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From rawchili.com

Rudo's Colorado Avalanche Development Camp Vlog

1 1

Rudo's Colorado Avalanche Development Camp Vlog well it's that time of year again it's Avalanche Dev Camp time

#aj #avs #cal #dev #nhl #camp #dnvr #eric #rudo #sean

8h ago

From lucabased.xyz

It's Jamie (@SjamieIt)

1 1

In 2009, a small change to the way Ottawa collects Development Charges resulted in a very significant subsidy on sprawl. This change was made by city staff, against the direction of council, buried in a 450 page background study, and nobody on council seems to have noticed.🧵

#ottawa #sprawl #ottpoli #subsidies #development

22h ago

From youtube.com

openSUSE Conference 2024 - Developing on Aeon with Distrobox

1 2

https://media.ccc.de/v/4593-developing-on-aeon-with-distroboxDistrobox as your development environmentWith the advent of Atomic and Transactional systems lik...

#aeon #atomic #opensuse #distrobox #immutable #development

on Fri, 9AM

From globalvoices.org

Pouring concrete on rice fields in Nepal

1 2

Delayed rains, a prolonged heatwave, rapid urbanization, and climate change have hampered Nepal's rice plantation industry, transforming the country from a rice exporter to an importer.

#rice #Nepal #crops #urban #development

on Mon, 6PM

From heise.de

Die kleine Codefabrik: KI-Tools für Entwickler im Überblick

1 1

Mit dem Tippen der ersten Zeile einer neuen Funktion schreibt die IDE sie automatisch weiter – mit dieser Arbeitserleichterung locken zahlreiche KI-Angebote.

#paywall #heiseplus #development #webdevelopment #artificialintelligence

on Jun 25