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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From jacobin.com

Canadian Airline Mechanics’ Defiant Strike Has Paid Off

2 2

Against orders from Justin Trudeau’s government, WestJet mechanics went on strike. Their actions secured substantial wage gains and a resounding victory for workers’ rights.


16h ago

From jacobin.com

Bolivia’s Divided Left Is at Risk of Losing Power

2 2

A clumsy, short-lived coup last month couldn’t bring Bolivia’s discredited conservative forces back to power. But the divide between Luis Arce and Evo Morales over the legacy of the Movement for Socialism could give those forces a bigger opening.


18h ago

From jacobin.com

Biden’s Other Big Liability: Not Speaking to Economic Pain

2 2

If the president's catastrophic debate performance didn’t sink his reelection chances, his deeply flawed campaign strategy likely will. Cost-of-living issues dominate voter concerns, but Biden's 2024 campaign isn't geared toward voters’ material interests.


19h ago

From jacobin.com

Colombia Is Uncovering Right-Wing Militias’ Mass Graves

2 2

Recently, Colombia discovered mass graves in a cemetery over 150 years old in the city of Cúcuta. The bodies, many of which were smuggled into the graveyard this century, reveal unpleasant connections between right-wing militias, business, and the state.


16h ago

From truthout.org

Truthout | Fearless Independent News & Analysis

1 1

Explore progressive perspectives and stay informed on social justice, activism, and politics at Truthout.org. Uncover truth, spark change.

on Jan 23

From inthesetimes.com

In These Times

1 1

Investigative reporting about corporate malfeasance and government wrongdoing, analysis of national and world affairs, and cultural criticism that matters.

15h ago

From theintercept.com


1 1

on Dec 30

From dissentmagazine.org

Dissent Magazine

1 1

An independent quarterly magazine, publishing some of America’s most exciting long-form political and cultural criticism since 1954.

on Apr 17

(Showing 11 out of 11.)