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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From whoisnick.com

Weeknotes 2025-03-22 - Who is Nick?

1 1

Correction: Monthnotes 2025-03-22. All that energy last month to mix it up, took me down. I was doing ok but then snap - damn you ADHD! I, of course haven't done nothing, just different things: Convert a newer/older laptop to Ubuntu Remembered Drupal; saw they were trying to make a shift to simplify ( no


10h ago


From neurodiversitypodcast.com

Episode 256: Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria with Dr. Bill Dodson (Part 1) — The Neurodiversity Podcast

1 1

Emotional dysregulation is a big part of living with ADHD that doesn’t always get the attention it deserves.

#adhd #neurodivergent

4h ago

Showing first 15 out of 15