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From nytimes.com

The Illicit Flow of Technology to Russia Goes Through This Hong Kong Address

3 8

Defying sanctions, Russia has obtained nearly $4 billion in restricted chips since the war began in Ukraine. Many were shipped through a cluster of shell companies in Hong Kong.

#us #Russia #hongkong #eu #g7 #uk #USA #nato #Biden #Italy

16h ago


From forbes.hu

Kémbank utáni kiskapu? Családostul, átvilágítás nélkül jöhetnek az orosz és belarusz „vendégmunkások” Magyarországra - Forbes.hu

2 2

Tágra nyitotta a schengeni nemzetbiztonsági kaput a magyar kormány, júliustól Nemzeti Kártyával jöhetnek az oroszok és fehéroroszok.

#orban #danger #belarus #ukraine #Schengen #terrorism #eu #Russia #hungary

2h ago


From kyivindependent.com

Ukraine hit Russian airfield in occupied Crimea, General Staff confirms

9 9

The General Staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces confirmed that Ukraine hit Russia's Saky military airfield in occupied Crimea overnight on July 26 following media reports about explosions in the area.

#Russia #crimea #russianwar #russianinvasion #eu #uk #us #USA #nato #press

13h ago


From kyivindependent.com

Hong Kong shell companies facilitate Russian sanctions evasion, NYT reports

6 8

These companies are owned by oligarchs with ties to the Russian defense industry, and they have funneled millions of chips and sensors to sanctioned defense tech firms in Russia.

#uk #us #USA #China #press #Europe #article7 #oligarchs #sanctions #russianwar

14h ago



From t-online.de

Russland setzt auf Sperrholz-Billigdrohnen +++ Newsblog zum Krieg in der Ukraine

1 1

Der ukrainische Geheimdienst SBU will Anschläge in der EU verhindert haben. Russland nutzt Billigdrohnen zur Ortung ukrainischer Luftabwehrsysteme. Alle Informationen im Newsblog.

#eu #ukraine

6h ago

Showing first 20 out of 244