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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From openuk.uk

State of Open: The UK in 2024 Phase 2: "The Open Manifesto" - OpenUK

13 13

 » Read more about: State of Open: The UK in 2024 Phase 2: “The Open Manifesto”  »

#AI #wwkd #openmanifesto #openuk #opendata #stateofopen #opensourceai #londondataweek #theopenmanifesto #opensource

22h ago


From eventbrite.co.uk

OpenUK’s State of Open: The UK in 2024 Report Launch

4 4

Join OpenUK for its annual economic of open source in the UK update and an opportunity to share the open source data for the UK.

#openuk #opendata #opensource #stateofopen #opensourceai #londondataweek #theopenmanifesto

23h ago


From feddit.org

FOSS - Freie Software - feddit.org

3 3

Deutschsprachige Community zum Austausch über Freie Software Postet hier gerne News, Artikel, Empfehlungen und Fragen mit Bezug zu FOSS - Open Source - Freier Software… Dies ist eine Lemmy-Community (Was ist...

#foss #floss #akkoma #neuhier #Mastodon #fedditorg #friendica #opensource #vorstellung #freiesoftware

20h ago


From opensource.org

Highlights from AI_dev Paris

3 3

On June 19-20, the Linux Foundation hosted AI_dev: Open Source GenAI & ML Summit Europe 2024. We highlight some presentations from AI_dev Paris and how they are aligned with OSI’s work on the Open Source AI Definition.


12h ago


From youtube.com

Wie skaliert man eigene Infrastruktur? Thüringens neues RZ (Part 3)

2 2

Woran denkt Ihr, wenn Ihr an #IT in der Verwaltung denkt? Staubige Server, uralte Betriebssysteme, Sicherheitslücken ohne Ende - vielleicht wird es mal Zeit,...

#iac #oss #cloud #container #messenger #openstack #Verwaltung #skalierbarkeit #automatisierung #bundesmessenger

23h ago


From ostechnix.com

How To Install Latest Mainline Linux kernel On Ubuntu - OSTechNix

2 2

In this tutorial, we will learn how to install the latest mainline Kernel on Ubuntu, Elementary OS, Linux Mint, Pop!_ OS and Zorin OS.

#pop #popos #zorin #pop_os #mainline #zorin_os #linuxmint #utilities #linux_mint #linux_howto

15h ago


From wordpress.com

Linux: Ecstasy and Agony Of Living With It

2 2

TL;DR This is NOT a pure tech post nor I intended to. Well, Linux has been in the mainstream for a couple of decades, in case, you failed to realize it. And full-time living with it has some major …

#life #linux #kernel #software #opensource

8h ago


From ladybird.org


2 25

We're building Ladybird, a truly independent web browser, backed by a non-profit.

#browser #ladybird #opensource #браузер #опенсорс

on Mon, 2PM


From theia-ide.org

Theia - Cloud and Desktop IDE Platform

1 7

Theia is an open-source cloud &nbsp; desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript.

#foss #coding #opensource #development #programming

on Nov 14


From matrix.org


1 1

The Matrix Conference is coming to Berlin, Germany on September 19–22, 2024.

#foss #matrix #opensource

on Jun 26


From konfhub.com

UbuCon Asia 2024

1 3

UbuCon Asia is an event organized by Ubuntu Communities in Asia. It&rsquo;s for everyone who is involved with or interested in Ubuntu, Linux and other Free and ...

#ubuntu #techtalks #opensource #ubuconfever #ubuconasia24 #ubuconjaipur #ubuconatpibkcity

on May 29

Showing first 20 out of 109