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Correlated tags: #cybersecurity


From urldna.io

urlDNA | The DNA test for websites

46 282

Unleash website insights! urldna.io analyzes data, monitors brands and exposes security risks. Analyze URLs like a DNA test

#Scam #urldna #infosec #phishing #cybersecurity

6h ago


From cyberfeed.io

Cyberfeed.io | Twilio's Authy App Breach Exposes Millions of Phone Numbers

24 109

Millions of phone numbers were exposed in a breach of Twilio's Authy app, the cloud communications provider disclosed. Threat actors exploited an unauthenticated endpoint to access data linked to Authy accounts, such as users' phone numbers. Twilio has since secured the endpoint to prevent any...

#infosec #cybersec #security #cybersecurity

3h ago


From securityweek.com

German Authorities Seize Spyware Firm FinFisher's Accounts

5 5

German authorities have seized accounts belonging to the spyware company FinFisher amid an investigation into whether it broke export laws by selling its products to authoritarian governments.

#aws #akamai #google #cloudfront #ssm #amer #calea #rtdna #infosec #malware

8h ago


From netzpolitik.org

Nach Pfändung: Staatstrojaner-Hersteller FinFisher „ist geschlossen und bleibt es auch“

5 5

Drei Unternehmen der Staatstrojaner-Firmengruppe FinFisher sind insolvent. Das Büro ist aufgelöst, die Mitarbeiter entlassen und der Geschäftsbetrieb eingestellt. Im Zuge von Ermittlungen wegen möglicher illegaler Exporte des Staatstrojaners hat die Staatsanwaltschaft Konten gepfändet.

#aws #akamai #google #cloudfront #ssm #amer #calea #rtdna #infosec #malware

on Apr 3


From spiegel.de

FinFisher: Überwachungssoftware-Hersteller ist insolvent

5 5

Einst galt die Überwachungsfirma als »Feind des Internets«. Nun ist FinFisher, Hersteller eines Staatstrojaners auch für das BKA, insolvent.

#aws #akamai #google #cloudfront #ssm #amer #calea #rtdna #infosec #malware

8h ago


From thehackernews.com

Microsoft MSHTML Flaw Exploited to Deliver MerkSpy Spyware Tool

10 10

Discover how hackers exploit Microsoft MSHTML to deploy MerkSpy spyware, targeting users globally.

#it #cysec #hacking #privacy #microsoft #hackernews #pentesting #News #infosec #cybersecurity

20h ago


From thehackernews.com

FakeBat Loader Malware Spreads Widely Through Drive-by Download Attacks

9 9

FakeBat loader malware spreads via drive-by attacks using SEO poisoning and fake software updates, delivering payloads like IcedID and Lumma.

#it #cysec #loader #privacy #hackernews #prattohome #thehackernews #マルウェア #ドライブバイ #News

23h ago


From thehackernews.com

The Emerging Role of AI in Open-Source Intelligence

8 8

AI and ML revolutionize open-source intelligence, enhancing real-time analysis, multilingual processing, and predictive analytics for better decision-

#it #cysec #privacy #hackernews #News #infosec #cybersecurity

19h ago


From github.com

GitHub - srlabs/Certiception: An ADCS honeypot to catch attackers in your internal network.

4 7

An ADCS honeypot to catch attackers in your internal network. - srlabs/Certiception

#dfir #pentest #redteam #blueteam #threatintel #cybersecurity #infosec

on Fri, 10AM


From thehackernews.com

Twilio's Authy App Breach Exposes Millions of Phone Numbers

6 6

Twilio's Authy app suffers data breach exposing millions of phone numbers. Users urged to update app and stay vigilant against potential phishing.

#News #cysec #privacy #hackernews #infosec #cybersecurity

3h ago


From thehackernews.com

Global Police Operation Shuts Down 600 Cybercrime Servers Linked to Cobalt Strike

7 7

Global law enforcement operation MORPHEUS dismantled nearly 600 cybercrime servers linked to Cobalt Strike attacks.

#News #cysec #停止 #警察 #privacy #morpheus #hackernews #prattohome #thehackernews #ユーロポール

2h ago

Showing first 20 out of 161