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24 180 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From heise.de

Harvard study: Open source has an economic value of 8.8 trillion dollars

3 14

Open source software is worth trillions to the economy. However, researchers warn that companies contribute too little to the development of open source tools.

#linux #freesoftware #opensource

on Thu, 1PM


From foss.events

Open-Access-Tage on // foss.events

1 2

Everything in a nutshell about Open-Access-Tage on // foss.events

#foss #floss #europe #events #germany #konstanz #opensource #freesoftware

on Thu, 2PM


From foss.events

4. Open Data Barcamp 2025 on // foss.events

1 1

Everything in a nutshell about 4. Open Data Barcamp 2025 on // foss.events

#foss #floss #erfurt #europe #events #germany #opensource #freesoftware

2h ago


From blenderdumbass.org

The Spaghetti Code Of Dani's Race

1 1

Spaghetti code! The insidious thing that often happens even to the best of us. No wander that it happened to me. When programming you want to break your code into functions that could be called from many other places. Doing everything as one large function is a problem, because sometimes you...

#gnu #linux #upbge #python #gamedev #gtaclone #blender3d #danisrace #moriasrace #opensource

on Dec 21


From kde.org

This Week in Plasma: 6.4 Improvements

2 3

Welcome to a new issue of "This Week in Plasma"! Every week we cover the highlights of what's happening in the world of KDE Plasma and its associated apps like Discover, System Monitor, and more.

#kde #linux #plasma6 #opensource #freesoftware

on Sat, 5AM


From ayom.media

Obsolescência programada Samsung venceu

1 1

Orgulhava-me por conseguir usar celulares até acabarem, desistindo apenas quando literalmente quebravam ou a reposição da bateria ficava ...

#cbn #drm #ipod #apple #brasil #cilada #iphone #mobile #musica #celular

2h ago


From tierracomun.net

Diálogo de saberes: entrevista com a cooperativa Tierra Común — Tierra Común

1 1

Dialogo de Saberes com Martha Esperilla e Imelda Montiel, cooperativa Tierra Común * Boa tarde, sou Paola Ricaurte, cofundadora com Nick Couldry e Ulises Mejías, da rede Tierra Común, um espaço dedicado a explorar, coletivamente, formas de descolonizar dados. Hoje lançamos o primeiro episódio da

#mexico #cooperatives #freesoftware #decolonialresearch

13h ago


From opensource.org

Was your vote for the 2025 board election included in the published results?

1 1

Votes for 3 candidates were not included, so my vote was not included. poll

#osi #foss #floss #opensource #freesoftware

19h ago

Showing first 14 out of 24