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From ko-fi.com

Support Jake Rayson on Ko-fi! ❤️. ko-fi.com/natureworks

1 4

Support Jake Rayson On Ko-fi. Ko-fi lets you support the people and causes you love with small donations

#conference #ecological #foodforest #woodmeadow #restoration #woodmeadows #biodiversity #forestgarden

2h ago

From locked.de

Good Conference Talks aren’t just Success Stories – The IT Blog

1 1

Recently, my colleagues and I attended the World of Data conference. (The conference is an event in the data and anylytics industry, where latest trends, techno

#wod24 #conference #worldofdata #presentations

5h ago

From psdi.ac.uk

Edinburgh Open Research Conference 2024 - Physical Sciences Data Infrastructure

1 1

An article about Dr Cerys Willoughby's recent attendance at the Edinburgh Open Research Conference 2024 on behalf of PSDI.

#uk #psdi #research #education #conference #openresearch

12h ago