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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From youtube.com

Why High Masking Autistics Are Always Exhausted

1 1

Why are autistic people always so tired? It's more than just navigating a world that isn't designed for autism. Today I'm here to tell you 5 reasons why auti...

#AuDHD #cptsd #chronicpain #actuallyautistic #invisibledisability

3h ago


From youtube.com

How To Build Self-Trust

1 1

A transcript is available at:https://www.autismchrysalis.com/2024/07/06/how-to-build-self-trust/I occasionally ask about physical sensations while coaching, ...

#nd #AuDHD #neurospicy #neurodivergent #actuallyautistic

14h ago


From playradical.com

“Shut your face!”; Prioritising, Valuing and Enabling Autistic Children’s Autonomy.

1 1

Listen to audio transcription here or scroll down to read Introduction This is an article about autonomy and instincts through the lens of being autistic and/or living, working and being alongside …


1h ago

Showing first 4 out of 4