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From theguardian.com

Iran reformist Masoud Pezeshkian extends lead in presidential election count

27 27

Celebration in streets of Tehran as hardliner Saeed Jalili falls further behind in second round, with mixed picture of turnout

#gaza #Raisi #hamas #press #sanei #zarif #Israel #Russia #jalili #voting

21h ago

From jpost.com

IDF strikes Hamas terrorists operating from UNRWA school in central Gaza Strip

3 3

Earlier on Saturday, the Israel Air Force (IAF) struck several terrorists operating in structures located in t

#idf #hamas #unrwa #school

2h ago

From apnews.com

Hamas clears the way for a possible cease-fire after dropping key demand, officials say

3 3

Hamas has given approval for a U.S.-backed proposal for a phased cease-fire deal in Gaza, dropping a key demand that Israel give an up-front commitment for a complete end to the war.

#hamas #Israel #israeli #ceasefire #palestinian #gaza

10h ago

From scmp.com

Israel-Gaza war: Hamas accepts US proposal on talks over Israeli hostages

3 3

There was now a real chance of achieving agreement, in sharp contrast to past instances in the war when Israel said conditions attached by Hamas were unacceptable.

#USA #war #gaza #wnn7 #hamas #Israel #hostages #palestine #breakingnews #negotiations

10h ago

From n-tv.de

Palästinenser beklagen Tote bei Angriff auf Flüchtlingsunterkunft

2 2

Während es hoffnungsvolle Signale von den Verhandlungen zwischen der Hamas und Israel gibt, gehen die blutigen Kämpfe im Gazastreifen weiter. Die Palästinenser lasten Israel einen Luftangriff auf eine als Flüchtlingsunterkunft dienende Schule an. Das israelische Militär erklärt, es habe...

#gaza #hamas #Israel #politik #terrorismus #gazastreifen #palastinenser #nahostkonflikt

1h ago

From francetvinfo.fr

Guerre entre Israël et le Hamas : au moins 16 morts dans un raid israélien sur une école abritant des déplacés, annoncent les autorités palestiniennes

2 2

Le ministère de la Santé du gouvernement du Hamas a précisé que 50 personnes avaient également été blessées et transférées vers l'hôpital des martyrs d'Al Aqsa.

#News #actu #raid #ecole #hamas #morts #Israel #guerre #presse #deplaces

3h ago

From japantimes.co.jp

ICC prosecutor opted for warrants over visit to Gaza

2 2

The sudden cancellation of a planned visit to the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem and Ramallah has angered Washington and London.

#uk #us #USA #war #hamas #Politics #Worldnews #palestine #terrorism #israelhamaswar

16h ago

From spotify.com

Israel Today: Ongoing War Report

2 13

Listen to Israel Today: Ongoing War Report on Spotify. Stay informed, no matter how busy you are. Reporter Noa Levi of Israel Today: Ongoing War Report brings you the most crucial updates from Israel every hour. Sourced directly from leading news channels and top-rated RSS feeds, our team...

#AI #gaza #hamas #Israel #palestine

on Dec 30

From youtube.com

Where is Humanity Going to Shid Now? Ep 1

2 2

One of the symptoms of The Enshittenment is the inability to told more than 1 truth at the same time

#uk #un #bds #gaza #hamas #Israel #uspoli #cdnpoli #genocide #apartheid

on Nov 30

From spreaker.com

Israel Today: Ongoing War Report

2 13

Stay informed, no matter how busy you are. Reporter Noa Levi of Israel Today: Ongoing War Report brings you the most crucial updates from Israel every half hour. Sourced directly from leading news channels and top-rated RSS feeds, our team distills extensive news coverage from 'Telegram Channel...

#AI #gaza #hamas #Israel #palestine

on Oct 26

From jpost.com

Terror groups use Israel-Hamas war to bolster recruiting, inspire lone-wolf attacks

1 1

Western officials are concerned that fallout from the Israel-Hamas war will result in attacks on their turf.

#gaza #hamas #palestine #terrorism #recruitment

1h ago

From jpost.com

Gazan Palestinians rejecting Hamas and Iran, want peace, Abbas advisor says

1 1

Mahmoud Al-Habbash, an advisor to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, stressed that Palestinians did not want October 7 and it was time Hamas committed to a ceasefire.

#pa #gaza #oct7 #hamas #ceasefire #palestine #terrorists

1h ago

From jpost.com

'Like being reborn': Rescued hostage Almog Meir Jan's recorded message at hostage rally

1 1

"It's important that we reach a deal so that all the mothers can embrace their children and husbands, just as I hug my mother every morning now," Jan said.

#gaza #oct7 #hamas #hostages #terrorists

1h ago

From jpost.com

Footage shows: Hamas terrorists beat hungry Gazans for 'stealing' aid

1 1

The terrorists can be seen wearing masks that cover their faces as they hit the tied-up and blindfolded civilians with sticks. The civilians can be heard yelling in pain. 

#gaza #hamas #palestine #barbarians #terrorists

2h ago

From spiegel.de

(S+) Israel: Hamas-Angriff im Kibbuz - Was wurde aus den Überlebenden?

1 1

Am 7. Oktober 2023 wollten sie in Nahal Oz den Geburtstag ihres Kibbuz feiern. Stattdessen kam die Hamas, tötete 15 Menschen. Was wurde aus den Überlebenden?

#hamas #Israel #reporter #palastina #israelgazakrieg #israelgazakriegvideos

4h ago

From amaravati.today

Hamas accepts US proposal on talks over Israeli hostages 16 days after first phase, Hamas source says

1 1

Israeli tanks manoeuvre near the border after entering Israel from Gaza, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, as seen from Israel, July 4, 2024. /Amir Cohen/File PhotoDUBAI/CAIRO - Hamas has accepted a U.S. proposal to begin talks on releasing Israeli hostages, including soldiers and men, 16 days...

#us #News #hamas #israeli #Worldnews #amaravati #middleeast #breakingnews #amaravatitoday

5h ago

From cbsnews.com

Hamas appears to clear way for possible cease-fire deal with Israel after reportedly dropping key demand

1 1

The militant group – which controlled Gaza before triggering the war with an Oct. 7 attack on Israel – has reportedly given initial approval of the cease-fire deal.

#gaza #hamas #terrorist

6h ago

From jpost.com

Chilling document reveals: Preparing for horrifying scenarios of pregnancies in Hamas captivity

1 1

Twelve women remain in Hamas captivity, and the medical system, as reported in Maariv, is preparing for the dreadful possibility of pregnancies resulting from the rape of hostage women. 

#gaza #oct7 #hamas #Israel #hostages #palestine #terrorists

6h ago

From spiegel.de

Israel-Gaza-Krieg: Chancen auf Frieden steigen – Hamas lässt Forderung fallen

1 1

Seit Monaten verhandeln die Hamas und Israel über ein mögliches Ende des Gazakrieges. Nun kommt offenbar Bewegung in die Gespräche. Beteiligte sehen eine reelle Chance auf eine Einigung.

#hamas #katar #Israel #gazastreifen #BenjaminNetanyahu

6h ago

From taz.de

+++ Nachrichten im Nahost-Krieg +++: Hamas lässt Forderung fallen

1 1

Die Hamas sendet Zeichen einer möglichen Einigung im Konflikt. Das Abrücken von der Forderung nach einer Zusicherung Israels könnte zum Waffenstillstand führen.

#gaza #hamas #Israel #Nahost #politik #palastina #Schwerpunkt #nahostkonflikt

8h ago

From spiegel.de

Israel-Gaza-Krieg: Chancen auf Frieden steigen – Hamas lässt Forderung fallen

1 1

Seit Monaten verhandeln die Hamas und Israel über ein mögliches Ende des Gazakrieges. Nun kommt offenbar Bewegung in die Gespräche. Beteiligte sehen eine reelle Chance auf eine Einigung.

#hamas #katar #Israel #gazastreifen #BenjaminNetanyahu

9h ago

From youtube.com

PPN World News Headlines - 6 Jul 2024 • Ukraine is losing the war • Iran's new president

1 1

Perpetual Pixel NewsInternational world news headlines and breaking news today.► Keywords:news headlines, breaking news, news today, current news events, Per...

#Iran #News #etna #gaza #hamas #Israel #Russia #mexico #starmer #topnews

10h ago

From magozine.it

Su Netanyahu, su Hamas, sul cosiddetto scontro di civiltà...

1 1

Su Netanyahu, su Hamas, sul cosiddetto scontro di civiltà... - Il Mago di Oz

#hamas #fallaci #israele #terzani #netanyahu #palestina #inevidenza

11h ago

From yle.fi

Hamasin lähde: Tulitaukoneuvottelut pidetään panttivankineuvottelujen jälkeen

1 1

Neuvottelut panttivankien vapauttamisesta Israelin ja Hamasin välillä alkavat 16 päivän kuluessa. Sen jälkeen vuorossa ovat tulitaukoneuvottelut.

#hamas #aselepo #lahiita #ulkomaat #gazansota #terrorismi #gazankaista #panttivangit #palestiinalaisalueet

16h ago

From g4media.ro

O propunere de acord revizuită prevede discuţii pentru eliberarea ostaticilor israelieni (oficial Hamas)

1 1

O sursă de rang înalt a grupării teroriste Hamas a declarat, sâmbătă, că o propunere revizuită privind termenii unui acord între Israel şi teroriștii

#hamas #Israel #știri #terorism #palestina

17h ago

From qudsnen.co

Germany to prohibit use of red triangle calling it 'Hamas triangle' - Quds News Network

1 1

Germany's House of Representatives voted to prohibit the use of the red triangle calling it 'Hamas triangle'. The Senate is expected to approve the decision.

#red #hamas #Germany #prohibit #triangle

22h ago

From tagesschau.de

Krieg zwischen Israel und Hamas: Neue Hoffnung auf Geisel-Deal

1 3

Seit Monaten stocken die Verhandlungen über eine neue Waffenruhe in Gaza und die Freilassung der Geiseln. Nun scheint Bewegung in die Gespräche zu kommen - und der Druck auf Premier Netanyahu wächst. Von Julio Segador.

#hamas #Israel #Nahost #geiseldeal #gazastreifen

on Thu, 1PM

From youtube.com

Gaza Explained to an Oxford Professor

1 1

Oxford Professor Janina Dill doesn't seem to understand the tactical situation in Gaza and was "at a loss for words" about "who can stop this." The truth is...

#war #gaza #hamas #Israel #palestine

on Dec 13