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From novayagazeta.eu

‘I had no hope of getting out’. One Yakut anti-war punk musician’s long journey to freedom in Berlin — Novaya Gazeta Europe

1 1

In disgust at Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Yakut punk musician Aykhal Ammosov defiantly resolved to display a banner reading “Yakutian punk against the war” during a visit by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to the city of Yakutsk in Russia's Far East in August 2022.

#epic #punk #yakut #Arrest #Russia #berlin #escape #prison #antiwar #freedom

on Fri, 2AM


From wixsite.com

Decoding the Human Mind: A Journey into the Semantic Map of the Brain

1 1

What if we could peek into the workings of the human brain to see how it organises words and meanings? For centuries, philosophers, linguists, and neuroscientists have grappled with the mysteries of how we understand language. Recent breakthroughs in brain imaging and cognitive science are...

#mind #brain #human #journey

18h ago

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