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38 249 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From taz.de

debatte: Ungesehenes Leid

1 1

Muslime in Deutschland erfahren seit dem 7. Oktober Ausgrenzung, sagte Sawsan Chebli in der wochentaz. Dem widerspricht Ahmad Mansour

#gaza #hamas #Israel

1h ago


From taz.de

+++ Nachrichten im Nahost-Krieg +++: Israel meldet 900 Getötete in Rafah

1 1

Das israelische Militär will bei Rafah hunderte Hamas-Kämpfer getötet haben. Palästinenser beklagen Tötung einer Großfamilie. Hisbollah spricht über Kampfstopp.

#gaza #hamas #Israel #Nahost #politik #Schwerpunkt #nahostkonflikt

on Wed, 7AM


From t.me

Eureka news

1 3

Canal de información geopolítica independiente 🇪🇸https://twitter.com/EurekaNews10 🇬🇧https://twitter.com/Eureka_News_ENG

#hamas #Israel #israeli

on Jan 27


From t.me

Irina 🇷🇺

1 1

🇮🇱 Generales de Israel quieren tregua con Hamás Seis funcionarios y exfuncionarios de seguridad del país hebreo revelaron que varios generales israelíes quieren un cese al fuego en la Franja de Gaza, aunque Hamás lo aproveche para reponerse. Esta tregua también sería necesaria ahora para los...

#gaza #hamas #Israel

22h ago


From truthofthemiddleeast.com

Herta Muller — OPEN LETTER.

1 1

Truth of the Middle East

#hamas #Israel

on Jun 25


From bbc.com

Hamas faces growing public dissent as Gaza war erodes support

10 10

Palestinians in Gaza are openly criticising the armed group both on the streets and online.

#war #gaza #hamas #Israel #dissent #palestine #government #warweariness #bbc #News

6h ago


From spotify.com

Israel Today: Ongoing War Report

1 13

Listen to Israel Today: Ongoing War Report on Spotify. Stay informed, no matter how busy you are. Reporter Noa Levi of Israel Today: Ongoing War Report brings you the most crucial updates from Israel every hour. Sourced directly from leading news channels and top-rated RSS feeds, our team...

#AI #gaza #hamas #Israel #palestine

on Dec 30


From mastodon.social

Ramesh Gupta (@rameshgupta@mastodon.social)

1 1

Attached: 1 image ⬆️ #permanentStateOfWar #Netanyahu says he will ’only’ accept a partial cease-fire deal that would not end the war Chyron: “After that, we will continue mowing the grass, we won’t give up to them.”👀...

#Iran #gaza #hamas #smotrich #westbank #Hezbollah #netanyahu #settlements #axisofresistance #permanentstateofwar

16h ago


From spreaker.com

Israel Today: Ongoing War Report

1 13

Stay informed, no matter how busy you are. Reporter Noa Levi of Israel Today: Ongoing War Report brings you the most crucial updates from Israel every half hour. Sourced directly from leading news channels and top-rated RSS feeds, our team distills extensive news coverage from 'Telegram Channel...

#AI #gaza #hamas #Israel #palestine

on Oct 26


From japantimes.co.jp

Nine in 10 Gaza residents displaced since war began, U.N. says

1 1

The head of the United Nations' OCHA agency in the Palestinian territories said that around 1.9 million people are thought to be displaced in Gaza.

#un #gaza #hamas #Israel #Worldnews #middleeast #palestinians #israelhamaswar

2h ago


From japantimes.co.jp

Gaza cease-fire efforts show signs of revival as Israel pounds enclave

1 1

Egypt, Qatar and the United States have been trying for months to secure a truce in Gaza, but their efforts have repeatedly failed.

#us #gaza #egypt #hamas #qatar #Israel #Politics #Worldnews #ceasefire #middleeast

5h ago


From audiatur-online.ch

Herta Müller: Der Krieg hat nicht in Gaza begonnen

1 1

Sie ist eine der grössten deutschen Schriftstellerinnen der Gegenwart. Jetzt hat die Nobelpreisträgerin Herta Müller einen schockierenden Weckruf an den West

#hamas #Israel

on Jun 26


From apnews.com

Anti-settlement group says Israel has made largest West Bank land seizure in 3 decades

23 23

An anti-settlement watchdog says Israel has approved the largest seizure of land in the occupied West Bank in over three decades.

#uk #un #bds #icj #News #liar #hamas #siege #unrwa #racism

19h ago

Showing first 20 out of 29