7 11

European Commission says ‘pay or consent’ model designed to comply with Digital Markets Act fails to do so

#eu #ads #law #Europe #YouTube #business #whatsapp #UutisBotEN #theguardian #payorconsent

on Mon, 1PM


From arstechnica.com

Meta defends charging fee for privacy amid showdown with EU

6 6

EU finding that Meta’s subscription option violates DMA could impact many sites.

#eu #privacidad #dma #meta #privacy #facebook #instagram

12h ago


From engadget.com

Meta could get slapped with a massive fine for violating the EU's Digital Markets Act

2 3

The EU could issue Meta a fine for using a "consent to pay" data collection model.

#tech #facebook #eu #dma #meta

on Mon, 1PM


From lemonde.fr

L’UE estime que Meta viole les règles sur les données personnelles de ses utilisateurs avec la publicité ciblée

2 4

La Commission estime que le champion des réseaux sociaux ne respecte pas les règles européennes car il « ne permet pas aux utilisateurs d’exercer leur droit de consentir librement à la combinaison de leurs données personnelles » entre ses différentes plates-formes.

#dma #meta

on Mon, 1PM


From yle.fi

EU huolestui somejätin ”maksa tai suostu”-mallista

1 2

EU-komissio syyttää Facebookin ja Instagramin emoyhtiötä Metaa digisääntöjen rikkomisesta. Somealustoja voi käyttää ilmaiseksi vain, jos suostuu tietojen keräämiseen.

#eu #SOME #meta #Apple #ahneus #digijatit #yksityisyys

on Mon, 1PM


From winfuture.de

Auch Meta verstößt wohl gegen den Digital Markets Act der EU

1 1

Meta ist das nächste große Unternehmen, das beschuldigt wird, gegen den Digital Markets Act (DMA) verstoßen zu haben. Der Vorwurf bezieht sich auf das "Pay-or-Consent"-Modell des Unter­neh­mens. Sollte sich herausstellen, dass Meta schuldig ist, droht eine saftige Geldstrafe.

#eu #meta #Apple

5h ago


From youtube.com

AI is ruining the internet

6 20

Thanks to SoFi for sponsoring the video! Enter for a chance to win $10,000: https://sofi.com/drewOpen a Checking and Savings account to enter. No purchase ne...

#art #etsy #meta #udio #Video #process #spotify #midjourney #generativeAI #googlegemini

7h ago


From ag4tech.com

Meta is Pulling Out Security Patches from Quest 1 Next Month - AG4Tech

1 1

Meta has stated that security patches for Quest 1 will be discontinued next month, marking the end of the headset's five-year life cycle...

#meta #tech #Technology

17h ago


From mdr.de

Kolumne: Das Altpapier am 2. Juli 2024 – Digital ist besser? | MDR.DE

2 2

Neu auf der Agenda: die Schlagworte "Datenkolonialismus" und "Extraktivismus". Und mal wieder das Digitalradio: In einem halben Jahr wird das größte europäische Experiment damit beginnen.

#meta #digitalradio

5h ago


From wheresyoured.at

We're Watching Facebook Die

1 1

In the first quarter of 2024, Meta made $36.45 billion dollars - $12.37 billion dollars of which was pure profit. Though the company no longer reports daily active users, it now uses another metric: “family daily active people.” This number refers to “registered and logged-in users of one

#meta #edzitron #facebook

on May 28


From 3dcandy.social

Meta charged by EU over DMA - 3dcsocial

1 1

Meta has been formally charged by the EU for violating the DMA after Apple was…

#eu #dma #meta #Apple #boost #3dcandy #3dcsocial

21h ago


From lowyat.net

Apple May Announce Google Gemini Partnership Before 2024 Ends - Lowyat.NET

1 1

Bloomberg claims that Apple will announce its Google Gemini deal within autumn, which is probably when iPhone 16s gets announced.

#AI #meta #Apple #llama #gemini #google #iphone #software #airobotics #partnership

13h ago


From gomoot.com

Meta rischia multa miliardaria per violazione DMA in UE

1 1

La Commissione Europea accusa Meta di violare il Digital Markets Act con il modello -paga o acconsenti- per Facebook e Instagram: possibili multe in arrivo

#dma #News #blog #meta #tech #picks #europa #facebook #tecnologia

20h ago


From dawn.fi

EU: Facebookin ja Instagramin maksa tai luovuta tietosi mainostajille -malli ei tarjoa oikeaa vaihtoehtoa - valtavat sakot lähestyvät?

1 1

Euroopan komissio on ilmoittanut virallisesti Metalle, että yhtiö vaikuttaa rikkovan Euroopan Unionin Digital Markets Act -lakia. Syynä on se, että Metalla ainoa tapa kieltäytyä kohdennetusta mainonnasta on maksullinen.

#dma #meta #uutiset #facebook #instagram #tekniikka #teknologia #euroopanunioni #sosiaalinenmedia #digitalmarketsact

18h ago

Showing first 20 out of 46