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Correlated tags: #palestine


From tagesschau.de

Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Israel greift Ziele in Gaza und Libanon an ++

18 18

Israel greift erneut Ziele im Gazastreifen und im Libanon an. Der Zivilschutz im Gazastreifen meldet 30 Tote. Der deutsche Botschafter in Israel pocht auf die Freilassung der verschleppten Geiseln. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.

#liveblog #gaza #tagesschau #Israel #Nahost

9h ago


From aljazeera.com

Qatar suspends mediation; Israel kills medics, journalists in Gaza, Lebanon

10 10

Israeli attacks kill six Lebanese medics and two Palestinian journalists as Qatar suspends its Gaza ceasefire mediation.

#News #hamas #press #qatar #jabalia #breaking #genocide #headline #amsterdam #breakingnews

17h ago


From nos.nl

Tientallen doden bij Israëlisch bombardement op Jabalia

4 4

In dit blog houden we je op de hoogte van de laatste ontwikkelingen in het Midden-Oosten.

#idf #Trump #jabalia #northerngaza #Israel #gaza

5h ago


From mondoweiss.net

No, there were no ‘antisemitic pogroms’ in Amsterdam. Here’s what really happened.

11 11

Media claims of ‘antisemitic pogroms’ against Israeli fans in Amsterdam are the latest in a pattern of false narratives fueling anti-Muslim violence and justifying the genocide in Gaza.

#lies #facism #hasbara #zionist #fakenews #judeonazis #judeofacism #stopzionistfakenews #israelterroriststate #stopzionistpropaganda

17h ago


From aljazeera.com

Israeli attacks kill 40 as limited aid arrives in ravaged northern Gaza

5 5

The Israeli military killed more civilians and journalists in attacks across Gaza, especially its besieged north.

#IHL #palestine #gazagenocide #gaza

23h ago


From t.me

Los Sombreros Blancos [Z]

2 5

Periodismo ético y Corresponsales de guerra 📝

#fdi #arabes #canal12 #israeli #gaza #Israel

on Dec 15


From leparoleelecose.it

Poesia, prima persona plurale /14: Marco Giovenale

2 2

di marco giovenale   [Quattordicesima puntata dell’indagine sulla valenza sociale della poesia contemporanea a cura di Lorenzo Mari e Gianluca Rizzo. Qui tutte le altre uscite].   non noi…

#gaza #lplc #ffffff #nonnoi #palestina #scrittori #lorenzomari #gianlucarizzo #intellettuali #leparoleelecose

4h ago


From bbc.com

Nearly 70% of Gaza war dead women and children - UN - BBC News

3 32

A UN agency verified victims from a six-month period and said it found international law violations.

#ohchr #women #children #un #gaza

on Sat, 3PM


From broadcastingscotland.scot

Full Scottish - 10/11/2024 - Broadcasting Scotland

2 2

On this week's Full Scottish, Martyn Day, Frances Coppola and Martyn Docherty-Hughes discuss the weeks Scottish and international news.

#gaza #ukraine #fullscottish #uselection2024

6h ago


From nytimes.com

Gazans Are Living Through a Yearlong Blackout

2 3

Israel cut off electricity in the first days of the war, leaving Palestinians to light the dark with cellphones and to cook over open flames.

#war #dailylife #infrastructure #collectivpunishment #gaza #Israel #palestine

11h ago


From mondoweiss.net

The role of the Gaza genocide in Kamala Harris’s loss

4 4

The cause of Kamala Harris’s disastrous failure in the 2024 presidential election will forever be debated, but there are good reasons to believe the Israeli genocide in Gaza played a significant role.

#Israel #democrats #KamalaHarris #gaza #palestine

22h ago


From hatenablog.jp

ガザで何百人ものアスリートが殺されていることが不問に付されるなか、アムステルダムで「暴徒化」したのは誰だったのか(英文法解説つき) - Hoarding Examples (英語例文等集積所)

2 2

11月8日(金)の深夜、「アムステルダムでサッカーファンが暴徒化してイスラエル人が襲われた」的な話が流れてきた。まるでアムステルダムでユダヤ人標的のテロ計画でもあったかのような書きぶりの記事もあったが、何があったのか、具体的に中身を見てみたら、そういう話ではなかった。 もはや「フェイクニュース」などということばを誰も使わなくなった今、こういうことが白日のもとで起きている。しかも「欧米」が主導している。日本で盛り上がる「背後にロシアの影」云々のたわごとすらも出る状況にない。 唖然とするよりない。 以下、とても長い。あと、今回は英文法解説もある。 ■目次■ イスラエルの軍事攻撃で標的とされているガ…

#gaza #ガザ #ガザ市民のための声翻訳

11h ago


From mondoweiss.net

I stopped wearing the Star of David because it has become a symbol of supremacy and fascism

4 4

In October 2023, I proudly wore my Star of David necklace to an emergency rally for Gaza, but a year later I could no longer wear it. Israel has made it impossible to divorce this symbol from the unfathomable devastation carried out under its banner.

#Israel #gaza #palestine

21h ago


From theguardian.com

Deaf and mute siblings among scores killed by Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza – report

7 7

A resident of the Lebanese city of Tyre told Associated Press three disabled sisters and their two brothers were killed in Israeli strike

#USA #Iran #Biden #Syria #Yemen #hamas #Harris #Israel #auspol #lebanon

11h ago

Showing first 20 out of 185