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From lemmy.ca

Sign I just made for a friend, done with a Dremel - Lemmy.ca

1 1

Started with a stair tread from Home Depot. Cut off the corners with the scroll saw. Routered the edges with the Roman Ogee bit. Then I printed out the letters and traced them on with transfer paper. Used a Dremel with a very small round bit to cut the letters. Filled with black acrylic paint....


11h ago


From lemmy.ca

Table saw blade recommendations? - Lemmy.ca

1 1

What’s a decent blade for ripping accurately? I’m using an old Craftsman 113 belt-driven saw, which I understand isn’t very powerful. I’d like to get nice rips on some 3/4” thick oak. If I can rip thicker stock in the future, that would be great, but as long as I can at least rip thicker...


1h ago

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