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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From townscript.com

ADCx India 25 Tickets by Elisyan India Pvt. Ltd. (On behalf of ADCx India), Friday, January 17, 2025, Bengaluru Event

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Online event Registration & ticketing page of ADCx India 25. Buy Tickets for this Bengaluru Event organized by Elisyan India Pvt. Ltd. (On behalf of ADCx India).

#MusicTech #adcxindia #audiotech #bengaluru #gameaudio #hackathon #conference #techevents #audiodevcon #audioplugins

18h ago


From sessionize.com

MiXiT 2025: Call for Speakers

1 1

MiXiT is a conference focused on ethics and diversity in tech, crafted in Lyon with crêpes and ❤️Our goal is to be more than just an IT conference. Ou...

#it #cfp #web #tech #mixit #conference #callforpapers

on Nov 18


From google.com

Inscription Tremplin Mixit 2025

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Tu rêves de donner ta première conférence mais tu ne sais pas comment t’y prendre ? Bonne nouvelle ! La conférence Mixit et CraftsRecords ont le plaisir de t'annoncer la réédition de la mini conférence le Tremplin de Mixit. Cet évènement est réservé aux personnes n'ayant aucune expérience en...

#it #cfp #web #tech #mixit #conference #callforpapers

on Nov 26

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