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From apnews.com

Anti-settlement group says Israel has made largest West Bank land seizure in 3 decades

15 24

An anti-settlement watchdog says Israel has approved the largest seizure of land in the occupied West Bank in over three decades.

#uk #un #bds #icj #Iran #News #gaza #liar #siege #unrwa

on Wed, 12PM

From bbc.com

Australian senator involved in Gaza protest vote resigns

7 7

Fatima Payman has left the Labor party, after being penalised for supporting a vote on Palestinian statehood.

#freepalestine #bbc #News #press

10h ago

From theguardian.com

Pro-Palestine protesters scale roof of Australia’s Parliament House to unfurl banners criticising war in Gaza

7 7

Call for investigation into security breach after parliament partly locked down as activists reveal banner declaring ‘war crimes … enabled here’

#press #auspol #guardian #Worldnews #gazagenocide #freepalestine #australiancomplicity

12h ago

From sky.com

Newborn babies now have little chance of survival in Gaza, hospital director warns

7 7

Mothers are so malnourished they cannot breastfeed, so their babies are dying - literally starving to death - because they cannot get the vital nutrition they desperately need.

#News #genocide #headlines #palestine #freepalestine #gaza #Israel

17h ago

From abc.net.au

Live: Pro-Palestinian activists scale roof of Parliament House as climate protesters glue themselves to foyer

5 5

The public entrance to Parliament House is locked down after pro-Palestinian activists scaled the roof of the building and protesters glued themselves to the marble foyer. Follow live.  

#gaza #gazagenocide #freepalestine #stoparmingisrael #zionismiswhitesupremacism #bds #auspol #Israel

15h ago

From theguardian.com

Fatima Payman quits Labor but will remain in upper house as independent

4 4

WA senator tells press conference she was ‘deeply torn’ amid disagreement with the Albanese government on Palestine

#Alp #labor #auspol #freepalestine

10h ago

From youtube.com

Bombardment in northern Gaza: Rumours spread of withdrawal but attacks continue

2 2

After more than a week of bombardment, rumours spread in the Shujayea neighbourhood in northern Gaza that Israeli forces would be withdrawingSo people return...

#gaza #Israel #ceasefire #freepalestine #palestine

14h ago

From aljazeera.com

Israeli air raid kills 12 in ‘safe zone’; population flees Khan Younis area

2 4

Nine family members among 12 killed in attack on ‘safe zone’ as 250,000 affected by Israeli order to flee Khan Younis.

#gaza #Israel #westbank #palestine #freepalestine

on Wed, 6AM

From youtube.com

Corbyn: Keir Starmer will ‘regret’ his position on Gaza war | The Big Picture

1 1

“The damage was done.”Jeremy Corbyn says the issue of Gaza has convinced a lot of voters to abandon the Labour Party, and that while Keir Starmer might not r...

#ceasefire #palestine #freepalestine

1h ago

From t.me

Antifascist Solidarity

1 1

The Victorian government is using criticism of the Free Palestine movement to justify the suppression of political dissent. https://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/the-ongoing-crackdown-on-the-naarm-palestine-rally-is-targeting-the-right-to-protest/

#law #gaza #naarm #rafah #ausgov #auslaw #auspol #ethics #morals #tasgov

6h ago

From sydneycriminallawyers.com.au

The Ongoing Crackdown on the Naarm Palestine Rally Is Targeting the Right to Protest

1 1

A collective of activists asserts that Victoria is using the political backlash against the Free Palestine movement to implement an antiprotest regime.

#law #gaza #naarm #rafah #ausgov #auslaw #auspol #ethics #morals #tasgov

6h ago

From loquesomos.org

¡Apunten, fuego! Prensa palestina en la mira - LoQueSomos

1 1

Forbidden Stories, ¡Apunten, fuego!, Prensa palestina en la mira, Derecho a la información, Libertad de Comunicación, Genocidio, Gaza

#boycottisrael #freepalestine #palestinalibre #apartheidisrael #journalismisnotacrime #stopgenocideingazanow

9h ago

From loquesomos.org

Israel Katz: el pasado violento del actual ministro de asuntos exteriores de Israel - LoQueSomos

1 1

Israel Katz, pasado violento, ministro de asuntos exteriores, Israel, palestina, Genocidio, Apartheid, Gaza,

#freepalestine #palestinalibre #gazaunderattack

10h ago

From theipmn.org

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Votes to Divest from Israeli Bonds — Israel/Palestine Mission Network (IPMN)

1 1

Monday, July 1, Salt Lake City, UT - The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has voted to divest from Israeli bonds due to the country’s prolonged military occupation and genocidal war in Gaza. The resolution was approved by unanimous consent among the roughly 500 commissioners pre

#divest #gazagenocide #freepalestine #dismantleapartheid

15h ago

From presstv.ir

UK’s complicity in Israeli genocidal war on Gaza to shape Thursdays election

1 1

During the election campaign, it was clear that Labor Party leader Keir Starmer and Conservative Party leader Rishi Sunak are both complicit in the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza.

#war #fact #gaza #Sunak #facts #labor #nazis #ausgov #israeli #politas

21h ago

From youtube.com

“This Must End”: Israel Orders New Mass Evacuation, Continuing Attacks on Gaza Health System

1 2

Support our work: https://democracynow.org/donate/sm-desc-ytThe Israeli military has issued new evacuation orders for eastern Khan Younis and Rafah, where mo...

#bds #icc #icj #gaza #Biden #unrwa #Israel #racism #genocide #thehague

on Wed, 4PM

From thehackernews.com

Israeli Entities Targeted by Cyberattack Using Donut and Sliver Frameworks

1 9

Discover the 'Supposed Grasshopper' cyberattack campaign targeting Israeli entities using open-source frameworks and custom WordPress sites as deliver

#opisraelv2 #cybersecurity #freepalestine

on Wed, 5AM

From sky.com

Israel orders mass evacuation of Palestinians from part of Khan Younis in Gaza

1 3

It comes the head of Gaza's main hospital, al Shifa, was released by Israeli authorities. Mohammed Abu Selmia alleged that he and other detainees were held under harsh conditions and were tortured.

#khanyounis #freepalestine

on Mon, 6PM

From youtube.com

İsrail’in kıtlığa sürüklediği Gazze’de çocuklar yere dökülen makarna tanelerini elleriyle topladı

1 1

İsrail'in kıtlığa sürüklediği Gazze Şeridi'nde yere dökülen makarna tanelerini toplayan Filistinli çocukların durumu bölgede yaşanan gıda krizinin boyutunu g...

#kudus #filistin #palestine #gazagenocide #boycottisrael #freepalestine #israelcriminalstate #israelterroriststate #whitephosphorusbombs #boycottisraelicapital

on Mar 17