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55 253 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From proton.me

Meta’s smart glasses open door to new levels of facial surveillance | Proton

3 3

Students modified smart glasses to find someone’s personal data after just looking at them. This is why we must minimize data collection.

#AI #privacy #facebook #smartglasses #surveillance #facialrecognition #meta

23h ago


From theintercept.com

Meta’s Israel Policy Chief Tried to Suppress Pro-Palestinian Instagram Posts

6 26

Jordana Cutler, Meta’s policy chief for Israel and the Jewish Diaspora, repeatedly flagged for censorship posts by Students for Justice in Palestine.

#gaza #instagram #palestine #censorship #SocialMedia #meta #Israel

on Mon, 6PM


From forbes.com.br

Meta Demite Funcionários por Mau Uso de Vale-Refeição

2 2

Entenda o caso “Grubgate”, que gerou discussões internas na big tech, controladora do Facebook, Instagram e WhatsApp . Leia na íntegra na Forbes Brasil.

#meta #carreira #trabalho #demissoes #beneficios

10h ago


From ponder.cat

Did I do this the right way? - Pondercat RSS

0 1

I created a community for a great humor RSS feed called Bits and Pieces. I then sent a message, from Mastodon, to @bot@rss.ponder.cat, and I added the following to the message as the only line in the message: /add https://www.bitsandpieces.us/feed/...

on Tue, 3AM


From write.as

Writing Bio

1 1

Born in Spain and raised in the United States, Robin Marx has lived in Japan since 2001. He works in the video game industry, handling lo...


21h ago


From aussie.zone

@wiryfuture - Aussie Zone

1 1

@unionagainstdhmo@aussie.zone’s comments were deleted in a thread I was just looking at, and I went onto their profile and it also appears to have been deleted? Anyone have any knowledge about them? It’s sad if we’ve lost such a long-time excellent member of this community.


23h ago


From furaffinity.net

Oct 22, 2024 - Upload Policy 2.7 Revision and New Feature -- Fender's Journal

3 3

Upload Policy, Section 2.7 Policy Revision and Clarification Update. . After much time and consideration on the matter, as well as commu ...

#meta #furaffinity

10h ago


From bbc.com

How does WhatsApp make money?

2 20

We all use messaging apps such as WhatsApp for free, but what's in it for them?

#meta #tuesday #whatsapp #SocialMedia #decentralization

on Fri, 2PM


From journal.fi

Laitaoikeiston koulutuspoliittisen ideologian jäljillä

1 1

Artikkelissa analysoimme kahden suomalaisen ja kahden saksalaisen laitaoikeistopuolueen koulutuspoliittisia ohjelmia. Tarkastelemiamme puolueita ovat Suomessa perussuomalaiset ja sinimusta liike sekä Saksassa vaihtoehto Saksalle (Alternativ für Deutschland) ja Saksan kansallisdemokraattinen...

#doi #SOME #meta #trollit #Mastodon #facebook #sensuuri #ideologia #politiikka #aarioikeisto

16h ago


From innovationisland.it

Addio all'errore umano? Meta presenta l'IA che si auto-valuta

1 1

Meta lancia Self-Taught Evaluator, uno strumento di IA che valuta l'accuratezza di altri modelli senza intervento umano.

#AI #ia #meta #innovazione #intelligenzaartificiale

10h ago


From gomoot.com

WhatsApp: nuova gestione contatti e username in arrivo

1 1

WhatsApp introduce salvataggio dei contatti direttamente nell'app, gestione multi-dispositivo e username in arrivo per una maggiore flessibilità e sicurezza.

#News #blog #meta #tech #picks #privacy #contatti #username #whatsapp #tecnologia

10h ago


From lowyat.net

Meta To Bring Back Face Recognition To Facebook, Instagram - Lowyat.NET

1 1

Meta has announced it is bringing back Face Recognition to Facebook and Instagram to fight celeb-bait scams and to help with account recovery.

#meta #facebook #instagram #SocialMedia #facerecognition

15h ago


From bsky.app

TechCrunch (@techcrunch.com)

1 1

Meta suspends accounts tracking private jets of Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and other celebrities https://tcrn.ch/3NAzRWP

#meta #Privatjets

15h ago

Showing first 20 out of 50