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36 163 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From theguardian.com

Rishi Sunak fearful of losing his seat, sources say

21 21

PM would become first sitting British leader to be voted out of his constituency if his fears are realised

#Vote #press #ukpol #Politics #toriesout #countbinface #richmondandnorthallerton #ge24 #gtto #COVID

15h ago


From theguardian.com

Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer

36 36

Labour leader also says he cannot foresee circumstances where UK would re-enter single market or customs union

#uk #snp #ge24 #press #Rejoin #Election #Politics #RejoinEU #toryplanb #UutisBotEN

13h ago


From apple.news

Tory Minister suggests he may not vote for party after Boris Johnson wheeled out — The Mirror

2 2

Just moments after Rishi Sunak hailed a 'united' Conservative family, Tory Minister Huw Merriman hit out at the surprise appearance of disgraced ex-PM Boris Johnson

#uk #ge24 #gtto #COVID #Sunak #crime #greed #brexit #ge2024 #sleaze

22h ago


From youtube.com

The Brexit Scandal | Corruption In The UK | Documentary | British Political System

1 1

The Brexit Scandal - What if Brexit was ultimately not about the “will of the people” at all, but about the interests of a small British elite?The Brexit Sca...

#uk #brexit #scandal #Politics #corruption

on Feb 2


From youtube.com

2024 Election Specials. 4. The Conservatives

25 58

Pie's last rant about the Tories before the election.

#eu #bbc #nhs #tax #News #vtto #Sunak #brexit #comedy #farage

5h ago


From youtube.com

Brexit leaves shadow over election choice in Grimsby

1 1

In the port town of Grimsby on the east coast of northern England, an old political rivalry has to contend with a new threat in the UK’s general election. Th...

#eu #brexit #ge2024 #labour #grimsby #ukelection #KierStarmer

12h ago


From bbc.co.uk

General election latest: Second Reform candidate defects to Tories as Sunak defends campaign

3 6

Pressed on the Conseratives' chances, Sunak claims "people are waking up to the dangers of what a Labour government would mean for them".

#sun #Sunak #brexit #labour #starmer #toriesout #SingleMarket #customsunion

on Tue, 10AM


From bbc.com

Rishi Sunak inadvertently failed to declare childcare interest, rules MPs watchdog

1 1

Rishi Sunak apologises for "inadvertent errors" when providing information about his wife's shares.

#uk #brexit #scandal #Politics #corruption

on Aug 23


From tagesschau.de

Stimmung in Großbritannien: Widerwillig Labour wählen

2 2

70 Prozent stimmten in der englischen Hafenstadt Grimsby für den Brexit. Bei der darauffolgenden Wahl kippte die ehemalige Labour-Hochburg zu den Tories. Heute ist die Ernüchterung groß. Von Valerie Krall.

#wahl #brexit #vereinigteskonigreich

on Wed, 6AM


From theguardian.com

Brexit has completely failed for UK, say clear majority of Britons – poll

1 1

Only one in 10 feel leaving the EU has helped their finances, while just 9% say it has benefited the NHS, despite £350m a week pledge

#uk #brexit #scandal #Politics #corruption

on Dec 31


From thenational.scot

Keir Starmer, 61: 'No return to the single market in my lifetime'

1 1

Sir Keir Starmer has said he does not see the UK rejoining the European single market or customs union in his lifetime.

#ge24 #brexit #VoteSNP #votelabourgetbrexit #independenceisnormal #scottishindependence #scotlandindependentineurope

7h ago


From shetlandtimes.co.uk

Reform candidate linked with offensive social media posts  - The Shetland Times

1 1

Reform’s candidate for Orkney and Shetland allegedly suggested former first minister Nicola Sturgeon should be shot and used a homophobic slur to describe peopl

#uk #brexit #farage #orkney #racist #reform #shetland #generalelection

11h ago


From euronews.com

Parlamentswahlen in Großbritannien: Die letzten Tage des Wahlkampfs

2 2

Millionen Briten werden diese Woche in Großbritannien ihre Stimme abgeben. Die Labour-Partei kann bei den Wahlen am Donnerstag anscheinend mit einem Sieg rechnen.

#brexit #labour #tories #rishisunak #großbritannien #vereinigteskonigreich

13h ago


From theguardian.com

‘This ain’t a culture war’: the UK women who feel politically homeless

1 2

Many are frustrated at failures to tackle inequality, the climate and Labour’s struggle to define a woman

#SEN #nhs #SEND #trans #women #brexit #carers #gender #greens #labour

on Tue, 3PM


From theguardian.com

Stephen Lillie on Rishi Sunak’s electoral apocalypse – cartoon

1 4

The Conservatives’ general election continues to lurch from one disaster to another

#uk #ge24 #gtto #COVID #Sunak #crime #greed #brexit #sleaze #tories

on Sun, 4PM


From theguardian.com

Disastrous fruit and vegetable crops must be ‘wake-up call’ for UK, say farmers

11 11

Next government urged to have a proper plan for food security, as UK’s climate becomes more unpredictable

#Food #press #ukpol #brexit #ge2024 #climate #ukpolitics #FoodSecurity #humanity2024 #UnitedKingdom

18h ago


From n-tv.de

Sunak wird verlieren, Starmer gewinnen - und Farage wartet ab

2 2

An diesem Donnerstag wird Premierminister Sunak abgewählt, so viel ist sicher. Wahlsieger dürfte die Labour-Partei sein. Die wahre Gefahr für die britischen Konservativen - und das Königreich insgesamt - geht jedoch von einem anderen aus: Nigel Farage.

#ukip #brexit #politik #LizTruss #rishisunak #theresamay #nigelfarage #borisjohnson #davidcameron #labourpartei

on Wed, 6AM


From lesechos.fr

Europe : le programme radical de Marine Le Pen mènerait au « Frexit »

1 1

Dans son programme présidentiel, Marine le Pen ne fait plus mention d'une sortie de la France de l'Union européenne mais cette issue apparaît comme la conséquence inexorable de son programme anti-migrant et de préférence nationale.

#rn #lepen #brexit #frexit #bardella #fascisme #mensonges #populisme #extremedroite #legislatives2024

12h ago

Showing first 20 out of 21