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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From disabledginger.com

Disabled People are the Canaries in the Coal Mine

1 3

When it comes to natural disasters, pandemics, or disruptions to "normal" life, disabled people are proverbial canaries. We get hit harder and faster than others. Why aren't we factored into plans?

#MaskUp #COVID19 #ableism #climate #disability #CovidIsNotOver #climatejustice #DisabilityJustice

on Thu, 4AM


From cold-albion.net

The Tyranny of Anthropocentric Asking

1 1

Hello 2025. LA has burnt, like other places have burnt. Tenuous ceasefires have been suggested in horrific genocidal conflicts while some participants get some quick bombing in before the deadline.…

#disabled #davidlynch #disability

4h ago


From uky.edu

Hatcher developing tools to support people with Dyscalculia | University of Kentucky Research

1 1

Jay Hatcher is developing an app called Ucalculia, which aims to provide a resource for people with dyscalculia that will help them make sense of numbers and equations. 

#math #learning #disability #dyscalculia

17h ago


From abc.net.au

Calls to better understand violence against people with disabilities, after two public attacks in Hobart

2 2

August Vamplew says they had a "run-in" with a "girl gang" on public transport in Hobart, one of two alleged attacks on people with a disability reported so far this year. It's worried experts who say there's a lack of data to highlight the issue.

#crime #disability #madeleinerojahn #peoplewithdisability

8h ago

Showing first 14 out of 14