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From taz.de

Linken droht Auslieferung nach Ungarn: Der Härtefall

4 4

Deutsche Linke sollen in Budapest Rechtsextreme angegriffen haben. Zaid A. droht die Auslieferung nach Ungarn. Tobias E. war dort bereits in Haft.

#noextradition #orban #fcknzs #ungarn #germany #freemaja #freezaid #freehanna #freetobias #repression

14h ago


From apnews.com

The EU shrugs off Hungary’s opposition to Ukraine support at a summit. What’s Orbán’s next move?

2 2

For the second time in a month, all European Union nations but Hungary signed a joint statement Thursday backing Ukraine.

#magyar #russia #eu #orban #hungary #ukraine

10h ago


From hang.hu

Magyar Péter a legnépszerűbb magyar politikus

1 1

A Medián felmérése szerint Orbánt még Karácsony Gergely és Hadházy Ákos is megelőzi.

#orban #tisza #magyar #ungarn #hungary #democracy #magyarpeter #magyarorszag

15h ago


From elpais.com

El apoyo europeo a Ucrania avanza sin Orbán

2 2

La UE se une para esquivar el veto de Hungría en otra cumbre clave para el sostén a Kiev y para acelerar el rearme europeo

#us #eeuu #armas #orban #europa #defensa #europeo #ucrania #europeos #industria

18h ago


From politico.eu

How to confront Orbán and save the EU

2 2

The legal tools to address this internal opposition exist — Europe just needs to use them, and meet the moment with courage.

#eu #fico #news #orban #hungary #ukraine #slovakia #russianwar #russianinvasion

22h ago


From politico.eu

Europe’s new unanimity: Orbán doesn’t need to agree

4 4

If the Hungarian prime minister wants to go it alone, he’s very welcome to, diplomats say.

#eu #war #orban #trade #energy #policy #markets #ukraine #military #politics

8h ago


From politico.eu

Orbán tries to ban Pride in Hungary as polls show rival surging

1 4

Fidesz says it’s trying to prohibit Pride to keep children safe from the LGBTQ+ agenda, but opponents say the prime minister’s party is trying to create a wedge issue.

#eu #orban #magyar #hungary #ukraine

on Tue, 12PM


From thenation.com

How a Free-Speech University Sidles Up to Orbán’s Strongman Rule

2 2

Bari Weiss's University of Austin, touted as a haven for free academic inquiry, has a dozen scholars and officials with ties to Hungary's speech-suppressing regime

#uatx #orban #hungary #academia #politics #education #academicfreedom #freedomofspeech

13h ago

Showing first 8 out of 9