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69 414 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From urldna.io

urlDNA | The DNA test for websites

45 301

Unleash website insights! urldna.io analyzes data, monitors brands and exposes security risks. Analyze URLs like a DNA test

#Scam #urldna #infosec #phishing #cybersecurity

16h ago


From cybersecuritynews.com

Hackers Attacking Users with Apple IDs Via Malicious SMS

0 1

Cybercriminals have intensified their efforts to exploit Apple ID users through a new wave of malicious SMS campaigns.

on Wed, 5PM


From alienvault.com

LevelBlue - Open Threat Exchange

1 1

Learn about the latest cyber threats. Research, collaborate, and share threat intelligence in real time. Protect yourself and the community against today's emerging threats.

#Bot #otx #email #infosec #phishing #cryptocti #cybersecurity #openthreatexchange

10h ago


From alienvault.com

LevelBlue - Open Threat Exchange

1 1

Learn about the latest cyber threats. Research, collaborate, and share threat intelligence in real time. Protect yourself and the community against today's emerging threats.

#Bot #otx #sms #bank #email #trojan #infosec #phishing #alienvault #latinamerica

4h ago


From bitwarden.com

What is a common indicator of a phishing attempt? | Bitwarden Blog

1 1

Discover what a common indicator of a phishing attempt looks like and learn how to protect yourself and your business. The Bitwarden blog provides essential tips and best practices to identify and avoid phishing scams.

#phishing #cybersecurity

23h ago


From csoonline.com

Tabletop exercise scenarios: 10 tips, 6 examples

2 2

A tabletop exercise is a discussion-based session to test your team on roles and responses during for emergency scenarios. Here are example scenarios and tips to help tune your team for response success.

#cso #cysec #phishing #security #Ransomware #itleadership #cybersecurity #disasterrecovery #securitypractices #BusinessContinuity

5h ago


From elhacker.net

Organismo rector de la Fórmula 1 revela una filtración de datos

1 1

Blog sobre informática, tecnología y seguridad con manuales, tutoriales y documentación sobre herramientas y programas

#f1 #fia #dataleak #phishing

18h ago


From redhotcyber.com

FIA in Modalità Safety Car: Una violazione dei dati per colpa di una email di phishing

2 2

La FIA, l'ente globale degli sport motoristici, subisce un cyber pit stop a causa di attacchi di phishing. Scopri come hanno risposto e le implicazioni!

#AI #it #cti #fia #News #dati #online #hacking #privacy #attacchi

6h ago


From bleepingcomputer.com

Hackers abused API to verify millions of Authy MFA phone numbers

14 14

Twilio has confirmed that an unsecured API endpoint allowed threat actors to verify the phone numbers of millions of Authy multi-factor authentication users, potentially making them vulnerable to SMS phishing and SIM swapping attacks.

#sim #sms #cysec #infosec #phishing #swapping #unsecured #vulnerable #apisecurity #ShinyHunters

22h ago


From techcrunch.com

Twilio says hackers identified cell phone numbers of two-factor app Authy users | TechCrunch

14 21

Twilio says "threat actors were able to identify" phone numbers of people who use the two-factor app Authy.

#mfa #Hack #user #breach #twilio #hacking #twillio #phonenumber #cybersecurity #2fa

on Wed, 5PM

Showing first 20 out of 22