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280 1866 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).
Correlated tags: #infosec #News #security #nieuws #press


From urldna.io

urlDNA | The DNA test for websites

15 243

Unleash website insights! urldna.io analyzes data, monitors brands and exposes security risks. Analyze URLs like a DNA test

#Scam #urldna #infosec #phishing #cybersecurity

7h ago


From cyberfeed.io

Cyberfeed.io | The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Cybersecurity – Week 30

12 132

In Cybersecurity news this week, there have been developments on multiple fronts. A member of The Com hacking group was arrested, a DPRK actor was caught infiltrating a US cybersecurity company, and malware was spread via GitHub by DaaS.

#infosec #cybersec #security #cybersecurity

6h ago


From thehackernews.com

Offensive AI: The Sine Qua Non of Cybersecurity

9 9

Explore the evolution of cybersecurity from the Creeper virus to offensive AI, shaping future defenses.

#it #cysec #malware #privacy #hackernews #News #infosec #cybersecurity

8h ago


From thehackernews.com

Ongoing Cyberattack Targets Exposed Selenium Grid Services for Crypto Mining

8 8

Discover how the SeleniumGreed campaign exploits exposed Selenium Grid services for crypto mining, posing risks to automated testing frameworks.

#it #ioc #cysec #privacy #selenium #hackernews #threatintel #seleniumgrid #News #seleniumgreed

14h ago


From thehackernews.com

This AI-Powered Cybercrime Service Bundles Phishing Kits with Malicious Android Apps

8 8

Spanish cybercrime group GXC Team bundles phishing kits with malicious Android apps, targeting banks worldwide with AI-powered phishing platform.

#AI #it #cysec #infoec #android #privacy #phishing #hackernews #News #infosec

6h ago


From thehackernews.com

CrowdStrike Warns of New Phishing Scam Targeting German Customers

8 8

CrowdStrike warns of targeted phishing campaign exploiting recent update incident. New threat actor targets German customers with fake installer.

#it #cysec #privacy #phishing #hackernews #crowdstrike #News #infosec #cybersecurity

14h ago


From thehackernews.com

U.S. DoJ Indicts North Korean Hacker for Ransomware Attacks on Hospitals

7 7

U.S. DOJ indicts North Korean hacker for ransomware attacks on U.S. hospitals, offers $10M reward for information.

#it #cysec #privacy #hackernews #News #infosec #cybersecurity

11h ago


From helpnetsecurity.com

Most CISOs feel unprepared for new compliance regulations - Help Net Security

2 3

A startling 67% of CISOs report feeling unprepared for these new compliance regulations, according to Onyxia Cyber.

#ciso #cybersecurity

15h ago


From forbes.com

The Cybersecurity Leadership Crisis Dooming America’s Companies

2 2

America has a boardroom cybersecurity leadership problem.

#infosec #governance #cybersecurity

2h ago


From arstechnica.com

Secure Boot is completely broken on 200+ models from 5 big device makers

31 83

Keys were labeled "DO NOT TRUST." Nearly 500 device models use them anyway.

#boot #uefi #secure #infosec #privacy #security #cybersecurity #secureboot

on Fri, 6AM

Showing first 20 out of 242