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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From mondoweiss.net

Israel plans to steal more Palestinian land in West Bank

2 2

Don't let the ridiculous presidential debate distract you from what Israel is planning to do in the occupied West Bank. Israeli politician and settler Bezalel Smotrich plans to annex over 60% of th...

#Video #Israel #palestine

14h ago

From mondoweiss.net

The question of Hamas and the Left

2 4

The Left must confront this basic fact. One cannot claim solidarity with Palestine and dismiss, overlook, or exclude Hamas.

#gaza #Israel #palestine

on Jun 1

From mondoweiss.net

Emergency statement on the health and human rights crisis in the West Bank

2 2

Alongside the catastrophe in Gaza, another crisis is unfolding in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where the Israeli military has launched land incursions, conducted airstrikes, restricted access to resources, and targeted health infrastructure.

#gaza #Israel #palestine

10h ago

From mondoweiss.net

The night Israel killed my family

1 2

On the night of March 2 Israel wiped out four generations of my family. I barely survived the slaughter. It is now my responsibility to tell their story.

#Israel #genocide #apartheid #palestine #ethniccleansing #settlercolonialism

on Jun 25

From mondoweiss.net

In Tehran, Gaza rekindles the revolution

1 5

For some in Iran, the West’s relentless punishment has weakened the revolutionary fires of 1979. But for countless others, they are being rekindled by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza.

#oil #war #Iran #wars #world #Europe #ausgov #wealth #Iranian #british

on Sat, 2PM

From mondoweiss.net

The U.S. power structure is blindly dedicated to Israel

1 1

When the board of the Columbia Law Review clumsily censored a pro-Palestinian article it revealed the degree to which pro-Israel ideology is enmeshed in the U.S. power structure. Luckily, a generational shift is changing this before our eyes.

#gaza #Israel #palestine

on Tue, 9PM

From mondoweiss.net

The kibbutzniks blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza

1 1

Complicity in genocide is not confined to the Israeli right. Members of the liberal organization that spearheaded the anti-Netanyahu protests last year are now blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza.

#gaza #Israel #palestine

on Wed, 3AM

From mondoweiss.net

Israel is committing genocide. Its enablers can be held to account.

1 1

Since October 7, scholars have debated whether Israel’s actions meet the legal threshold of genocide. A meticulous new report finds the evidence is clear and overwhelming.

#gaza #Israel #palestine

on Jun 2

From mondoweiss.net

Why the fight for Palestine is the fight against U.S. imperialism in the region

1 2

We need an alternative approach to understanding Palestine that situates it within the wider region and the Middle East’s central place in our fossil fuel-centered world.


on Tue, 12PM

From mondoweiss.net

‘For the resistance’: Tulkarem residents face Israeli airstrikes and assassinations

1 1

Members of the Tulkarem resistance in the northern West Bank remain defiant as community members rally around them after an Israeli airstrike assassinated one of their leaders.

#gaza #Israel #palestine

9h ago

(Showing 10 out of 10.)