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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From thecanary.co

Met Police are trying to SHUT DOWN pro-Palestine demo on 6 July to 'protect Labour'

2 2

Palestine Solidarity Campaign has condemned attempts by the Met Police to prevent a pro-Palestine march in central London on Saturday 6 July

#uk #acab #gaza #rafah #ukgov #ukpol #ausgov #anticop #politas #antinazi

15h ago


From t.me

Antifascist Solidarity

1 1

Our government has done nothing to warn let alone take steps to prosecute the thousand or so Australians who have joined the Israeli army to perpetrate genocide. https://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/australia-is-obliged-to-investigate-citizens-fighting-for-israel-says-the-acijs-rawan-arraf/

#gaza #nazis #rafah #ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #israeli #politas #antinazi

11h ago


From apple.news

Report: Israeli soldiers filmed using detainees in Gaza as 'human shields' — Haaretz

1 1

Video footage published by Al Jazeera shows soldiers ordering Palestinians, wearing Israeli army uniforms with body cameras attached to them, to enter buildings and tunnel openings ahead of the soldiers

#embargoisrael #freepalestine

18h ago


From youtube.com

الجيش الاسرائيلي يبحث عن مجندين!.وعائلة نتنياهو تتهم رئيس الاركان بالإعداد لانقلاب عسكرى؟

1 1

وزير الأمن الإسرائيلي: يجب أن ندمر الجميع .حتى يسود السلام!.ولهذا السبب تتجه إسرائيل للتهدئة فى غزةفهرس الحلقة:لماذا يهاجم الإعلام العبري السعودية؟ ...

#saudi #arabia #racism #israeli #zionism #palestine #middleeast #saudiarabia #freepalestine #israelwarcrimes

19h ago


From youtube.com

Aaron Bushnell Was the Tip of the Iceberg. Now US Troops are Quitting the Military Over Gaza

1 1

American service members are quitting the military in protest of the US government's role in the Gaza genocide. Dozens of troops have filed for Conscientious...

#uspolitics #freepalestine

49m ago


From youtube.com

Israeli soldiers using Palestinians as human shields in Gaza and the West Bank

2 2

In new exclusive footage obtained by Al-Jazeera, Palestinian prisoners appear as human shields for Israeli soldiers in Gaza.The footage shows two instances w...

#gaza #Israel #palestine #warcrimes #humanshields #palestinians #freepalestine #middleeasteye #freepalestinenow #savageisraelisoldiers

12h ago


From solidarity.net.au

Sanction Israel not Senator Payman – Solidarity Online

1 1

Every supporter of Palestine must get behind Senator Fatima Payman, following Anthony Albanese's decision to sanction her for crossing the floor in the Senate to vote with The Greens to recognise a Palestinian state.


5h ago


From theintercept.com

62 Democrats Join 207 Republicans in Vote to Conceal Gaza Death Toll

2 17

Democratic leaders did not tell members to vote against an amendment to block the State Department from citing Gaza’s Health Ministry.

#gaza #Israel #genocide #collusion #complicit #warcrimes #ceasefirenow #freepalestine #uspoliticians #hidingevidence

on Fri, 12PM


From thecanary.co

Manchester company forced to close as Palestine Action overwhelm its offices

2 3

Palestine Action targeted another link in Britain's complicity chain with Israel's genocide in Gaza - this time, tech firm CDW in Manchester

#us #cdw #icc #icj #idf #elbit #hamas #nakba #Israel #pogrom

1h ago


From stopwar.org.uk

Coalition Statement Regarding 6th July Palestine March

1 1

The right to protest against the Genocide in Gaza is once again being challenged by the Police and the political...

#ukpolitics #freepalestine #Righttoprotest #labourfriendsofgenocide

4h ago


From www.gov.uk

Diplomatic Missions condemn demolitions in South Hebron

1 1

Diplomatic Missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah condemn demolitions during visit to Um al Kheir, South Hebron.

#Israel #hebron #westbank #apertheid #palestine #freepalestine

21h ago


From momentmag.com

In Berlin, Some Israeli Ex-Pats Organize Against Germany’s Support for Israel

1 1

Nimrod Flaschenberg's group is a “kosher certificate” for opinions that may be perceived as too critical or controversial in Germany.

#News #gaza #press #Israel #berlin #moment #Germany #israeli #palestine #letgazalive

10h ago


From artistsforpalestine.org.uk

Top Artists Join Campaign to End UK Arms Sales to Israel

1 1

Award winning British artists – Juliet Stevenson, Khalid Abdalla, David Calder, Charlotte Church and Maxine Peake – have released a series of short films, ‘Stop Arming Israel’, calling …

#ukpolitics #freepalestine #stoparmingisrael #dontartwashgenocide

on Mon, 1PM


From aljazeera.com

Israel frees hospital chief with prisons ‘full’ of Gaza captives

5 8

The detainees endured ‘almost daily torture’, claims al-Shifa Hospital Director Muhammad Abu Salmiya.

#us #gaza #Biden #genocide #healthcare #freepalestine #israelitorture

on Mon, 1PM

Showing first 20 out of 24