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99 793 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From theguardian.com

Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer

36 36

Labour leader also says he cannot foresee circumstances where UK would re-enter single market or customs union

#uk #snp #ge24 #press #Rejoin #Election #Politics #RejoinEU #toryplanb #UutisBotEN

13h ago


From kyivindependent.com

Updated: Russian attack on Dnipro kills 3, injures 18

21 21

The Suspilne outlet reported that a local shopping center was hit but did not provide additional details. Ukrainian officials are yet to comment on the consequences of the attack.

#uk #USA #nato #press #Europe #Russia #Mastodon #natoallies #russianwar #unitedstates

22h ago


From kyivindependent.com

Russian attacks across Ukraine kill 7, injure 44 over past day

6 6

Russia targeted a total of nine Ukrainian oblasts – Chernihiv, Mykolaiv, Luhansk, Sumy, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, and Donetsk. Casualties were reported in the latter five regions.

#press #Mastodon #russianwar #russianinvasion #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar #nousrepublicans2024 #10yrinvasionofukraine #freeeufromfascistaltright #bidenlost2024screwinukraine

20h ago


From recordedfuture.com

Caught in the Net: Using Infostealer Logs to Unmask CSAM Consumers | Recorded Future

4 10

Discover how Recorded Future uses infostealer logs to identify CSAM consumers and trends. Learn key findings and mitigation strategies.

#eu #csam #Europol #chatcontrol

on Tue, 4PM


From taz.de

Antisyrische Pogrome in der Türkei: Straßenterror gegen Geflüchtete

4 4

Mehrere Nächte lang haben in der Türkei Mobs syrische Geschäfte angegriffen. Präsident Erdoğan kann die Wut auf die Geflüchteten nicht einfangen.

#eu #akp #kopf #land #sand #vogel #europa #pogrom #urlaub #erdogan

15h ago


From taz.de

Die europäische Mauer gegen Assad bröckelt

1 1

Bisher fuhr die EU einen strikten Kurs gegen Syriens Machthaber Baschar al-Assad. Doch die Linie wird stetig aufgeweicht. Das liegt auch am Rechtsruck in der EU

#eu #assad #syrien #rechtsruck #julianeumann

11h ago


From mygreenlab.org

My Green Lab

1 1

My Green Lab

#eu #horizon #hyfidress

on Apr 12


From detektor.fm

Nachhaltigkeit: Worauf müssen Unternehmen achten?

1 1

Die EU verpflichtet Unternehmen seit Januar 2024 dazu, Biodiversität in ihre Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung aufzunehmen. Was bedeutet das?

#eu #ufz #csrd #Unternehmen #biodiversitat #nachhatigkeit #forschungsquartett #helmholtzzentrumfurumweltforschung

2h ago


From youtube.com

Poland, After America || Peter Zeihan

1 1

This next country might surprise some of you, but deglobalization might give Poland its moment of fame. That's if they play their cards right, and even then,...

#eu #USA #gop #war #NAFO #News #maga #nato #Biden #Putin

13h ago


From youtube.com

2024 Election Specials. 4. The Conservatives

25 58

Pie's last rant about the Tories before the election.

#eu #bbc #nhs #tax #News #vtto #Sunak #brexit #comedy #farage

5h ago


From youtube.com

Brexit leaves shadow over election choice in Grimsby

1 1

In the port town of Grimsby on the east coast of northern England, an old political rivalry has to contend with a new threat in the UK’s general election. Th...

#eu #brexit #ge2024 #labour #grimsby #ukelection #KierStarmer

12h ago


From bbc.com

French elections: Far right only party capable of majority, warns PM Attal

10 10

French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal urges voters to stop Marine Le Pen's party winning Sunday's vote.

#eu #USpol #Europe #france #bbcnews #Politics #elections #uspolitics #french #bbc

15h ago


From europa.eu

Press corner

9 54

Highlights, press releases and speeches

#eu #dma #News #Canada #science #official #research #HorizonEU #Technology #metaprivacy

on Wed, 12AM


From mastodon.social

Randahl Fink (@randahl@mastodon.social)

2 2

While several EU countries are experimenting with 4 day work weeks, the Greek government now raises the work week to six days and a total of 48 working hours. 41 percent of Greeks voted for the New Democracy party, and this is what they got in return from their new Prime Minister Kyriakos...

#eu #greece #workpolicies #workersrights

17h ago


From pravda.com.ua

Trump talks to Putin about how much Ukrainian territory Russia can keep – Politico

2 2

Two national security experts with ties to likely US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump have said that Trump is in talks with Russian leader Vladimir Putin about how much Ukrainian territory Moscow can keep.

#eu #USA #News #nato #press #ukraine #Mastodon #unitedstates #EuropeanUnion #1936europein2024

on Wed, 6AM


From pravda.com.ua

Three civilians killed and 18 injured in Russian attack on Dnipro

3 3

Dnipro Mayor Borys Filatov has reported that civilian fatalities occurred due to Russian strikes on the city of Dnipro.

#eu #USA #icc #icj #nato #hague #press #Mastodon #russianwar #unitedstates

21h ago


From pravda.com.ua

Russian attack on Dnipro: death toll rises to 5 – video

4 4

As of 13:30, the number of people killed in a Russian attack on the city of Dnipro has increased, as five have been reported dead.

#eu #g7 #uk #USA #nato #Italy #Japan #czech #press #spain

18h ago

Showing first 20 out of 76