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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From askubuntu.com

Samba cant connect, exept

1 1

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS I have set up a new samba server as my old server is getting ancient :D I only use linux when setting up a new server these days, so it can be years between every time. But I can't

#samba #server #networking #filesharing

4h ago


From amodm.com

Running a Linux router on macOS

1 1

Using macOS's Virtualization.Framework and a few other hacks to configure a fully functional high performance Linux VM as a router on macOS.

#blog #linux #macos #networking

14h ago


From askubuntu.com

Share device connected via LAN to others via WIFI

1 1

I'm quite new to linux, so it's hard for me to search for the right solution for my network problem. My problem: I want to connect a device with only Ethernet to other users in my home network over...

#networking #networkmanager

14h ago


From entomologytoday.org

Networks Start Small: How Entomology Students Can Build Connections in an Office or Lab

1 1

The people you work with as entomology students could likely be future colleagues and collaborators in your professional career. Networking and relationship-building as a student will build your skills and confidence in the short term, but it is also an investment in your future.

#students #entomology #networking

14h ago


From askubuntu.com

Wifi issue: Connection failed (Activation of network connection failed) 22.04

1 1

I have a dual boot system. While connecting to WiFi, it stays in the connecting state and then I encountered the error 'Connection failed (Activation of network connection failed)'. I tried some co...

#internet #wireless #networking #networkmanager

on Wed, 7AM


From askubuntu.com

Error: Conflicting default route declarations for IPv6 (table: main, metric: default), first declared in ens3 but also in he-ipv6

1 1

I have a server from OVH (VPS) but unfortunatelly they only provide a /128 IPv6 block. So, I decided to use a Hurricane Electric (HE) tunnel to have a /64 IPv6 block. I've followed HE instructions ...

#ipv6 #server #tunnel #netplan #networking

4h ago

Showing first 10 out of 10