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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From tagesschau.de

Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Israel: Offensive gegen Hisbollah in Planung ++

17 26

Israels Armee bereitet laut eigenen Angaben eine "entscheidende Offensive" gegen die Hisbollah-Miliz im Libanon vor. Das UN-Welternährungsprogramm sieht sich gezwungen, Lebensmittelrationen in Gaza zu verkleinern. Der Liveblog vom Freitag zum Nachlesen.

#gaza #tagesschau #liveblog #Israel #Nahost

4h ago


From theguardian.com

Britain drops its challenge to ICC arrest warrants for Israeli leaders

31 31

Labour government announces its biggest step yet in overhauling the UK’s approach to the Middle East

#PACE #tory #press #ukpol #unrwa #labour #israeli #starmer #26luglio #guardian

6h ago


From aljazeera.com

Israel-Palestine conflict | Live updates | Today's latest from Al Jazeera

6 9

Khan Younis sees highest number of casualties with Israel’s deadly strikes also targeting Nuseirat and Gaza City.

#israeli #genocide #uscomplicity #gaza #Harris #palestine #USpol #Israel

17h ago


From theguardian.com

The Gaza orphanage director: I carried a small boy with cerebral palsy to safety – but he died soon after

5 6

Bombing forced Hazem Rahma to flee Gaza City with the children in his care. But the attacks continue – and there are more and more children to look after

#icj #PACE #orphans #26luglio #children #genocide #palestine #warcrimes #ceasefirenow #gazagenocide

15h ago


From t.me

Al Mayadeen Español

6 56

La Red de Al Mayadeen es un Canal satelital panárabe informativo independiente. Creemos en el principio de la realidad tal y como es.

#onu #ddhh #eeuu #sana #Biden #Yemen #rafah #galant #libano #lahayai

on Oct 15


From spotify.com

Israel Today: Ongoing War Report

2 14

Listen to Israel Today: Ongoing War Report on Spotify. Stay informed, no matter how busy you are. Reporter Noa Levi of Israel Today: Ongoing War Report brings you the most crucial updates from Israel every hour. Sourced directly from leading news channels and top-rated RSS feeds, our team...

#AI #gaza #hamas #Israel #palestine

on Dec 30


From spreaker.com

Israel Today: Ongoing War Report

2 14

Stay informed, no matter how busy you are. Reporter Noa Levi of Israel Today: Ongoing War Report brings you the most crucial updates from Israel every half hour. Sourced directly from leading news channels and top-rated RSS feeds, our team distills extensive news coverage from 'Telegram Channel...

#AI #gaza #hamas #Israel #palestine

on Oct 26


From wordpress.com

»Zittert – Das hier ist nur der Anfang«

2 2

Die frisch gebackene französische Abgeordnete Rima Hassan hetzt gegen Israel und will ihre Kollegen um den Schlaf bringen Michael Thaidigsmann | Jüdische Allgemeine Rima Hassan im Europawahlkampf F…

#gaza #Israel #rimahassan #euparlament #antisemitismus

11h ago


From theguardian.com

US medics who volunteered in Gaza demand arms embargo over ‘unbearable cruelty’ inflicted by Israel

5 18

Doctors and nurses say death toll is more than 92,000, describe gruesome injuries and a sick and traumatized people

#us #bds #icc #icj #idf #Biden #hamas #nakba #sumud #pogrom

23h ago


From lemonde.fr

A Gaza, le calvaire d’un jeune trisomique tué par un chien de l’armée israélienne

5 5

Après avoir été attaqué par l’animal au domicile de sa famille, Muhammed Bhar, un handicapé mental de 24 ans, a été abandonné dans une pièce de la maison, où il est décédé de ses blessures. Les soldats ont empêché sa mère et ses frères de lui porter assistance.

#stopwar #netanyahu #paris2024 #gaza

6h ago

Showing first 20 out of 225