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19095 nodes with 1800562.6M users and 328936.5M posts

This is an index of nodes that have been active in the last 24 hours. You can sort by daily or weekly posts and number of active users and search node addresses. (More information)

You can also filter by language (e.g. "lang:de") or nodes that are blocked (e.g. "blocks:threads.net").

Showing first 50 out of 68 of nodes with more than 5 users.


The original server operated by the Mastodon gGmbH non-profit

Total: 2.0M 98.5M 73.3k Today: 10.2k 58.7k


Mastodon.Uno è la prima comunità generalista italiana. Con oltre 73.000 iscritti è il più grande nodo Mastodon italiano. Anima ambientalista a supporto della privacy e del mondo Open Source.

Total: 73.4k 1.4M 41.2k Today: 125 289


Sociale.network è un ambiente di confronto per pacifisti, anarcolibertari, ecologisti, antimilitaristi, antirazzisti, antifascisti e ogni altro genere di persone che sogna un mondo pulito e solidale

Total: 4.2k 440.4k 32.8k Today: 16 54


Livello Segreto è il social etico che ha rispetto di te e del tuo tempo.

Total: 7.2k 401.4k 30.3k Today: 29 53


Un'istanza mastodon antifascista autogestita, prevalentemente italofona, con base a Bologna. Rispettosa di privacy e anonimato. Curata dal collettivo Bida

Total: 20.9k 901.2k 37.9k Today: 18 54


Generic Mastodon server for anyone to use.

Total: 183.2k 6.0M 38.2k Today: 317 1.5k


Total: 7 213.2k 9.1k Today: 6 2.2k


a/social indipendente di Roma

Total: 327 189.6k 19.1k Today: 12 32


A instance dedicated - but not limited - to people with an interest in the GNU+Linux ecosystem and/or general tech. Sysadmins to enthusiasts, creators to movielovers - Welcome!

Total: 11.6k 677.4k 45.1k Today: 29 74


Poliverso è oggi la più grande istanza Friendica italiana, nata per offrire un social network senza limiti di caratteri, integrato nel Fediverso e dotato di funzionalità avanzate: uno spazio politico, poliedrico e policentrico in cui discutere i temi dell'attualità e, in particolare, privacy,...

Total: 422 29.3k 36.6k Today: 5 49


Chi siamo

Questa istanza è gestita allegramente dall'hacklab underscore e fa parte del server autogestito cisti.org.

Cos'è Mastodon

Differentemente da altre piattaforme è...

Total: 616 299.7k 23.2k Today: 1 13


A newer server operated by the Mastodon gGmbH non-profit

Total: 191.3k 9.3M 48.2k Today: 757 3.9k


Istanza aperta agli Amici che ne fanno richiesta. -ATTENZIONE- stanza NO-Threads

Total: 10 4.9k 11.6k Today: 2 6


Una istanza tranquilla di Fediverso ActivityPub, alternativa a Mastodon

Total: 207 14.5k 19.0k Today: 4 11


Kolektiva is an anti-colonial anarchist collective that offers federated social media to anarchist collectives and individuals in the fediverse. For the social movements and liberation!

Total: 38.1k 2.9M 54.0k Today: 138 584


Dal 2020 la prima e unica Istanza Mastodon dedicata alla Regina Immortalis Lilith, fulcro degli adepti e delle adepte che dal 2019 fanno parte dell'unica "La Via di Lilith" OnLine!

Total: 45 8.5k 9.6k Today: 1 1


A Mastodon instance for info/cyber security-minded people.

Total: 69.1k 3.2M 46.0k Today: 505 1.5k


Un mastodonte colombiano.

Total: 740 129.6k 20.5k Today: 14 23


Hello! mas.to is a fast, up-to-date and fun Mastodon server.

Total: 175.2k 8.7M 48.5k Today: 439 1.5k


Poliversity è una comunità dedicata alla ricerca scientifica e al giornalismo, all'università e all'istruzione ed è nata per promuovere il diritto alla conoscenza e la corretta informazione

Total: 123 15.2k 12.4k Today: 8 9


Un server Mastodon in lingua italiana che nasce con lo scopo di creare uno spazio sicuro per persone LGBTQIA+, marginalizzate, neurodivergenti, e in generale "queer" nel senso ampio del termine.

Total: 81 6.7k 13.2k Today: 3 7


A stable and professionally administered Mastodon server that hosts a large number of journalists and news outlets. Content focuses heavily on news and current events. #newstodon

Total: 20.8k 1.2M 128.9k Today: 80 700


去中心化社群架設的去中心化社群網站。宇宙小酒館。請遵守社群守則 https://g0v.social/about/more Our mantra: https://devpoga.org/blog/2023-01-22_mantra_g0v_social/

Total: 7.7k 1.1M 33.6k Today: 106 318


Welcome to Flipboard on Mastodon. A place for our community of curators and enthusiasts to inform and inspire each other. If you'd like to join please request an invitation via the sign-up page.

Total: 4.1k 237.2k 25.9k Today: 79 1.0k


Total: N/A N/A N/A Today: 176 3.4k


Metalhead.club is a Mastodon instance hosted in Germany and powered by 100% green energy.

Total: 5.5k 516.8k 39.6k Today: 44 89


Istanza Mastodon ufficiale dell'Associazione ISAA APS (Associazione Italiana per l'Astronautica e lo Spazio).

Total: 10 2.1k 4.0k Today: 1 1


FoxyHole nasce con l'ambizione di liberare l'utent

Total: 121 14.2k 14.7k Today: 1 5


A Mastodon community with a food and wine focus. Mainly English speaking, open to all epicurians.

Total: 929 86.3k 15.5k Today: 10 13


A Mastodon forum for the discussion of European Union matters. Not run by the EU. Powered by PleromaBot, Nitter and PrivacyDev.net.

Total: 1.6k 1.8M 16.7k Today: 29 93


QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.

Total: 27.2k 1.6M 46.5k Today: 24 115


A Mastodon instance for bots and bot allies.

Total: 9.0k 30.3M 43.4k Today: 366 874


A Mastodon instance for Luxembourg and beyond.

Total: 280 40.8k 29.7k Today: 6 7


Total: 16 13.4k 30.4k Today: 0 0


Bienvenidos a la instancia más simpática de Mastodon. Somos tuiter.rocks y volamos libres como los pájaros. Instancia generalista. Humor y debate.No tenemos nada que ver con Twitter.com.

Total: 252 119.3k 19.3k Today: 8 22


Veganism Social is a welcoming space on the internet for vegans to connect and engage with the broader decentralized social media community.

Total: 3.1k 132.4k 26.6k Today: 17 45


Mastodon.ART — Your friendly home on the fediverse for all things creative, all on a platform that is community-owned and ad-free. NO AI OR NFTs ALLOWED.

Total: 37.3k 3.6M 49.7k Today: 229 546


Plant trees while you use Mastodon. A server originally for people in the EU, but now open for anyone in the world

Total: 12.0k 1.0M 32.5k Today: 50 172


an instance for pets thumbnail found via CreativeCommons search. Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/8126330@N05/5636516286

Total: 79 45.5k 23.5k Today: 3 5


Mastodon server focused on game development and related topics.

Total: 31.9k 1.3M 44.6k Today: 168 313


A Mastodon instance for maths people. We have LaTeX rendering in the web interface!

Total: 17.8k 1.2M 40.5k Today: 67 151


A Mastodon instance built around the Continuous Delivery podcast and supported by SparkFabrik.

Total: 21 894 8.1k Today: 1 1


The Jazztodon instance is the home on Mastodon for jazz people! Join the discussion of all types of jazz and related music. Donations for server expenses: https://tinyurl.com/3sc2y2fs

Total: 279 13.9k 16.5k Today: 5 7


This is an Italian-language GoToSocial instance dedicated to users of the Midala platform who are involved in cultural activities. Membership is therefore by invitation only.

Total: 6 1.5k 1.5k Today: 1 1


On the internet, everyone knows you're a cat — and that's totally okay.

Total: 2.6k 693.0k 50.9k Today: 27 87


Everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct! Thank you. Mastodon.cloud is maintained by Sujitech, LLC.

Total: 273.7k 5.4M 47.4k Today: 62 362


Total: N/A N/A N/A Today: 0 0


You can contact the admin of this Friendica server via the profile @utzer, also a contact via the details given here https://blog.utzer.de/kontakt/ is possible.

Total: 11 34.1k 36.1k Today: 3 30


Total: N/A N/A N/A Today: 1 2


Questo è il server Mastodon del Frenfi che fu

Total: 138 5.7k 12.8k Today: 0 0