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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From t.me

Quds News Network

2 17

From Palestine đŸ‡”đŸ‡ž to the World

#un #China #genocide #palestinians #gaza #Israel

on Nov 2


From youtube.com

“This Must End”: Israel Orders New Mass Evacuation, Continuing Attacks on Gaza Health System

2 2

Support our work: https://democracynow.org/donate/sm-desc-ytThe Israeli military has issued new evacuation orders for eastern Khan Younis and Rafah, where mo...

#bds #icc #icj #Biden #unrwa #Israel #racism #genocide #thehague #westbank

14h ago


From infosec.exchange

BrianKrebs (@briankrebs@infosec.exchange)

1 1

Hats off to Recorded Future for this research, which shows how you can catch people accessing CSAM using botnet/infostealer logs. Kind of a no-brainer for law enforcement. https://www.recordedfuture.com/caught-in-the-net-using-infostealer-logs-to-unmask-csam-consumers

#un #css #icc #icj #csam #gaza #kids #power #water #nudity

18h ago


From agendamilitant.org

Stop au génocide à Gaza !

1 1

Ce n’est pas parce que les mĂ©dias aux ordres ne parlent plus de la Palestine et que tout est focalisĂ© sur les Ă©lections lĂ©gislatives, que nous allons nous abstenir de manifester pour l’arrĂȘt du (...)

#gaza #genocide #apartheid #palestine

16h ago


From alter.quebec

Comment IsraĂ«l utilise l’IA contre le peuple palestinien - Journal des Alternatives - une plateforme altermondialiste - JdA-PA

1 1

Le conflit israĂ©lo-palestinien, enracinĂ© depuis des dĂ©cennies, cache des rĂ©alitĂ©s encore mĂ©connues. Des donnĂ©es biomĂ©triques aux soldats neurodivergents, l’armĂ©e sioniste utilise divers moyens pour consolider son pouvoir au dĂ©triment de la population palestinienne.

#AI #ia #gaza #Israel #genocide #palestine

14h ago


From declassifieduk.org

Pro-Israel tycoon gives Labour half a million pounds

2 5

Stuart Roden started a company with an Israeli special forces veteran and a senior Conservative. He’s now among Labour’s top election donors.

#gaza #ge2024 #labour #starmer #genocide #ukpolitics #partydonors #declassifieduk #generalelection #novotesforgenocide

on Tue, 6PM


From chroniquepalestine.com

Les Israéliens affament les Palestiniens pour les soumettre

1 1

L'aide humanitaire ne devrait jamais ĂȘtre politisĂ©e, mais il arrive, assez souvent, que la survie mĂȘme d’une nation soit utilisĂ©e comme monnaie d'Ă©change politique.

#eau #unrwa #famine #slider #genocide #politique #editoriaux #gazablocus #environnement #crimesdeguerre

15h ago


From truthout.org

Israel Has Forcibly Displaced 1.9 Million Palestinians in Gaza

1 3

Israel’s assault has displaced over 1 million people just since May, a UN human rights official said.


on Wed, 12AM


From religionnews.com

Presbyterian Church (USA) votes to divest from Israel bonds

2 4

(RNS) — On Monday, the denomination also passed a resolution denouncing Christian Zionism.

#bds #gaza #Israel #educide #genocide #apartheid #palestine #warcrimes #bdsmovement

on Wed, 12AM


From writeworks.uk

Ukraine Daily Summary - Wednesday, July 3 2024

2 2

Russia struggles to control finances as Ukraine invasion spending soars -- NATO plans to establish new post in Kyiv, 'Trump-proof' Ukraine aid, WSJ reports -- Mass fire breaks out in Russia's Kursk Oblast, authorities say -- Russia deployed attack submarines close to Irish Sea on 2 occasions,...

#Xi #t80 #News #kyiv #nato #Putin #orban #tanks #Dnipro #Russia

21h ago


From aljazeera.com

How Israel destroyed Gaza’s ability to feed itself

6 17

The annual celebration of abundant harvests has been replaced by widespread devastation and a dire humanitarian crisis.

#iof #famine #farming #genocide #agriculture #remotesensing #Israel #palestine #gaza

16h ago


From countercurrents.org

Israel Orders Mass Displacement Of Palestinians From Khan Younis| Countercurrents

1 1

Israel ordered the mass displacement of another 250,000 people from the city of Khan Younis in Gaza on Monday, in the latest stage of its genocide against the

#gaza #genocide #palestine #warcrimes

16h ago


From palestinechronicle.com

‘Ceasefire Now’ - Israeli Generals Reveal Extent of Army Crisis in Gaza

1 2

Israel’s top generals are advocating for a ceasefire in Gaza, even if it means the Palestinian movement Hamas remains in power.

#gaza #genocide #palestine #warcrimes

on Tue, 9PM

Showing first 20 out of 29