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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From lancedb.com

Lance v2: A columnar container format for modern data

2 2

Why a new format? Lance was invented because readers and writers for existing column formats did not handle AI/ML workloads efficiently. Lance v1 solved some of these problems but still struggles in a number of cases. At the same time, others (btrblocks, procella, vortex) have found similar issues with


on Apr 23


From posetteconf.com

Speaker: Philippe Noël | POSETTE: An Event for Postgres 2025

1 2

Philippe Noël, Co-founder, CEO @ ParadeDB, is a speaker for POSETTE: An Event for Postgres 2024. Philippe’s talk is titled “Elasticsearch-Quality Full-Text Search in Postgres via Tantivy”.

#postgres #community #databases #opensource #postgresql #posetteconf

on Tue, 2AM


From smashingmagazine.com

How To Prevent WordPress SQL Injection Attacks — Smashing Magazine

1 2

Have you thought about the security risks WordPress websites face? Anders Johansson explores why they are frequent hacker targets and shares how WordPress SQL injection attacks work and how to remove and prevent them.

#sql #howtos #security #databases #wordpress

on Mon, 4PM

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