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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From tagesschau.de

Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Hamas-Opfer reichen in USA Klage ein ++

16 16

Angehörige der Opfer des Hamas-Angriffs auf Israel haben den Iran, Syrien und Nordkorea wegen deren angeblicher Unterstützung der Terrororganisation verklagt. Die Zahl der Toten im Gazastreifen ist auf 37.877 gestiegen. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.

#liveblog #gaza #tagesschau #Israel #Nahost

7h ago


From theguardian.com

Freed Gaza hospital head accuses Israel of repeated torture

16 16

Al-Shifa’s Mohammed Abu Salmiya alleges Israel tortured him across seven months of detention without charge

#press #guardian #hospital #Worldnews #HumanRights #theguardian #freepalestine #israelgazawar #newsheadlines #currentaffairs

20h ago


From tagesschau.de

Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Ultraorthodoxe protestieren gegen Wehrpflicht ++

11 22

In Israel haben Tausende Ultraorthodoxe gegen die gerichtlich verfügte Wehrpflicht protestiert. Bei einem Drohnenangriff aus dem Libanon sind laut Armee mehrere israelische Soldaten verletzt worden. Alle Entwicklungen im Liveblog.

#liveblog #gaza #tagesschau #Israel #Nahost

on Mon, 12AM


From apnews.com

Israel releases director of hospital it says was used as a Hamas base. He alleges abuse in custody

7 8

Israel has released the director of Gaza’s main hospital after holding him for seven months without charge or trial over allegations the facility had been used as a Hamas command center.

#News #hamas #rafah #israeli #palestine #khanyounis #palestinians #israelhamaswar #Israel #gaza

on Mon, 11AM


From aljazeera.com

How Israel destroyed Gaza’s ability to feed itself

10 10

The annual celebration of abundant harvests has been replaced by widespread devastation and a dire humanitarian crisis.

#press #Israel #famine #toplink #aljazeera #palestine #agriculture #foodnotbombs #gazagenocide #antimilitarism

7h ago


From spotify.com

Israel Today: Ongoing War Report

2 14

Listen to Israel Today: Ongoing War Report on Spotify. Stay informed, no matter how busy you are. Reporter Noa Levi of Israel Today: Ongoing War Report brings you the most crucial updates from Israel every hour. Sourced directly from leading news channels and top-rated RSS feeds, our team...

#AI #gaza #hamas #Israel #palestine

on Dec 30


From spreaker.com

Israel Today: Ongoing War Report

2 14

Stay informed, no matter how busy you are. Reporter Noa Levi of Israel Today: Ongoing War Report brings you the most crucial updates from Israel every half hour. Sourced directly from leading news channels and top-rated RSS feeds, our team distills extensive news coverage from 'Telegram Channel...

#AI #gaza #hamas #Israel #palestine

on Oct 26


From thecanary.co

Manchester company forced to close as Palestine Action overwhelm its offices

2 3

Palestine Action targeted another link in Britain's complicity chain with Israel's genocide in Gaza - this time, tech firm CDW in Manchester

#us #cdw #icc #icj #idf #elbit #hamas #nakba #Israel #pogrom

1h ago


From theguardian.com

Norway pension fund sells $69m stake in Caterpillar over alleged involvement in Gaza destruction

2 7

KLP divests from US bulldozer company over alleged contribution to construction of illegal Israeli settlements

#uoft #Israel #norway #studentprotests #gaza

on Mon, 5AM


From tumblr.com


2 5

Tumblr. Pure effervescent enrichment. Old internet energy. Home of the Reblogs. All the art you never knew you needed. All the fandoms you could wish for. Enough memes to knock out a moderately-sized mammal. Add to it or simply scroll through and soak it up.

#Food #appeal #children #gaza

on Mon, 5AM


From taz.de

Berichte über den Nahost-Konflikt: Ihre Heiligkeit, die UNO

1 2

UNO-Berichte und die Aussagen von UNO-Experten werden fast nie hinterfragt. Das Beispiel Israel zeigt, warum sich das dringend ändern muss.

#un #gaza #hamas #Israel #terror #HumanRights

on Mon, 5AM

Showing first 20 out of 136