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99 309 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From theguardian.com

Can things only get better for England? | Brief letters

7 7

Letters: Football and politics | Tactical voting | Dyslexia | Election jinx | Boris Johnson | Polling song | Note for the new chancellor

#punk #music #Europe #france #labour #england #Politics #dyslexia #football #guardianlimerick

13h ago


From theguardian.com

Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer

36 36

Labour leader also says he cannot foresee circumstances where UK would re-enter single market or customs union

#uk #snp #ge24 #press #Rejoin #Election #Politics #RejoinEU #toryplanb #UutisBotEN

15h ago


From voice-online.co.uk

EXCLUSIVE: Labour candidate ‘in tears’ after being ordered to abandon Clacton campaign against Nigel Farage

4 5

Anger grows at the party’s treatment of Jovan Owusu-Nepaul and the news that it accepted a donation of thousands of pounds for his campaign the day after Labour HQ told him “never come back” to the constituency

#forde #ukpol #fascism #reformuk #ukpolitics #clacton #labour

on Tue, 10PM


From theguardian.com

Britain is getting behind tactical voting – and it could wipe the Tories out for a generation | Carol Vorderman

17 17

Voters are realising that we have the chance of a lifetime to consign this destructive, incompetent party to third place, says broadcaster Carol Vorderman

#USpol #press #ge2024 #Politics #political #ukelection #ukpolitics #uk_politics #generalelectionuk #tory

21h ago


From youtube.com

Is Labour planning to do PFI again?

1 1

The private finance initiative was one of the worst legacies of the last Labour government. It was a massively expensive attempt to avoid incurring governmen...


9h ago


From youtube.com

2024 Election Specials. 4. The Conservatives

25 58

Pie's last rant about the Tories before the election.

#eu #bbc #nhs #tax #News #vtto #Sunak #brexit #comedy #farage

6h ago


From youtube.com

Brexit leaves shadow over election choice in Grimsby

1 1

In the port town of Grimsby on the east coast of northern England, an old political rivalry has to contend with a new threat in the UK’s general election. Th...

#eu #brexit #ge2024 #labour #grimsby #ukelection #KierStarmer

13h ago


From bbc.co.uk

General election latest: Second Reform candidate defects to Tories as Sunak defends campaign

3 6

Pressed on the Conseratives' chances, Sunak claims "people are waking up to the dangers of what a Labour government would mean for them".

#sun #Sunak #brexit #labour #starmer #toriesout #SingleMarket #customsunion

on Tue, 10AM


From bbc.com

The Sun backs Labour Party saying it's 'time for change'

6 6

The newspaper says the Tories have become "a divided rabble" and need "a period in opposition to unite".

#uk #bbc #JFT97 #media #ukpol #labour #thesun #Murdoch #gennylec #newspaper

13h ago


From mastodonapp.uk

UK Election Results (@ukelections@mastodonapp.uk)

1 1

SCOTLAND OPINION POLL Headline Westminster voting intention by #Savanta: 🟡 SNP: 34% (=) 🔴 Labour: 31% (-3) 🔵 Conservatives: 15% (+1) 🟠 Liberal Democrats: 9% (+2) ⚪ Reform UK: 6% (=) 🟢 Greens: 3% (+1) Conducted 28 June - 2 July 2024. Changes with 21-26 June 2024. #ukpolitics #ukpol #scotpol...

#snp #ukpol #ge2024 #labour #LibDems #polling #savanta #scotpol #reformuk #scotland

10h ago


From thesun.co.uk

It's time for a change...

1 1

OVER the last five decades we have supported both Labour and Conservative parties. Our commitment has always been to hold the Government’s feet to the fire. And that is what we’re going…

#ukpol #ge2024 #labour #ukpolitics

16h ago


From mastodon.scot

Dial M for Madeye 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 (@MadeyeTheCarnaptious@mastodon.scot)

1 1

"Jeremy Corbyn has warned those in favour of privatising healthcare to “keep your hands off our NHS”, after it was revealed that his Labour opponent made millions of pounds in profit out of private healthcare in just nine months. "The company owned by Praful Nargund, Labour’s pro-privatisation...

#corbyn #labour #starmer #torycontinuityparty

23h ago


From moreincommon.org.uk

More in Common projects Labour will gain a majority of over 200 seats on 4 July

1 1

More in Common and The News Agents have released their third and final MRP of the General Election campaign which projects Labour will win 430 seats in Thursday’s election - a majority of 210, while the Conservatives are expected to hold just 126 seats, their lowest ever result.

#mrp #snp #ukpol #ge2024 #labour #LibDems #polling #reformuk #greenparty #plaidcymru

12h ago


From thecanary.co

SHOCK as Labour 'shuts up shop' and 'stops campaigning' in London as it's 'deeply unpopular on the doorstep'

2 3

A former Labour Party councillor has said that the party HQ has told its London activists to "shut up shop" and stop campaigning

#labour #ukpolitics

21h ago


From substack.com

Keir Starmer will win, but he's already on very thin ice

3 3

A look into the reasons people say they're voting Labour shows that despite heading for a landslide win, Keir Starmer actually has an extremely weak supporter base.

#labour #starmer #generalelection #anotherangryvoice

16h ago


From kitklarenberg.com

British Spies Built Zionist Propaganda Network

1 1

On June 22nd, Declassified UK published an extraordinary interview with Jeremy Corbyn. Now vying for parliament as an independent, having been expelled from Labour due to bogus allegations of antisemitism, he reflected on his brief time as the party’s leader, and the vast media, political, and...

#uk #bicom #Israel #corbyn #labour #smeeth #prevent #starmer #institute #integrity

23h ago


From mediaactivist.com

The Spectre of Starmer Keeps Haunting Me

1 3

The sinister and cynical careerist who seems to have haunted me for years is about to make the UK even more vulnerable to fascist takeover.

#labour #fascism #corbynism #jeremycorbyn #sirkeirstarmer #labourmeanbusiness #labourtorysameoldstory

on Sun, 11PM


From substack.com

Israeli spy still working for Labour during UK election campaign

2 3

Opposition party threatens legal action to cover up Assaf Kaplan’s role.

#spy #lies #kaplan #labour #redtory #starmer #sturmer #intifada #unit8200 #ItWasAScam

on Wed, 6AM

Showing first 20 out of 42