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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From github.com

GitHub - fluxcd/flagger: Progressive delivery Kubernetes operator (Canary, A/B Testing and Blue/Green deployments)

1 1

Progressive delivery Kubernetes operator (Canary, A/B Testing and Blue/Green deployments) - fluxcd/flagger

#golang #kubernetes

on Feb 14


From openai.com

API, ChatGPT & Sora Facing Issues

2 8

OpenAI's Status Page - API, ChatGPT & Sora Facing Issues.

#sre #devops #kubernetes

on Thu, 12AM


From kubernetes.io

Enhancing Kubernetes API Server Efficiency with API Streaming

2 2

Managing Kubernetes clusters efficiently is critical, especially as their size is growing. A significant challenge with large clusters is the memory overhead caused by list requests. In the existing implementation, the kube-apiserver processes list requests by assembling the entire response...


15h ago


From discu.eu

OpenAI Status - API, ChatGPT & Sora Facing Issues - discu.eu

1 1

Discussions and related articles for «OpenAI Status - API, ChatGPT & Sora Facing Issues»

#sre #devops #kubernetes

4h ago


From gematik.de

Introducing Windows Containers

1 1

How Windows containers are helping us to keep legacy projects working and to support new requirements at the same time.

#windows #containers #kubernetes

18h ago


From redhat.com

Introducing Builds for OpenShift 1.2 | Red Hat Developer

1 1

Discover new features in Builds for OpenShift 1.2, which is now generally available.

#redhat #openshift #kubernetes #shipwright

15h ago


From thenewstack.io

Debugging K8s With K8sGPT in Your Internal Developer Portal

1 1

Learn how to integrate AI-driven insights into your Kubernetes workflow, all within a seamless developer portal experience.


17h ago


From medium.com

Getting started with AKS Workload Identities

1 2

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) offers a powerful feature called Workload Identity, which enhances security and simplifies authentication…

#aks #k8s #azure #cloud #kubernetes

on Nov 15


From gabrielebartolini.it

The urge of “T-shaped” profiles to smooth the challenges of running Postgres in Kubernetes

1 1

The evolution of running PostgreSQL in Kubernetes, emphasising the importance of transitioning from traditional deployment methods to a cloud-native approach

#postgres #kubernetes

on Aug 12

Showing first 13 out of 13