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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From worldconcerthall.com

Two concerts from Hungary: choral music, Strauss and Sibelius' Second - Schedule // - www.worldconcerthall.com

2 3

Two concerts. FIRST: Hungarian Radio Children's Choir Season Ending Concert. With Klára Kolonits, soprano, Gábor Alszászy, piano, and the Mendelssohn Chamber Orchestra conducted by Soma Dinyés, Magdalena Szücs and Kat...

#wch #hungary #strauss #sibelius

on Wed, 6AM


From byteseu.com

The decree regulating the powers of ministers was rewritten

1 1

'The government decree takes such traditional tasks of the interior from the Minister of the Interior Sándor Pintér and hands them over to Antal Rogán, the head of the Prime Minister's Office, such as the registration of personal data and address, as well as the regulation of the travel of...

#hungary #magyarorszag

23h ago


From byteseu.com

Child protection: the result of the 'pedophile' vetting is a secret | 24.hu

1 1

Child protection: the result of the 'pedophile' vetting is a secret | 24.huhttps://24.hu/belfold/2024/07/03/gyermekvedelem-titok-a-pedofilos-atvilagitas-eredmenye/Posted by Zsenyka

#hungary #magyarorszag

22h ago


From byteseu.com

Alternate parallel realities.

1 1

The street fighter negotiated for peace with such success that the Russians attacked. https://i.redd.it/xc4zxckg09ad1.jpegPosted by Leviv8

#hungary #magyarorszag

21h ago


From byteseu.com

When would the dear Hungarian people want to replace the modern aristocratic system?

1 1

When would the dear Hungarian people want to replace the modern aristocratic system?https://i.redd.it/9n21zs8ce9ad1.jpegPosted by Luciferfromhe2l

#hungary #magyarorszag

21h ago


From byteseu.com

Mini crèche – or luxury villa on the outskirts of the city. HUF 220 million from EU support

1 1

Mini crèche - or luxury villa on the outskirts of the city. HUF 220 million from EU supporthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVDf4sEVGX4Posted by AsGrblls

#hungary #magyarorszag

20h ago


From byteseu.com

Give the image a title

1 1

Give the image a titlehttps://i.redd.it/q0p7d4u92aad1.jpegPosted by 8088777

#hungary #magyarorszag

18h ago


From byteseu.com

According to an Austrian union leader, planes are delayed all over Europe because of Hungarian air traffic control

1 1

surprised lightninghttps://nepszava.hu/legiforgalmi-iranyitas-legi-kozlekedes-repulo-ausztriaPosted by Senmaiel

#hungary #magyarorszag

17h ago


From byteseu.com

Mínvájl in mertlopol

1 1

Mínvájl in mertlopolhttps://i.redd.it/67xexrdqs8ad1.jpegPosted by asbestosishealthy

#hungary #magyarorszag

15h ago


From byteseu.com

'Do you want Ukrainian territory to be transferred to Hungary?' – this is now being measured by a public opinion research company here

1 1

'Do you want Ukrainian territory to be transferred to Hungary?' - this is now being measured by a public opinion research company herehttps://hvg.hu/itthon/20240703_fidesz-kormany-kozvelemenykutatas-ukrajna-haboru-fegyverek-karpataljaPosted by Zsenyka

#hungary #magyarorszag

13h ago


From byteseu.com

Kamala Harris may be the new presidential candidate of the Democrats

1 1

If that's true, then Trump won. https://444.hu/2024/07/03/kamala-harris-lehet-a-demokratak-uj-elnokjeloltje?appviewPosted by roggahn

#hungary #magyarorszag

12h ago


From byteseu.com

New York Times: Biden weighs whether to continue campaign

1 1

Dance Joey, farewell party!https://hang.hu/kulfold/new-york-times-biden-merlegeli-hogy-folytassa-e-a-kampanyt-165441Posted by abyss_8128

#hungary #magyarorszag

11h ago


From byteseu.com

The perfume company of a right-wing, conservative Hungarian Muslim fashion designer has become Fradi's new shirt sponsor

1 1

The perfume company of a right-wing, conservative Hungarian Muslim fashion designer has become Fradi's new shirt sponsorhttps://444.hu/2024/07/03/egy-jobboldali-konzervativ-magyar-muszlim-divattervezo-parfumcege-lett-a-fradi-uj-mezszponzoraPosted by Few_Simple9049

#hungary #magyarorszag

9h ago


From byteseu.com

NOT suitable for human consumption!

1 1

Decades ago, the Hungarian laughed at the fact that the stupid aunt in America wanted to dry her puppy's fur in the microwave, and the poor couple died because of it. He won a lawsuit against the manufacturer on the grounds that it was not described in the microwave's information sheet that it...

#hungary #magyarorszag

9h ago


From byteseu.com

One year after the Árpád bridge rampage, another serious car accident took place on Wednesday night at the same place

1 1

One year after the Árpád bridge rampage, another serious car accident took place on Wednesday night at the same placehttps://telex.hu/belfold/2024/07/03/arpad-hid-baleset-utkozes-harmas-utkozes?Posted by beshekh

#hungary #magyarorszag

8h ago


From byteseu.com

The Fidesz municipality gave the deposed Fidesz mayor a six-month reward for his high-quality work this year

1 1

The Fidesz municipality gave the deposed Fidesz mayor a six-month reward for his high-quality work this yearhttps://444.hu/2024/07/03/magas-szinvonalu-idei-munkajaert-hathavi-jutalmat-adott-a-fideszes-onkormanyzat-a-levaltott-fideszes-polgarmesternekPosted by AsGrblls

#hungary #magyarorszag

7h ago


From byteseu.com

János Lázár does not yet know whether he will remain in politics after 2026

1 1

This figure really has the skin on his face made of steel for saying such things as in the article. If I start to explain here how vile, psychologically terrible, hypocritical and humanly evil this guy is, then you would understand why Fidesz cannot be accepted slowly...

#hungary #magyarorszag

5h ago


From byteseu.com

Péter Magyar fits into the international populist wave like a textbook

1 1

For some reason, no one has posted this yet.https://24.hu/belfold/2024/07/03/magyar-peter-populizmus-donald-trump/Posted by Kovaron78

#hungary #magyarorszag

4h ago

Showing first 20 out of 37