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Online event Registration & ticketing page of ADCx India 25. Buy Tickets for this Bengaluru Event organized by Elisyan India Pvt. Ltd. (On behalf of ADCx India).
#MusicTech #adcxindia #audiotech #bengaluru #gameaudio #hackathon #conference #techevents #audiodevcon #audioplugins
18h ago
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MiXiT is a conference focused on ethics and diversity in tech, crafted in Lyon with crêpes and ❤️Our goal is to be more than just an IT conference. Ou...
#it #cfp #web #tech #mixit #conference #callforpapers
on Nov 18
Inscription Tremplin Mixit 2025
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Tu rêves de donner ta première conférence mais tu ne sais pas comment t’y prendre ? Bonne nouvelle ! La conférence Mixit et CraftsRecords ont le plaisir de t'annoncer la réédition de la mini conférence le Tremplin de Mixit. Cet évènement est réservé aux personnes n'ayant aucune expérience en...
#it #cfp #web #tech #mixit #conference #callforpapers
on Nov 26