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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From palestinechronicle.com

'Worse than Abu Ghraib' - This is How Israel Tortures Its Palestinian Hostages

1 1

In what Ronen Bar labeled as an “incarceration crisis”, Israeli prisons and detention centers collectively hold 21,000 Palestinian hostages. 

#gaza #Israel #palestine #HumanRights #israeliwarcrimes

22h ago

From palestinechronicle.com

Israel’s Attorney-General Requests Closure of Sde Teiman Detention Camp

1 1

Israel’s Attorney-General has reportedly requested the immediate closure of the now-infamous Sde Teiman detention centre.

#gaza #Israel

20h ago

From palestinechronicle.com

Israel’s Targeting of Pro-Palestinian Voices has Grown More Pernicious since Oct 7 - Analysis

1 2

The Shirion Collective is an Israeli disinformation network that offered “bounties” for information on pro-Palestinian activists. 

#hasbara #zionism #genocide #palestine #warcrimes

on Fri, 2AM

(Showing 3 out of 3.)