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From apnews.com

A bomb kills the head of Russia’s nuclear defense forces and his assistant in Moscow

20 20

Kirillov, who was named the head of Russia’s nuclear defense forces in April 2017, was under sanctions from several countries including the U.K. and Canada for his role in Ukraine.

#us #sbu #wwi #Putin #USpol #moscow #nuclear #russian #weapons #kirillov

23h ago


From arxiv.org

The publication activity and migration trends of Ukrainian scientists in the social sciences and humanities during the first two years of the Russo-Ukrainian war

1 1

This study analyses the publication activity and migration patterns of Ukrainian scholars in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) during the initial two years of the Russo-Ukrainian war. Focusing on scholars who published at least three papers, the study underscores the resilience of these...

#war #ukraine #migration #humanities #bibliometrics #socialsciences

18h ago


From wacoca.com

アサド前政権が殺害の10万人以上、シリア首都近郊の集団墓地に埋葬か | ロイター

1 1


#ru #sy #us #Civ #cwp #dip #gen #jln #pol #trn

12h ago


From wacoca.com

ロシア、バルト海での妨害行為でNATO試す=ポーランド軍高官 | ロイター

1 1


#pl #ru #NRG #TEL #com #cwp #def #dip #eeu #enr

8h ago


From wacoca.com

トランプ氏、ガザ人質解放なければ深刻な結果と改めて警告 | ロイター

1 1


#il #lb #ps #us #cwp #gen #jln #pol #trn #un1

8h ago


From wacoca.com

シリアは内戦開始時の金保有高維持、26トン 外貨準備は大幅減=関係者 | ロイター

1 1


#sy #bnk #cen #com #cwp #dip #eci #eco #fin #gen

8h ago

Showing first 20 out of 57