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73 620 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From tarnkappe.info

EU-Kommission verklagt Datenschutzbeauftragten

4 4

Die EU-Kommission verklagt den EU-Datenschutzbeauftragten, weil sie weiterhin Produkte von Microsoft nutzen will.

#eu #cloud #office #eudsgvo #kommission #trauerspiel #eukommission #europaischen #rechtssachen #patrickbreyer

11h ago


From thecyberexpress.com

Windows Recall Remains Insecure, Researcher Says; Google Developing Similar Feature

3 3

Microsoft’s planned Windows Recall feature remains vulnerable to cyberattacks in its latest version, according to a security researcher – even

#AI #pixel #google #privacy #windows #security #copilotrecall #cybersecurity #firewalldaily #recallprivacy

21h ago


From guiadeti.com.br

Treinamentos Microsoft: Receba Voucher De 50% Para Certificações

2 2

Treinamentos Microsoft: Receba Voucher De 50% Para Certificações. Aproveite a Oportunidade de Voucher para Certificação Microsoft!

#azure #voucher #microsoft #tecnologia #treinamento

21h ago


From orf.at

CO2-Bilanz: IT-Riesen kämpfen mit Stromhunger der KI

3 3

Die große Nachfrage nach künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und damit verbundene riesige Rechenleistungen verhageln dem US-Internetriesen Google die Klimabilanz. Die CO2-Emissionen des Unternehmens stiegen durch den Stromhunger der Rechencenter im Vergleich zu 2019 um 48 Prozent. Ähnlich ergeht es...

#ki #_ki #_us #llm #amazon #erdgas #google #_google #_umwelt #_energie

17h ago


From recoll.org


1 1

Recoll is a desktop document search application for Unix, Linux, Microsoft Windows and MacOS, based on the Xapian search engine library.

#linux #microsoft #opensource #datenschutz #datasecurity

3h ago



From winfuture.de

Microsoft entschlackt das Datei-Menü in den Office-Anwendungen

1 1

Microsoft hat auf das Feedback zahlreicher Nutzer gehört und das Datei-Menü in Office-Anwendungen überarbeitet. Konkret geht es dabei um die Web-Editionen. Hier wurden vor allem auch völlig unnötige Menü-Punkte entfernt, um die Übersichtlichkeit zu erhöhen.

#office #microsoft

9h ago


From winfuture.de

Microsoft entfernt zwei der vier kostenlosen Windows 11-VMs

1 1

Wer Windows 11 beruflich testet, der kennt und nutzt vermutlich das Win­dows Development Environment, also die Win­dows-Ent­wick­lungs­um­ge­bung. Darüber lassen sich vorinstallierte virtuelle Maschinen (VMs) einsetzen. Doch einige werden nun temporär abgeschaltet.

#Windows11 #microsoft

4h ago


From youtube.com

Pirating Microsoft Software Is Now Ok!

1 1

At least, that's according to Microsoft's AI CEO!

#AI #News #technews #copyright #microsoft #intellectualproperty

15h ago


From youtube.com

Microsoft & Qualcomm -- Blame for Broken Arm Promises?

3 3

ARM Architecture is good, but Qualcomm's Snapdragon is not our friend! Join Wendell as he covers the disappointing reality of Microsoft's collaboration. 0:00...

#arm #microsoft #windows #Qualcomm

18h ago


From youtube.com

I’ll play ANY game you ask on Snapdragon X

1 1

Thanks to Ridge for sponsoring the stream! Save 10% and get Free Shipping at Ridge by using the code LINUS at https://www.ridge.com/LINUSCheck out the ASUS V...

#pc #arm #ltt #live #steam #Laptop #gaming #stream #laptops #windows

15h ago


From mastodon.social

nixCraft 🐧 (@nixCraft@mastodon.social)

1 1

Grandma's 15 years old computer: We're not supporting Windows 11 on your computer cuz- Grandma: #Linux Mint it is.

#linux #windows #Windows11 #linuxmint #microsoft

15h ago


From ajguides.com

New Microsoft Outlook Multi Calendar Split View - Stay Organized | AJGuides.com

1 1

Boost productivity with Outlook's multi calendar split view. Easily manage and merge multiple calendars in Microsoft Outlook for efficient scheduling.

#guides #outlook #calendar #microsoft #office365

3h ago


From proton.me

Introducing Docs in Proton Drive – collaborative document editing that’s actually private | Proton

21 41

Create docs and collaborate in real time on documents knowing they are end-to-end encrypted.

#News #foss #gdrive #BigTech #writers #security #software #encrypted #microsoft #degoogling

on Wed, 12PM


From readwrite.com

The Elder Scrolls 6: What do we know so far?

1 1

The Elder Scrolls 6: when will it be released, what platforms will it be on, and where will it be set? Here's what we know.

#gaming #pcgames #bethesda #microsoft #elderscrolls5 #elderscrolls6

3h ago


From gomoot.com

Proton Docs: il nuovo editor di documenti online

1 1

Proton Docs: collaborazione sicura sui documenti con crittografia end-to-end. Alternativa privacy-first a Google Docs e Microsoft 365 integrata in Proton Drive

#News #blog #docs #tech #picks #proton #endtoend #microsoft #tecnologia #protondrive

21h ago

Showing first 20 out of 55