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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From winfuture.de

Windows 11 erklärt, warum ihr mehr RAM und eine bessere GPU braucht

1 1

Microsoft wird in kommenden Windows-Versionen dafür sorgen, dass das Betriebssystem den Nutzern genau erklärt, warum sie bes­ser mehr Arbeitsspeicher oder eine stärkere Grafikkarte kaufen soll­ten. Dies lässt sich in aktuellen Previews bereits aktivieren.

#hardware #windows11

7h ago


From tefida.com

ИИ-выдержки появятся в Блокноте

1 1

В инструменте под названием Snipping Tool также появиться ИИ, который будет корректировать линии нарисованные от руки, и делать их прямыми.

#notepad #microsoft #tefidacom #windows11 #snippingtool #новостиit

19h ago


From theverge.com

Windows 11 will soon let you know why your PC hardware sucks

6 6

The new FAQ feature is part of the latest Windows 11 test builds

#gpu #ram #microsoft #windows11 #performance

7h ago


From zdnet.com

The 4 most Windows-like Linux distros to try because change is hard

1 1

If you're still using Windows 10, you know the end is nigh. If you want to keep your machine running smoothly and feeling familiar, check out these Linux distros.

#eol #windows #microsoft #windblows #windows10 #windows11

on Dec 30


From tomshw.it

Non vi servirà più una tastiera per digitare su Windows 11

1 1

Microsoft sta trasformando l'esperienza di digitazione su Windows 11 con una novità che avvicina sempre più il mondo PC a quello console.

#windows11 #handgesturecontrol

3h ago


From askubuntu.com

Intel BE200 WiFi 7 card module cannot connect to 6Ghz in windows

1 1

So I bought myself WiFi 7 BE200 card and upgraded in my laptop. I also purchased Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra as I wanted to step up the game and use 6Ghz... I have set mobile hotspot to 6Ghz and also in


7h ago


From zdnet.com

The 11 Microsoft apps I ditch on every new Windows install - and the 11 I keep

2 2

A default installation of Windows 11 includes dozens of Microsoft apps. Which ones are worth keeping, and which ones should you uninstall? These are my top picks.

#apps #microsoft #windows11

5h ago


From askubuntu.com

How to Dual Boot Windows 11 and Ubuntu 24.04 on ideapad with locked nvram?

1 1

I can install Ubuntu as sole OS and it will boot/work, but dual boot with Windows its like the UEFI is programmed/locked to ignore anything else if it detects windows and just boots straight to win...

#boot #uefi #grub2 #dualboot #windows11

17h ago


From futurezone.at

Was das Aus von Windows 10 für Spendenorganisationen bedeutet

2 2

Vereine, die gebrauchte PCs aufbereiten und an Bedürftige weitergeben, stehen vor schwierigen Entscheidungen.

#windows #microsoft #windows10 #windows11 #geplanteobsoleszenz

9h ago

Showing first 13 out of 21