Windows 11 erklärt, warum ihr mehr RAM und eine bessere GPU braucht
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Microsoft wird in kommenden Windows-Versionen dafür sorgen, dass das Betriebssystem den Nutzern genau erklärt, warum sie besser mehr Arbeitsspeicher oder eine stärkere Grafikkarte kaufen sollten. Dies lässt sich in aktuellen Previews bereits aktivieren.
7h ago
ИИ-выдержки появятся в Блокноте
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В инструменте под названием Snipping Tool также появиться ИИ, который будет корректировать линии нарисованные от руки, и делать их прямыми.
#notepad #microsoft #tefidacom #windows11 #snippingtool #новостиit
19h ago
Windows 11 will soon let you know why your PC hardware sucks
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The new FAQ feature is part of the latest Windows 11 test builds
#gpu #ram #microsoft #windows11 #performance
7h ago
The 4 most Windows-like Linux distros to try because change is hard
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If you're still using Windows 10, you know the end is nigh. If you want to keep your machine running smoothly and feeling familiar, check out these Linux distros.
#eol #windows #microsoft #windblows #windows10 #windows11
on Dec 30
Non vi servirà più una tastiera per digitare su Windows 11
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Microsoft sta trasformando l'esperienza di digitazione su Windows 11 con una novità che avvicina sempre più il mondo PC a quello console.
#windows11 #handgesturecontrol
3h ago
Intel BE200 WiFi 7 card module cannot connect to 6Ghz in windows
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So I bought myself WiFi 7 BE200 card and upgraded in my laptop. I also purchased Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra as I wanted to step up the game and use 6Ghz... I have set mobile hotspot to 6Ghz and also in
7h ago
The 11 Microsoft apps I ditch on every new Windows install - and the 11 I keep
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A default installation of Windows 11 includes dozens of Microsoft apps. Which ones are worth keeping, and which ones should you uninstall? These are my top picks.
5h ago
How to Dual Boot Windows 11 and Ubuntu 24.04 on ideapad with locked nvram?
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I can install Ubuntu as sole OS and it will boot/work, but dual boot with Windows its like the UEFI is programmed/locked to ignore anything else if it detects windows and just boots straight to win...
#boot #uefi #grub2 #dualboot #windows11
17h ago
Microsoft’s Update Decision—New Warning For 800 Million Windows Users
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Time is running out—users warned to act now.
#windows10 #windows11 #switchtolinux
7h ago
Was das Aus von Windows 10 für Spendenorganisationen bedeutet
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Vereine, die gebrauchte PCs aufbereiten und an Bedürftige weitergeben, stehen vor schwierigen Entscheidungen.
#windows #microsoft #windows10 #windows11 #geplanteobsoleszenz
9h ago