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From theguardian.com

‘Defending democracy is paramount’: Rula Jebreal warns against Meloni rule

10 10

The journalist, and critics, accuse the Italian PM of leading the country towards authoritarianism

#eu #press #warns #Europe #Politics #farright #guardian #Worldnews #UutisBotEN #journalists

13h ago

From macrumors.com

Apple Approves Epic Games Store for iPhone and iPad in EU

9 9

Apple today said it has approved the third-party Epic Games Store in the European Union, allowing the Fortnite developer to launch its alternative...

#epic #ipad #gaming #iphone #appstore #EpicGames #epicgamesstore #eu #Apple

22h ago

From kyivindependent.com

Partisans claim sabotage of Russian railway transporting North Korean ammo

7 7

In a post on Telegram, the ATESH group said the operation was carried out on the Trans-Siberian railway east of the Ural Mountains.

#eu #USA #Ural #nato #Japan #atesh #press #Russia #Mastodon #northkorea

19h ago

From cnn.com

Marine Le Pen promises French far right will rein in aid to Ukraine, slams soccer star Mbappé | CNN

7 11

As Ukraine bleeds territory to Russia, support from one of Kyiv’s strongest backers looks set to falter if the far right sweep to power in Sunday’s French parliamentary elections.

#eu #kyiv #nato #lepen #Russia #france #macron #ukraine #populismi #aarioikeisto

on Fri, 12PM

From nos.nl

PVV kiest in Europarlement voor nieuwe alliantie van Hongaarse premier Orbán

6 6

Wilders zegt via sociale media dat hij Oekraïne steunt. Hij stelt zich daarmee anders op dan Orbán.

#eu #nos #fckano #fckfpo #fckpvv #fckvox #nieuws #fckchega #fckfidesz

on Fri, 8PM

From pravda.com.ua

Chinese troops arrive in Belarus to lay foundation for joint training of forces – photos

4 4

Chinese military personnel have arrived in Belarus to engage in joint counter-terrorism drills.

#eu #uk #USA #News #nato #China #press #Germany #belarus #Mastodon

4h ago

From kyivindependent.com

US pauses military exercises with Georgia as relations with Tbilisi deteriorate

4 4

The joint exercise "Noble Partner," originally scheduled to take place in Georgia from July 25 to Aug. 6., will be put on hold indefinitely, the Defense Department announced.

#eu #USA #press #Georgia #russianwar #unitedstates #EuropeanUnion #russianinvasion #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar

19h ago

From bbc.com

Results - UK 2024 -

4 23

Get the latest news and election results in the 2024 General election from BBC News

#eu #brexit #france #starmer #Democracy #ukelection

on Thu, 10PM

From slashdot.org

EU to Fine Apple $500M+ for Stifling Music Competitors Like Spotify - Slashdot

4 4

"Apple will reportedly have to pay around €500 million (about $539 million USD) in the EU," reports the Verge, "for stifling competition against Apple Music on the iPhone. Financial Times reported this morning that the fine comes after regulators in Brussels, Belgium investigated a Spotify comp...

#eu #technews #techtips #euvsapple #catmischief

on Feb 22

From nos.nl

Nederlandse Omroep Stichting

4 5

NOS.nl - Nieuws, Sport en Evenementen op Radio, TV en Internet

#eu #vk #vs #DIY #pvv #Biden #Trump #babis #kickl #orban

on Feb 2

From pravda.com.ua

US reacts to Orbán’s trip to Moscow

3 3

The White House has issued a comment in response to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s visit to Moscow, which included a meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

#eu #USA #News #press #ukraine #Mastodon #article7 #unitedstates #EuropeanUnion #1936europein2024

4h ago

From pravda.com.ua

New UK PM and European Commission president discuss support for Ukraine

3 3

Keir Starmer, the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has had a telephone conversation with Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission (EC).

#eu #uk #News #press #ukraine #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar #nousrepublicans2024

4h ago

From aljazeera.com

The EU’s support for Israel makes it complicit in genocide

3 3

The EU continues to export weapons to Israel and provide funding to various Israeli entities.

#eu #press #palestine #gazagenocide

5h ago

From euractiv.com

European Commission probes Amazon over recommendation systems

3 3

The European Commission has sent a request for information to Amazon on measures taken to comply with a landmark law on content moderation, the Digital Services Act.

#eu #ecommerce #courtcases #digitalservicesactdsa #dsa #amazon

10h ago

From aljazeera.com

France braces for ‘high drama’ run-offs as far right eyes power

3 3

With the far right seemingly headed for victory, voters on the left and in the centre feel on edge.

#eu #lepen #press #france #ukraine #farright #universitytoulousecapitole

10h ago

From deutschlandfunk.de

Besuch bei Putin - Internationale Kritik an Orbans Moskau-Visite

3 3

Ungarns Ministerpräsident Orban ist nur kurz nach der Übernahme der EU-Ratspräsidentschaft zu Russlands Staatschef Putin gereist. Nach Abschluss der mehr als zweistündigen Unterredung gab es auch ein gemeinsames Presse-Statement. EU, NATO und die Ukraine kritisierten den Besuch.

#eu #orban

21h ago

From eff.org

Now The EU Council Should Finally Understand: No One Wants “Chat Control”

3 13

The EU Council has now passed a 4th term without passing its controversial message-scanning proposal. The just-concluded Belgian Presidency failed to broker a deal that would push forward this regulation, which has now been debated in the EU for more than two years. For all those who have reached...

#eu #privacy #encryption #chatcontrol #cybersecurity

on Thu, 9PM

From cybre.club


3 6

Firefish (formerly Foundkey) instance for comfy people. Invite codes only available upon request (email: contact@cybre.club)

#grunen #epic #Apple #eu

on Jan 25

From heise.de

EU-Kommission fühlt Amazon wegen Empfehlungssystemen auf den Zahn

2 2

Die EU-Kommission verlangt von Amazon Auskunft über Maßnahmen, die der Online-Handelsriese zur Einhaltung des Digital Services Act (DSA) ergriffen hat.

#eu #News #amazon #ecommerce #digitalservicesact

2h ago

From techcrunch.com

Apple approves Epic Games' marketplace app after initial rejections | TechCrunch

2 11

After multiple rejections, Apple has approved Fortnite maker Epic Games' third-party app marketplace for launch in the EU. As now permitted by the EU's

#eu #tech #Apple #media #fortnite #EpicGames #appmarketplace

6h ago

From mastodon.social

Randahl Fink (@randahl@mastodon.social)

2 2

Attached: 1 image The most disturbing photo of the week: The current president of the EU — Hungary's Victor Orbán — visits a criminal, wanted by the International Criminal Court for abducting 2,000 Ukrainian children.

#eu #orban #hungary #kickthemout #notourvalues

12h ago

From youtube.com

Orban Meets Putin, Seeks Peace Terms, EU Horrified, Rus Advances Pokrovsk; Starmer UK PM Dismal Vote

2 2

Orban Meets Putin, Seeks Rus Ukr Peace Terms, EU Horrified, Rus Advances Pokrovsk; Starmer UK PM, Dismal VoteTopic 1251VISIT THE DURAN SHOP FOR GREAT MERCHFo...

#eu #uk #nato #Putin #orban #Russia #donbas #starmer #ukraine #pokrovsk

19h ago

From wordpress.com

EU empört über Orbans Blitzbesuch bei Putin in Russland

2 2

Der ungarische Regierungschef Viktor Orban wähnt sich auf einer „Friedensmission“ in Russland. Spricht er als Ratspräsident für die EU? Ja, sagt Kreml-Chef Putin. Nein, sagt die EU in B…

#eu #hu #ru #orban #bullshit #friedensmission

21h ago

From pravda.com.ua

Russians drop aerial bombs on business in Selydove, Donetsk Oblast, killing at least 5 people and injuring 11 others – photos

2 2

Russian forces dropped two guided aerial bombs on a business in the city of Selydove, Donetsk Oblast, and also targeted the city with cluster munitions and FAB-500 unguided bombs, killing 5 and injuring 11 people.

#eu #USA #News #nato #press #ukraine #Mastodon #unitedstates #EuropeanUnion #1936europein2024

22h ago

From middleeastmonitor.com

EU turning blind eye to members' arms trade with Tel Aviv: Expert

1 1

The EU lacks a provision prohibiting arms trade with Israel that is being tried at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for genocide in the Gaza Strip, Anadolu Agency reports....

#eu #palestine

1h ago

From amaravati.today

NATO allies at summit to unveil Ukraine 'bridge to membership'

1 1

WASHINGTON - NATO allies at their summit in Washington next week will unveil a "bridge to membership" plan for Ukraine and announce steps to bolster Kyiv's air defenses, a senior U.S. official said on Friday."Allies will reaffirm that Ukraine's future is in NATO, will make significant new...

#eu #News #nato #Europe #ukraine #Worldnews #amaravati #breakingnews #amaravatitoday

1h ago

From amaravati.today

Foreign minister says Moldova has right to expel more Russian diplomats

1 1

CHISINAU - The foreign minister of ex-Soviet Moldova was quoted as saying on Friday that his government reserved the right to order further expulsions of Russian diplomats if Moscow engaged in new activities harmful to the country's interests.Moldova's relations with Russia have deteriorated as...

#eu #News #Europe #Moldova #russian #chisinau #Worldnews #amaravati #breakingnews #amaravatitoday

2h ago

From amaravati.today

EU resists calls to delay deforestation law, letter shows

1 1

A drone view shows the city and an area under permanent protection that was illegally deforested, in Maua, on the outskirts of Sao Paulo, Brazil, April 21, 2024. /Amanda Perobelli/File PhotoBRUSSELS - The European Union has resisted calls from some industries and countries to delay its flagship...

#eu #News #Europe #tmd2024 #Worldnews #amaravati #breakingnews #deforestation #amaravatitoday

3h ago

From amaravati.today

'Astonished' Germany says Hungary cancelled foreign minister meeting

1 1

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Russia's President Vladimir Putin arrive for a press conference following their meeting in Moscow, Russia July 5, 2024. /Evgenia NovozheninaFRANKFURT - Hungary has cancelled a meeting for Monday in Budapest with Germany's foreign minister and her...

#eu #News #nato #Europe #Germany #hungary #Worldnews #amaravati #breakingnews #amaravatitoday

4h ago

From nd-aktuell.de

EU-Außengrenzen: »Die Kinder bräuchten Geborgenheit«

1 1

Minderjährige müssen in den Lagern an den EU-Außengrenzen über längere Zeit ausharren. Der Schaden für Psyche und Gehirnentwicklung ist dabei immens, berichtet die Kinderpsychologin Katrin Glatz Brubakk


5h ago

From amaravati.today

Hungary's Orban talks Ukraine peace with Putin, stirring EU outcry

1 1

Russia's President Vladimir Putin and Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban attend a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia July 5, 2024. Sputnik/Valeriy Sharifulin/MOSCOW/BUDAPEST - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban held talks on a potential Ukrainian peace deal with Russian President...

#eu #News #Putin #orban #hungary #ukraine #Worldnews #amaravati #breakingnews #amaravatitoday

5h ago

From youtube.com

Why Europe Failed in Tech

1 1

Get ready for an enlightening deep-dive into one of the most intriguing questions of the tech industry: 'Why has Europe struggled to produce its own tech gia...


5h ago

From japantimes.co.jp

Will Meloni and Le Pen be right-wing besties? It’s complicated.

1 1

People familiar with Meloni’s thinking say she is acutely conscious that, should Le Pen’s party prevail on July 7, they would be uneasy allies at best.

#eu #Italy #france #Politics #Worldnews #marinelepen #GiorgiaMeloni

6h ago

From manuela-ripa.eu

MdEP Manuela Ripa (ÖDP – die Naturschutzpartei) äußert sich zum Fraktionswechsel - Manuela Ripa - ÖDP

1 1

Ripa: „Möglichkeit einer ökologisch-bürgerlichen Gestaltungsmehrheit nutzen!“ (Brüssel/05.07.2024) Nach ihrer Wiederwahl bei der Wahl zum Europäischen Parlament am 9. Juni hat Manuela Ripa, Abgeordnete der „ÖDP – die Naturschutzpartei“ bekannt gegeben, dass sie zum Beginn der neuen...

#eu #evp #odp #manuelarippa

7h ago

From dgb.de

Haushaltsdebatte: EU-Vorgaben pragmatisch anwenden!

1 1

Ende Juni hat die EU-Kommission die Anwendung der neuen EU-Regeln für die Staatsverschuldung gestartet und Vorgaben für das Ausgabenwachstum an die Mitgliedstaaten gesandt. Wir kritisieren, dass Bundesfinanzminister Christian Lindner die Regeln als Vorwand für einen strikten Sparkurs nutzt,...

#eu #DGB #fdp #lindner #klartext #sparkurs #Gewerkschaft #bundesregierung

7h ago

From europa.eu


1 2


#eu #eurobarometer

7h ago

From trendingtech.news

Europese unie legt anti-subsidie tarieven op aan chinese elektrische

1 1

De China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) heeft aangegeven "sterk ontevreden" te zijn met de anti-subsidie tarieven voorgesteld door de Europese

#eu #News #China #nieuws #europese #trending #handelstarieven

7h ago

From n-tv.de

Wilders PVV schließt sich Orbans neuer EU-Fraktion an

1 1

Vor einer Woche hebt Ungarns Orbans Regierungschef zusammen mit der österreichischen FPÖ ein neues Rechtsbündnis im EU-Parlament aus der Taufe. Für den Fraktionsstatus braucht es Mitglieder aus sieben Ländern. Nach dem Beitritt der niederländischen PVV rückt das Ziel in greifbare Nähe.

#eu #fpo #wahlen #politik #euparlament #viktororban #geertwilders #rechtspopulismus #rechtsextremismus

8h ago

From n-tv.de

Deutlich weniger Asylanträge in Deutschland

1 1

Knapp 116.000 Geflüchtete haben im ersten Halbjahr in Deutschland einen Antrag auf Asyl gestellt. Während die Zahl hierzulande geringer war als vor einem Jahr, blieb sie auf EU-Ebene zusammen mit Norwegen und der Schweiz weitgehend unverändert.

#eu #politik #schweiz #norwegen #asylrecht #asylpolitik #deutschland #Asylbewerber #fluchtlingspolitik #asylverfahrenindrittstaaten

9h ago

From epica.today

Gli effetti della Brexit nel Regno Unito e cosa cambierà dopo la vittoria dei Laburisti. • epica today

1 1

Secondo il documento "Public Sector Finances: April 2024", il Regno Unito ha visto un aumento del debito pubblico e una crescita del deficit di bilancio. Nel

#eu #Sunak #trade #brexit #economy #laburisti #ukpolitics #keirstarmer #labourparty #futureofeurope

9h ago

From europa.eu

Commission to invest over €210 million in cybersecurity, digital capacities and technology under the Digital Europe Programme

1 1

The Commission opened calls worth over €210 million under the Digital Europe Programme (DEP) for proposals to strengthen cybersecurity and digital capacities across the EU.

#eu #SoCs #digital #cybersecurity #implementation

10h ago

From japantimes.co.jp

Kyiv and allies slam Hungary's Orban for Ukraine talks with Putin

1 1

Hungary's six-month EU presidency gives the central European country sway over the bloc's agenda and priorities for the next six months.

#eu #Europe #Russia #hungary #ukraine #Politics #Worldnews #viktororban #VladimirPutin #RussiaUkraineWar

10h ago

From japantimes.co.jp

Biden allies abroad think it’s untenable for him to stay on

1 1

Some officials are now saying that Biden should step aside for someone with a better shot at beating rival Donald Trump.

#eu #nato #Brazil #Europe #JoeBiden #Politics #Worldnews #DonaldTrump #2024uspresidentialelection

12h ago

From dr.dk

Vil Le Pen lave en Meloni og finde EU-sokkerne frem?

1 1

Rundt om i Europa bliver der holdt nøje øje med det franske parlamentsvalg, der bliver afgjort på søndag.

#eu #eudk #dkpol #eupol

14h ago

From cnn.com

Hungary’s PM Orban meets Russia’s Putin in a Moscow visit condemned by Ukraine and EU leaders | CNN

1 2

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban traveled to Moscow on Friday to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin, causing major outrage among his fellow European Union leaders.

#eu #Putin #orban #Russia #hungary #ukraine #hungarian #SlavaUkraini #RussiaIsATerroristState

14h ago

From threadreaderapp.com

Thread by @TheStudyofWar on Thread Reader App

1 1

@TheStudyofWar: NEW: Putin used a meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on July 5 to oppose a negotiated ceasefire altogether and expressed his commitment to pursuing a "final" end to the war that would...…

#eu #Putin #orban #Russia #hungary #ukraine

15h ago

From youtube.com

Deported fromTunisia to Algeria to Niger, a Cameroonian migrant's failed European dream

1 1

Our Observer, “Paul”, had left Cameroon for Tunisia, from where he dreamed of crossing the Mediterranean Sea to try his luck in Europe. But he fell victim to...

#eu #Europe #racism #algeria #migrant #tunisia #migrants #antiblackracism #blacklivesmatter #migrantslivesmatter

16h ago

From redpacketsecurity.com

EU Opens Applications for Cybersecurity and Digital Skills Funding - RedPacket Security

1 1

The EU Commission has opened applications for over €210m ($227.3m) in funding for cybersecurity and digital skills programs.

#eu #funding #threatintel #cybersecurity

17h ago

From europa.eu

CEF Energy: four preparatory studies selected for funding under cross-border renewables

1 1

The awarded projects involve five EU countries (Portugal, Belgium, Denmark, Germany and Poland), and cover different sectors such as offshore wind, green hydrogen and solar PV.

#eu #res #wind #solar #cefenergy #greenhydrogen

17h ago