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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From mondoweiss.net

From Gaza to California: the flames that connect us all

3 10

The fires burning in Palestine and Los Angeles today are symptoms of the same disease: a system that values conquest over conservation, profit over people, and expansion over existence.

#palestine #losangeles #gaza #California

on Sat, 4PM

From mondoweiss.net

The unknown fate of Palestinian journalist Haitham Abd Elwahed

2 2

For more than a year, Israeli authorities have refused to give any information about what has happened to Haitham Abd Elwahed since October 7, 2023 — leaving his family in heartbreaking limbo.

#gaza #Israel #palestine

8h ago

From mondoweiss.net

Mondoweiss Social

1 1

News & Analysis for People Taking Action for Palestine.

#bluesky #socialweb #activitypub

12h ago

From mondoweiss.net

Despite repression, the campus movement for Palestine remains strong

1 3

Attacks on Dr. Tiffany Willoughby-Herard at the University of California Irvine reflect the repression facing the Palestine campus movement across the country. But like other liberation movements before, activists remain strong and need our support.

on Sun, 5PM

From mondoweiss.net

‘Rain doesn’t last forever, habibi’: A long winter night in a tent in Gaza

1 3

In Gaza, survival is a daily act of defiance. Finding moments of laughter and warmth in a tent battered by rain is nothing short of a miracle.

on Sun, 6PM

From mondoweiss.net

Rutgers student lived through the Gaza genocide but says she didn’t survive

1 1

Basma Alafifi may have lived through the Gaza genocide, but she doesn’t feel she survived. Now studying at Rutgers University in New Jersey, separated from her family, the genocide hasn’t ended, it has just shifted its location.

#gaza #Israel #palestine

4h ago

From mondoweiss.net

Weekly Briefing: Biden fuels Israel’s genocide with $8B in aid as Trump prepares his return

1 1

Joe Biden sends Israel $8 billion in military equipment to fuel its Gaza genocide, while Trump prepares to return to the White House.

#gaza #palestine

20h ago

(Showing 9 out of 9.)