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24 126 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From theia-ide.org

Theia - Cloud and Desktop IDE Platform

1 7

Theia is an open-source cloud &nbsp; desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript.

#foss #coding #opensource #development #programming

on Nov 14


From design-foundations.com

Extract the color palette and typography of any website

1 1

Get inspiration from other websites design foundations and extract their color palette and typographies.

#brand #Design #webdev #website #business #frontend #launches #uidesign #webdesign #designtheme

2h ago


From matduggan.com

A Eulogy for DevOps

1 39

The DevOps movement has died out. What went wrong?

#agile #devop #webdev #backend #analyses #frontend #waterfall #kubernetes #development #engineering

15h ago


From youtube.com

Interview with Esoteric Language Academic 2024

1 4

Esoteric programming languageFull version + BC Vim Linter for $5 tomorrow on: https://www.patreon.com/ProgrammersAreAlsoHuman Interview with an Esoteric deve...

#c64 #lua #java #lisp #rust #golang #python #haskell #hashtags #software

20h ago


From coryd.dev

Building out a books page

1 1

I had a ton of fun reading about how Melanie put together her reading page that I thought I'd write up a quick post on how I built mine.

#books #webdev #development

15h ago


From minutestomidnight.co.uk

Leaving the web industry

1 8

I accepted an offer for a permanent job in one of the most prestigious British institutes. To get there, I had to first understand I'm not cut for the web industry anymore.

#webdev #development

on Fri, 6PM


From nngroup.com

Checkboxes: Design Guidelines

2 3

Checkboxes allow users to select one, some, or none of items from a list. They can be used standalone, in checkbox lists, or nested checkbox lists.

#Design #webdev #checkbox #frontend #typology #uidesign #usability #webdesign #guidelines #development

on Wed, 8AM


From khalidabuhakmeh.com

Parse Markdown Front Matter With C#

1 1

Learn to parse markdown files with existing frontmatter using .NET and C#. Useful when integrating ASP.NET with a static site generator like Jekyll or 11ty.

#blog #dotnet #development #programming

4h ago


From climateaction.tech

The perfect site doesn’t exist - Branch

1 1

Michelle explains what building a humane web means to her and how notions of perfectionism can stand in the way of developers building it.

#webdev #development

on May 4


From climatelinks.org

Natural Climate Solutions for Tanzania: An Overview of Options

1 1

USAID’s Sustainable Landscape Opportunity Analyses (SLOAs) provide national-level overviews to reveal the relative impact of options for reducing GHG emissions through land conservation, management, and restoration. In 2023, with the objective to inform USAID programming in support of the...

#ghg #land #usaid #carbon #topdown #community #footprint #governance #mitigation #transition

on Jun 26


From aliyesha.com

उत्तरकाशी: नाबार्ड की ग्रामीण आधारभूत सुविधा विकास निधि के तहत उत्तरकाशी जिले में योजनाओं के लिए रू. 223 करोड़ 12 लाख।

1 1

जिलाधिकारी डॉ. मेहरबान सिंह बिष्ट ने नाबार्ड, लीड बैंक एवं संबंधित विभागों के अधिकारियों की बैठक लेकर नाबार्ड के द्वारा वित्त पोषित योजनाओं की समीक्षा की।

#News #india #press #rural #nabard #farmers #farming #privacy #village #husbandry

23h ago


From cnbusinessforum.com

ICIF China 2024: Leading International Chemical Industry Fair

1 1

Join ICIF China 2024 in Shanghai, Sept 11-13, for cutting-edge innovations in chemicals and energy. Register now!

#expo #fair #China #green #world #meeting #chemical #industry #shanghai #chemistry

on May 22


From sparktoro.com

2024 Zero-Click Search Study: For every 1,000 EU Google Searches, only 374 clicks go to the Open Web. In the US, it’s 360. - SparkToro

2 6

Over the past decade, I’ve done several reports with multiple clickstream panels analyzing Google search behavior at scale. The last such analysis was in

#seo #study #google #webdev #openweb #SmallWeb #business #findings #indieweb #development

8h ago


From microsoft.com

User insights: Analyze customer identity data

1 1

Discover how to analyze customer identity data with user insights in Microsoft Entra External ID

#azure #identity #development #integration

2h ago

Showing first 19 out of 19