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52 220 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From poetizer.com

Trojan Vance - Poetizer.com

1 1

Share your original poetry, discover new poems daily, and make meaningful connections with a global community of poets and poetry enthusiasts. Join today!

#poetry #capitalism #alzheiemers #technofascism

6h ago


From youtube.com

The PROBLEM with Cruise Ships

1 1

Visit https://ground.news/futureproof to access diverse perspectives all in one place to stay fully informed. Subscribe through my link for as little as $1/m...

#Travel #capitalism #cruiseships #futureproof #exploitedlabour #consumerknowledge #environmentalissues

22h ago


From consortiumnews.com

Pillaging by the Super-Rich

1 2

American workers are getting fleeced and they know it, writes Les Leopold. By Les Leopold Common Dreams There comes a time in the history of a nation when extreme inequality turns into pillage. If economic power is concentrated so is political power, and the wealthy are able to do whateve

#us #USA #capitalism

on Mon, 7PM


From climatejustice.social

PaulaToThePeople (@PaulaToThePeople@climatejustice.social)

1 1

I think the biggest coup that #capitalism ever scored, was to make people believe that humans who made it out of an active war zone, crossed a desert and rowed a shitty rubber raft over an ocean are dangerously lazy freeloaders, while people who inherit billions from exploitative ancestors and...


on Jun 26


From globalnews.ca

Greece is bringing in a 6-day work week. Could Canada follow? - National | Globalnews.ca

2 3

Greek workers began a 48-hour work week starting Monday, a move that union representatives from across industries have termed “barbaric."

#cdnpoli #capitalism

on Wed, 3PM


From blogspot.com

Book Review: <i>Aid State</i>

1 1

Jake Johnston, Aid State: Elite Panic, Disaster Capitalism, and the Battle to Control Haiti . New York: St. Martin's Press, 2024.  ISBN: 978...

#blog #ngos #Haiti #books #review #history #reading #writing #caribbean #badeconomy

14h ago


From thebulletin.org

The University of Chicago’s new climate initiative: brave research program or potentially dangerous foray into solar geoengineering?

1 1

The University of Chicago is attempting to position itself as the place for serious scientific consideration of the logistics and implications of Earth system interventions aimed at reversing or counteracting climate change.

#climate #science #degrowth #capitalism #Environment #climatechange #businessasusual

on Jun 26


From tweaktown.com

Nintendo won't use generative AI in its first-party games

3 4

Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa has revealed that the company currently has no plans to use generative AI in its games due to IP rights concerns.

#AI #Bubble #nintendo #capitalism #generativeAI

on Wed, 2PM


From aljazeera.com

As same-sex marriage nears, Thailand’s businesses chase the ‘pink baht’

4 4

Wedding planners, hotels, malls and mortgage brokers are hoping to cash in on the legalisation of same-sex unions.

#lgbtq #press #capitalism

11h ago


From reneweconomy.com.au

“Off the charts:” Solar is about to leave nuclear and everything else in the shade

2 2

Solar is on track to become the biggest source of electricity on the planet by the mid-2030s. The Economist says to bet against that is to bet against capitalism.

#energy #alberta #finance #Politics #capitalism #climatechange

18h ago


From boingboing.net

Black mold on Delta Air Lines meal sickens passengers — and prompts emergency landing

2 2

Black mold on spoiled Delta Air Lines meal prompts emergency landing at JFK — 70 out of 277 passengers get sick

#faa #Biden #delta #boeing #airlines #sucksass #capitalism #foodsafety

15h ago


From theguardian.com

NHS leader calls for partnership with private sector to build new hospitals

5 5

Exclusive: NHS Providers head says joining with private health firms and developers would help care backlog

#press #Health #capitalism #neoliberalism #privatization #nhs

11h ago


From thestar.com

‘Monumental’: Migrant workers at mushroom farms join union

1 1

Representatives of United Food and Commercial Workers hope it will be an inspiration for other vulnerable workers toiling in the agri-food industry.

#ufcw #union #Canada #unions #classwar #sumitomo #abbotsford #capitalism #immigration #exploitation

19h ago

Showing first 17 out of 17